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Bills Affecting Rural Health Brian Tabor January 21, 2014 Indiana Rural Health Assoc. Public Policy Forum. 2014 Legislative Deadlines. Coverage and the State of the State.
Bills Affecting Rural Health Brian Tabor January 21, 2014 Indiana Rural Health Assoc. Public Policy Forum
Coverage and the State of the State "Traditional Medicaid is not a system we need to expand. It’s a system we need to change. The Healthy Indiana Plan is the right place to start. The Healthy Indiana Plan is consumer-driven healthcare that moves people from emergency rooms to primary care and encourages low-income Hoosiers to take more ownership of their own healthcare decisions. Let me be clear, we will continue to work in good faith with federal officials to expand our Healthy Indiana Plan. I will oppose any expansion of our health insurance system that condemns vulnerable Hoosiers to substandard health care or threatens the fiscal health of our state.“ Governor Mike Pence, Jan. 14, 2014 • Governor still set to meet with Sec. Sebelius in February • IHA will be meeting with administration next week
Coverage Expansion HB 1309: Medicaid matters (Clere) • Co-Authored by Reps. T. Brown, Lehman, and C. Brown • Assigned to the Committee on Public Health • Mandates that the state negotiate with HHS to obtain a Medicaid expansion effective January 1, 2015 • Establishes the Indiana Affordable Care Study Committee • Creates tax refund offsets to fund out-of-pocket amounts owed by individuals under a Medicaid expansion waiver program • Provider rates under a Medicaid expansion waiver program set not less than Medicare, or 130% of Medicaid rates for services not covered by Medicare • Adds services to HIP: Medicaid rehabilitation option, chiropractic, and optometric
Coverage Expansion (con’t.) SB 369: Implementation of the federal ACA (Tallian) • Assigned to the Committee on Appropriations • Expands Medicaid as provided under the ACA, effective July 1, 2014. • Requires Dept. of Insurance to create a state-based exchange. SB 370: Payment of premiums under Medicaid (Tallian) • Assigned to the Committee on Appropriations • Requires FSSA to apply to HHS for a demonstration waiver or SPA to allow FSSA to pay premiums to purchase for individuals up to 138% of FPL coverage under an exchange plan. HB 1406: Application of federal ACA (Harman) • Assigned to the Committee on Ways & Means • Prohibits state action related to ACA enforcement or implementation. • Requires the attorney general to file a civil action for injunctive relief in certain circumstances.
Mental Health and Addiction HB 1131: Study on the prescribing of methadone (Goodin) SB 285: Insulin and Tramadol (Grooms) HB 1360: Addiction and treatment services (C. Brown) HB 1051: Hepatitis C & study of needle exchange (Errington) SB 248: Psychiatric crisis intervention services (Crider) HB 1248: Methamphetamine (Smaltz) SB 235: Mental Health Pilot Project (M. Young) SB 243: Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine (Glick) SB 309: Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine (Skinner) HB 1106: Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine (Kubacki)
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome SB 408: Neonatal abstinence syndrome (Becker) • Assigned to the Committee on Health and Provider Services • ISDH shall adopt emergency rules to establish standards and procedures for mandatory reporting by hospitals of NAS data for at least 3 years following permanent rule’s effective date • The rules must include an appropriate definition of NAS, appropriate methodology for testing NAS newborns, and appropriate screening practices to detect drug abuse by pregnant women • No funding or reimbursement for hospitals(commercial or Medicaid coverage) • Similar HB 1360 (C. Brown) to be heard on Jan. 21
Various Bills HB 1336: EMS state medical director (T. Brown) • Jan. 21st Hearing in Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety • Requires the Dept. of Homeland Security to appoint a state EMS director to oversee all medical aspects of the state EMS system HB 1060: CRNAs (Frizzell) • Assigned to Committee on Public Health • Expands CRNA scope of practice to the podiatric setting HB 1258: Distance treatment by physicians (Shackleford) • Assigned to Committee on Public Health • Requires the MLB to adopt emergency rules to establish a pilot program to allow treatment, including issuing a prescription, without the establishment of an in person patient-physician relationship • Limited to primary care with a minimum of 200 visits (or 100 if prescriptions are issued)
Connect with IHA Next Town Halls (IHA Members) Friday, Feb. 21, 2014 from 10 – 11 a.m. ET • Friday, March 7, 2014 from 10 – 11 a.m. ET Visit us at IHAconnect.org@ihaconnectfacebook.com/INHospitalAssociation QUESTIONS? Brian Tabor, VP - Government Relations 317-423-7743btabor@IHAconnect.org