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The Open Ended Response. Scoring Guide for Spring 2008. Short Answer Scoring. OBJECTIVE: Learn what it takes to have a good short answer and apply it to your own. Today, you will learn the characteristics of a good Short Answer.
The Open Ended Response Scoring Guide for Spring 2008
Short Answer Scoring • OBJECTIVE: Learn what it takes to have a good short answer and apply it to your own. • Today, you will learn the characteristics of a good Short Answer. • We will use the July ’06 Test for reference. Get out all the packets you have. • We will discuss strategies about how to answer each of the questions on the test. • We will score and evaluate sample short answers. • You will take a quiz over Short Answers Next Week!
Why short answers are important: • There are around 50 multiple choice questions on the test. • There is no partial credit on mult. Choice. • You do get partial credit on short answers…but you have to put forth the effort. • Zero effort gets zero points • Follow the formula, and score 2 on all the answers, and that’s six points added to your score. • Today, we will talk strategy to make sure you get these points.
Scoring… • Scores from 0 to 3 • 0 is Insufficient • 1 is Partially Sufficient • 2 is Sufficient • 3 is Exemplary • Everyone can score a 2!
Three Parts to a good short answer: • In short answers, you are looking for three important parts. If it has all 3, it is a score 2! • P= PROOF: quote (text) from the story. You’ve got to have text evidence to be a success! • O= OPINION: This includes your analysis (opinion) that answers the question. It helps if it comes from the quote! • C = CONNECTION: The opinion and proof connect with similar words or ideas. Connecting your ideas is what will get you a 2! • When we score short answers, look for these three parts in each one.
Short Answer Strategy: T = think: Think about what you already know; analyze the question. Find a quote first and use it to develop your answer. A = answer it: answer what the question is asking you. Restate the question and include YOUR opinion! P = prove it: Provide textual evidence that proves your answer. Connect to your answer with similar words. use lead-ins! (EX: He said…) (TEXT = ANY words from the story) YOU MUST MAKE SURE ALL 3 PARTS CONNECT to prove your point!
What does “Sufficient” Mean? • From Dictionary.com: • Adequate for the purpose. • In other words, Good enough!
Scoring short answers • Now we’ll take a look at how short answers are scored. I’d like you to fill in the characteristics of each score IN BOLD on your rubric as you go.
A Score 0… • Write these criteria on your rubric for 0: • Does not answer the question • Is too vague or general (no opinion) • No textual evidence (no proof)
A Score 1… • Write these criteria on your rubric for 1: • Answers the question with no evidence (opinion but no proof) • Provides text with no answer (proof but no opinion) • Text evidence is not connected to answer (no connection)
A Score 2… • Write these criteria on your rubric for 2: • Provides a reasonable answer with connecting text evidence. (Opinion and Proof) • Text evidence supports and develops answer. (Connection) • Response is clear and specific.
A Sample 2… This short answer is good because it has the three important parts: Proof and opinion. These two parts connect with similar words.
Why no score 3s? • Last year the state gave a score 3 to 0% of the students answering questions. • Think of all the students in the state, and how many short answers that is. • They are extremely rare, and arbitrary, and so it’s better to focus on the necessities for getting a score 2: Proof, Opinion, Connection!
The Crossover… • Use BOTH stories in your answer. • Include a quote from both stories. • Strategy: Find something the stories have in common. Find two quotes that connect and then write your answer to fit those quotes. TAPAP or TAPP. • Highlight possible quotes while you read the stories. • Make sure you explain how both quotes prove your answer as well!
A Sample 2 crossover… This short answer is good because has an opinion, it makes a solid connection between the two stories and proves it good, connecting text. (opinion + proof + connection)
Scoring Guide • USE THE RUBRIC YOU JUST MADE TO SCORE THESE SHORT ANSWERS use the 3 criteria for short answers. • Put your score and reasons on the left and the actual score and reasons on the right. • For example: This will help for when you score your own short answers later. This will count for a grade!
Sample Set A: • Turn in Progress Reports. • Get out your short answer packet, stories, and questions. Continue scoring the first four short answers as we were yesterday. • Question #1: Explain how the narrator’s actions reveal her feelings for her father in “In Search of Eels.” Support your answer with evidence. Use the Rubric to grade the short answers like this: • Grade the 4 answers in the packet now. We’ll discuss them and a strategy for writing the first short answer when you’re done. You have 5 minutes before we discuss.
Sample A1 (Score 2) This Short Answer… • Proof: quote: “Now—forward, march!” • Opinion: Good! “feelings reveal true love…” • Has connection in ideas. Explains what the narrator did that shows her love.
Sample A2 (Score 2) This Short Answer… • Proof: two examples that show narrator’s actions. • Opinion: clear in answer • Connection: it’s here in the explanation of the quotes “Shows her love by...”
Sample A3 (Score 1) This Short Answer… • Proof: Here, but... • Opinion: This doesn’t match the quote! • Connection: With the wrong answer, you can’t have a connection. Note: Find a quote that answers the question first!
Sample A4 (Score 0) This Short Answer… • Proof: Here, but... • Opinion: There is no opinion! • Connection: Need an opinion to connect to! • NOTE: Make sure you have an OPINION to prove in your answer!
Sample Set B: • Get out your short answer packet, stories, and questions. Continue scoring the first four short answers as we were yesterday. • Question #2: Do you think Nancy Mairs in “Living an Adventurous Life is adventurous? Explain and support your answer with evidence from the selection. • Grade the 4 answers in the packet now. We’ll discuss them and a strategy for writing the second short answer when you’re done. You have 10 minutes before we discuss.
Sample B1 (Score 1) This Short Answer… • Proof: Found a quote, but… • Opinion: not enough opinion here. • Connection: No strong opinion to connect to! • Note: You have to say because for an answer like this.
Sample B2 (Score 2) This Short Answer… • Proof: Shows how it’s hard for her to move • Opinion: Definitely here: “hard for her to move.” • Connection: With similar ideas, not necessarily words.
Sample B7 (Score 0) This Short Answer… • Proof: here, and a good quote! But… • Opinion: not true for the story! • Connection: No connection at all: these two parts don’t match up. Note: Make sure you read the story right!
Sample B8 (Score 2) This Short Answer… • Proof: Shows her determination and disability. • Opinion: Good! Comes straight out of these quotes: “she’s determined because she won’t let her disability override her” • Connection: here in words and ideas.
Sample Set C: • Get out your short answer packet, stories, and questions. Today we Continue scoring the short answers as we did before. • Question #3: What is one similarity between the narrators in “In Search of Eels” and “Living an Adventurous Life?” Support your answer with evidence from BOTH selections. • Grade the 3 answers in the packet now. We’ll discuss them and a strategy for writing the third short answer when you’re done. You have 7 minutes before we discuss.
Homework Assignments: • Based on your answers to the TAKS questionnaire, I will assign homework to your for every Friday up until the test. • This is to focus in on the areas where you feel you need the most improvement and get extra practice in the area you need help. • Put your name in the book and write down your assignment. • Use your class time and extra time you have to complete the assignment. • This will count for a grade! • Your first assignment is due Friday, Feb. 15!
Sample C4 (Score 2) This Short Answer… • Proof: quotes from both stories. • Opinion: good “Both love an adventure.” • Connection: strong; both quotes show how the characters adventure, though in different ways.
Sample C5 (Score 0) This Short Answer… • Proof: none • Opinion: present but wrong for the stories! • Connection: No quote to connect to. • Make sure you find your quotes first!
Sample C6 (Score 1) This Short Answer… • Proof: two good quotes from the stories • Opinion: two points: focus on one only. • Connection: shows positive ending but not difficulties! Note: Focus on just one idea to prove!
Things to avoid from these examples… • Find proof that supports an opinion! Then you can pull your opinion out of that quote. • Have an opinion! Your answer’s got to have something to prove. • Make sure you include all parts of a question. Have a reason for your opinion. Say “because…” • Find your quotes first! That will help you make a strong connection between your quote and your answer. • Focus on just one idea to prove. Every idea you’ve got you have to have proof for.
Strategy for Questions 1 & 2: • Read the question first! Make sure you understand what the question is asking of you. In this case, your answer also has to do two things. • Start by finding a quote. Track one down that provides an answer to the question. Then, use words in that quote in your answer. • Compose your answer by restating the question, offering your opinion, and a reason for your opinion. • Ex: The narrator feels ______ for her father because she ______. Use similar words/ideas as your quote! • Ex: “Nancy Mairs is (or isn’t) adventurous because ________.” • Now put in the quote. Make sure your proof and opinion connect with similar words and ideas!
Let’s look at that sample again… Proof: Opinion: Connection:
Strategy for Question 3 (Crossover): • Read the question first! Make sure you understand what the question is asking of you. In this case, your answer also has to find a similarity between the two narrators. • Find a connection between the two stories. You’ve got to find something the narrators have in common. • Start by finding two quotes. See if you can find quotes in the stories that discuss similar things. Then try to figure out what the two narrators have in common. • Compose your answer by stating what you think they have in common and then your evidence. • Ex: “One similarity the narrators have is ________________. • Put in your proof from both stories! • Make sure your proof and opinion connect!
Let’s look at that sample again… Proof: Opinion: Connection:
Summary Analysis Section • For your Summary/ Analysis section, write the most important thing you learned about improving short answers. • What’s the most important thing for you to remember about writing short answers?
Your Turn: Score your short answers!Then rewrite them for a higher score! • Now, you will use the scoring quiz to grade your short answers. Evaluate the 3 parts: Proof, Opinion, and Connection. • Write what you can do to improve it. • Rewrite it with your improvements. • Turn in both drafts, your notes, and the quiz by the end of class. • When you finish, work on your assignment for Friday.
Homework Assignments: • Based on your answers to the TAKS questionnaire, I will assign homework to your for every Friday up until the test. • This is to focus in on the areas where you feel you need the most improvement and get extra practice in the area you need help. • Put your name in the book and write down your assignment. • Use your class time and extra time you have to complete the assignment. • This will count for a grade! • Your first assignment is due Friday, Feb. 15!
State Writing Test: • You did them for your other classes, now it’s time for English. • This is required by the state. It is to test your writing skills in the first draft. You may use a dictionary. • You will need to write A Full Page for each. This Will Count for a Grade! • When you are done, work on your essay or homework assignment for Friday. • Prompt 1: Write about what you would do to improve school for the better. • Prompt 2: Write about a time in your past you learned something new.