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Spirituality in Jewish Traditions. Rels 120 7 February 2014. Jewish Traditions. Tikkun Olam is an example of a distinctive spiritual tradition and practice that is found in all Jewish denominations. It has a specific meaning (heal, repair and perfect the world).
Spirituality in Jewish Traditions Rels 120 7 February 2014
Jewish Traditions TikkunOlamis an example of a distinctive spiritual tradition and practice that is found in all Jewish denominations. It has a specific meaning (heal, repair and perfect the world). It is represented in a number of spiritual experiences and practices within Judaism. 120 - appleby
Tikkunolam= healing, repairing and transforming ourselves and the world Consider each of these 4 sections and make some notes on how this spiritual practice might be significant for you: • Individual internal transformation • Spontaneous acts of giving • There is enough – You are enough • Changing the world through compassion 120 - appleby
#1. Individual Internal Transformation November 24th, 2010 A Poet on the Psalms with Pamela Greenberg • http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/episodes/november-26-2010/a-poet-on-the-psalms/7553/ Is there a spiritual practice of individual internal transformation that might appeal to you, or be significant for you? 120 - appleby
#2. Spontaneous Acts of Giving • Are you feeling fatigued and stressed? • Are there sources of pain, confusion and suffering in your life? • Do you think that the people around you are also distressed? “Model the kind of love you want to receive …Be the goodness that you wish for in the world.” “See your task as lighting a beacon of hope by being the one person who is giving goodness without expectation of real appreciation” 120 - appleby
Giving for the sake of Giving • What could you do for someone in your life that would be an expression of love and care? • What could you do for someone else that would encourage them and provide them with a “beacon of hope”? • Have you ever had someone do something for you that made you feel loved and cared for? What was it? 120 - appleby
#3. There is Enough – You are Enough Tikkinolamemerges from this perspective: • The global problem is not that there is insufficient food, shelter or clothing, but that there is a huge gap between some who have everything they could need and more, and people who are relegated to generations of poverty. • Those who have every new thing often feel empty and unsatisfied. “If we share the world’s riches, and plan sensibly, there is enough for everyone.” 120 - appleby
There is enough • List 10 things for which you are grateful. • List 3 things that you wish you had. • Do you have far more than you could possibly ever need to have? Name 2 things where you have more than you need. • What could you share with others? 120 - appleby
#4. Changing the World through Compassion • The Medieval Jewish scholar Maimonides states that in saving a life you are teaching the most fundamental Torah of all, which is that the judgments and laws of the Torah are not vengeance against the world, but compassion, kindness and peace in the world.” • What events in Jewish history taught the Jews how to be compassionate? • What situations or people might be changed by your expression of compassion? 120 - appleby
Listen to the following 3 reflections on TikkunOlam As you listen, jot down 3 thoughts for each video clip to share with your group. • Rabbi Jill Jacobs on TikkunOlam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw2TCEAfwjI&feature=related • Ellen Bukstel – TikkunOlam; repair the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I26Uceps2C0&feature=related • TikkunOlam, the Healing and Repair of the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SGaft5TEBA&feature=related 120 - appleby
“There is enough – You are enough” “You are already enough. You don’t have to DO anything. You are created in the image of God, an embodiment of sacred energy, a miracle that is already happening, an heir of the greatest possible wealth, namely the goodness and love of the universe.” • “There is nothing more you have to do but rejoice in who you are and all you have.” 120 - appleby