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National Strategy for the Development of Statistics Implementation Uganda’s experience. By Norah Madaya At the PARIS21 Meeting 30 March 2012. Outline. UBOS Mandate & the NSS Strategic framework of the PNSD PNSD implementation Best Practices What next. About UBOS and the NSS.
National Strategy for the Development of StatisticsImplementationUganda’s experience By Norah Madaya At the PARIS21 Meeting 30 March 2012
Outline • UBOS Mandate & the NSS • Strategic framework of the PNSD • PNSD implementation • Best Practices • What next
About UBOS and the NSS • By Act of Parliament (1998), UBOS was created as a semi-autonomous statistical agency to be the Principal data collecting and disseminating agency, also responsible for coordinating, monitoring and supervising the National Statistical System (NSS). • The NSS consist of the policies, principles, procedures and practices that govern statistical production; and the actors (Producers, Suppliers, Users of statistics, and Research & training institutions). • The NSDS focus is the NSS
Staff Committee Audit Committee Technical Committee Board of Directors Executive Director DED – Corporate Affairs DED - Statistical Development D D D D-Coordination D Implementation Structure for the NSDS
The PNSD (nee NSDS) • The Plan for National Statistical Development is a 5 year plan (2006/07 – 2010/11) for Strengthening statistical capacity for statistical development dand 16 Sectoral Statistics Plans • The PNSD and SSPSs have expired. Updating process on going.
Mission for the NSS To build a Coherent, Reliable, Efficient and Demand-driven NSS that Supports Management and Development Initiatives
Strategic Objectives PNSD • Promote Statistical Advocacy • Organisational and and Institutional Development • Statistical, IT and Physical Infrastructure Development • HR Management & Development • Statistical Development & Management • Coordination of Censuses & Surveys • Data Dissemination & Policy Reform **Revised PNSD/SSPS SO1. Strengthening Coordination and Management in the National Statistical System SO2. Developing and managing human resources for statistical production SO3. Strengthening statistical development in the NSS.
Results Framework of the PNSD Goal A World Class Statistical System Developed Outcome A Coherent, Reliable, Efficient and Demand-driven NSS that Supports Management and Development Initiatives developed Outputs Harmonised & Coordinated NSS Established and Operational Sectoral Capacity for Collection, Analysis Dissemination & Utilization of Statistics Strengthened Demand-driven Statistics Generated and Disseminated Activities Set up Statistical Development Structure Develop or Strengthen Capacity for Statistical Development Statistical Development
An approved Sector Strategic Plan for Statistics Signed Memorandum of Understanding between UBOS & the respective implementing sector Opening of special accounts for Statistics by each sector with the Central Bank Approval of the sectoralworkplans and budgets by the UBOS Planning Committee Development of financial and technical performance monitoring tools, then, Disbursement of funds to the Agencies Pre- requisites to Implementation THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
The PNSD Implementation THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Supporting Structures: • A PNSD Team from within UBOS constituted of senior staff from Directorates of Coordination, Economic, and Social Statistics • Inter Agency Committee (IAC), supported by Sub Committees with each made up of Technical Working Groups • Sector Statistics Committees www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
…Implementation THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA • Promoting appreciation of statistics among planners, and decision makers across the agencies, Technical Working Groups, and Users. • Strengthening ongoing statistical programmes; new statistical programmes (0il, gender, environment, earnings); identification of user needs and filling data gaps, reviewing and updating instruments. • Undertaking of Inventories for: Data, IT infrastructure, software and GIS facility and re-tooling. • Enhancement of manpower through recruitment of contract staff, motivation of the staff through various individual and group training, study tours, mentoring, and volunteers • Production and dissemination of MDA statistical products – Abstracts, Digests, Bulletins www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
…….Implementation THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Reporting • Sectoral progress reports -Quarterly • Bi- annual Review reports • PNSD Bulletin - Quarterly • Annual Review Report • Mid term Review - 3 yrs www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
Sharing a common Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives, Institutionalisation of Statistical Coordination structure in the UBOS Organogram. Integration of a ‘Statistics Sector’ Chapter in the National Development plan and Budget. Establishment of Institutional arrangements for development and management of Statistics in the NSS i.e. at intra-organisational (Board committees, inter agency and sector statistics committees) Integration of budgets for statistics in most Sectoral budgets Best Practices (1) THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
Signing of MOUs between UBOS and other Sectors to show commitment. Production of harmonising standard tools: eg. Compendium of Statistical concepts, definitions and standards National Metadata dictionary and some sectoral dictionaries Code of Conduct (to be approved) Guideline for Quality statistical production Guidelines for administrative data compilation Self Assessment tools which are being tested now. Integration of SSPS activities in the main stream strategic plan and MDA annual work plan e.g. BOU, MHLUD,MGLSD. Best Practices (2) THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
Development of MDA statistics Web pages. Development of the Long Term Census and Survey programme Collaboration with country wide Universities for Capacity Building in Local Governments Mainstreaming gender statistics into all data production processes Manpower development for compilation, and analysis of data through group training. Harmonisation of key indicators aligned to the National Development Plan, National Monitoring and Integrated Strategy, Mid Term Expenditure Framework Best Practices (3) THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
Best Practices (4) • Champions at all stages of the process – design, advocacy, implementation, management. • Documentation of processes is critical for the process. • Participatory and inclusive approaches such as linking technocrats within the NSO with specialised subject areas in MDAs • Production of Annual Sectoral Statistical Abstracts has driven allocation of funds to statistics in the sectors. • Emphasis of the concept and function of a ‘SYSTEM’ with inter related parts, culture, norms, and values.
What next? THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA • As noted, the PNSD and SSPSs have expired. • Arrangements to update are underway. Modality will be similar to the PNSD cycle but focus will be on: • Harmonisation of Statistical production with development, policy, Budget and M&E frameworks • Coordination of efforts across the NSS • Quality Assurance through self assessment followed by audits. • Meeting User needs and assessing satisfaction. • Engendering of Statistics in the NSS www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
Design (2005/06) World Bank – TFSCB – Design 50% DFID - Technical support 30% AfDB – Technical Support 3% Uganda Government - 17% Implementation (2007/to date) DFID 60% UNICEF 3% GoU 35% UNFPA - 2% Funding THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
Thank you END THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA www.ubos.org; email: ubos@ubos.org; Tel:256 414 706000; Fax: 256 414 237553
PLOT 9 COLVILLE STREET P.O BOX 7186 KAMPALA TEL. 041-706000 FAX 041-237553 E-MAIL ubos@ubos.org Website www.ubos.org WELCOME TO THE STATISTICS HOUSE