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This course focuses on developing lifelong learning skills and information management for entrepreneurial activities. Learn key skills including identifying business opportunities, business planning, and independent work capabilities. Build a purposeful collection of work that showcases your efforts, progress, and achievements in entrepreneurship. Utilize resources, readings, and discussions to enhance your knowledge in entrepreneurship. Source recommended readings for in-depth knowledge.
Entrepreneurial Activities Course Work – 20%
Learning Objective • LLL and Information Management • Entrepreneurial skill
Pembelajaran Berterusan & Pengurusan Maklumat Melibatkan usaha belajar berdikari dalam pemerolehan kemahiran dan pengetahuan baru. LL1 – Kebolehan mencari dan mengurus maklumat yang relevan daripada pelbagai sumber. LL2 – Kebolehan menerima idea baharu dan berkeupayaan untuk pembelajaran autonomi. LL3 – Kebolehan mengembangkan minda ingin tahu dan dahagakan ilmu.
Kemahiran Keusahawanan Melibatkan keupayaan untuk menerokai peluang dan membangunkan kesedaran tentang risiko, kreativiti dan inovasi dalam aktiviti berkaitan perniagaan dan pekerjaan. KK1 – Kebolehan mengenalpasti peluang perniagaan. KK2 – Kebolehan merangka perancangan perniagaan KK3 – Kebolehan membina, meneroka dan merebut peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan. KK4 – kebolehan untuk bekerja sendiri
LLL & IM Skill • If Someone asked, “How can I know what I don’t know?”. How would you response to this? • Life-long learning skill is not something new to the world. The university students will face the rapidly changing world after they graduate. Therefore, it is unquestionable that preparing students to have this skill becomes an important function of university education.
3 Thinking Point • Write down the product that you chose and justify your choice. • What will you do next? • You have a vague understanding on entrepreneurship / being an entrepreneur, what do you need to know and how?
Entrepreneurial Portfolio • A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas of the curriculum. The collection must include the following: • Student participation in selecting contents. • Criteria for selection. • Criteria for judging merits. • Evidence of a student's self-reflection. It should represent a collection of students' best work or best efforts, student-selected samples of work experiences related to outcomes being assessed, and documents according growth and development toward mastering identified outcomes. Source :Paulson, F.L. Paulson, P.R. and Meyer, CA. (1991, February). "What Makes a Portfolio a Portfolio?" Educational Leadership, pp. 60-63. “A document that describes person's learning“ (reflective portfolio)
What goes in the portfolio? • Unstructured, but will see how you organize what goes in it! • Some suggestion :- What you read? (books, articles, blogs, newsletters, success story) What you gain from the reading? KSA Any discussion with course mates, entrepeneurs? How do you apply the KSA on your project? Mind tools to support this activity?
Reading List • Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M.P. & Shepherd D.A. (2005). Entrepreneurship -(6th ed.). US: Irwin McGraw Hill. • Zimmerer, T.W., & Scarborough, N.M. (2005). Essential ofentrepreneurship and small business management. (4 ed.). US: Prentice Hall. • Din,M.S., Hee,H.C., Hashim,N., Keat,O.Y., Ahmad,S., Bakar,H., Deraman,N., Mahmood,R., Mohamad,A., Abu Bakar, L.J., Md. Hussain, M.N. (2004). Asas Keusahawanan. Kuala Lumpur: Thomson Learning. • Greene, C.L. (2004). Entrepreneurship: Ideas in action. US: Thomson Learning. • Kuratko, D.F., & Hodgetts, R.M. (2004). Entrepreneurship - Acontemporary approach. (6th ed.). US:Harcourt College Publishers. • Yusof, A.A. (2003). Prinsip Keusahawanan..Prentice Hall. • Leng, P.W. and Ng, Y. (2003). Practice of Technopreneurship. Prentice Hall • Coulter, M. (2000). Entrepreneurship Action, US: Prentice Hall. • Yusof, A.A. (2000). Jaringan Kerja: Usahawan &Pengukuhan Jaringan Rakan Niaga, UUM. • Hisrich, R.D., & Peters, M.P. (1998). Entrepreneurship -Starting, developing and managing a new enterprise.(4th ed.). US: Irwin McGraw Hill. • Zimmerer, T.W., & Scarborough, N.M. (1996). Entrepreneurship & New Venture Formation,US:Prentice Hall. • Dollinger,M.J. (1995). Entrepreneurship Strategies andResources. US: Austen Press.
Mike Litman [mike@mikelitman.com] Look at, read the biographies of some of the richest people in the world. Let's go down a short list. Tiger = Golf Warren Buffet = Investing Oprah = Talk Show/Connecting with People Rachel Ray = Cooking Spielberg = Movies Jimmy Connors = Tennis Do you realize what made these people GREAT and RICH was being good at 1-3 things? Yes, unbelievable. I can guarantee those people are not good at MUCH more things they're good at. Rich people have identified 'something' the masses haven't. Not only have they 'found' it, they've cultivated it. They've developed it. Maximum income and contribution has been the result. Here's the 'Chocolate Sundae' point to remember: The RICH spend their time MAXIMIZING their strengths, not maximizing their weaknesses. The RICH and GREAT spend 80% of their time in their 'strength zone'. If you spend 80% of your time in an area that you were strong in and enjoyed, how high would your income be?
Discussion • Questions that you would like to raise.