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Discover how Walter Russell's near-death experiences prepared him for Cosmic Consciousness, comparing his journey with research on enlightenment by Richard Maurice Bucke.
WALTER RUSSELL The Unusual Pattern of His Near-Death Experiences and How They Prepared Him for COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS By P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. PP by Jacquelyn Porter
Walter Russell was born in 1871 and refolded in 1963 We have no record of what his mother’s pregnancy was like, his birth, or the years immediately after. Considering the times, it is possible to suppose that early on there could have been health issues. He was drawn to music and became a musician in infancy. 7 Years – He nearly died, (exact cause unknown). “Visions” from that event enabled him, at the age of 10, to leave school and seek work to help out his family’s financial disaster. He got a job as a cash boy in a dry goods store, then secured a church organist position that later enabled him to pay for 5 years of art school. 14 Years – He dies again; this time of black diphtheria. He was officially pronounced dead by the attending physician. He claimed to have learned the secrets of healing when he entered ‘at-one-ment” with God.
Every 7 Years afterward, he had a dramatic visionary experience, similar to a near-death state that enabled him to find out and explore the secret mysteries of his inner self. This continued until 1921. During this time, he excelled at everything he did, won lasting friendships and lucrative art commissions. He had a studio in Carnegie Hall in New York City, became a commissioned sculpture for President and Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was a long time friend of Mark Twain, and painted and sculptured Thomas Edison. Walter Russell’s motto was: “Mediocrity is self-inflicted. Genius is self-bestowed.” 49 Years– In 1921, he was suddenly enveloped within the fullness of Cosmic Consciousness. This state lasted 39 days and nights without abating.
“My personal reaction to the great happening left me wholly mind, with but slight awareness of my electric body. During practically all of the time, I felt that my body was not a part of me but attached to my Consciousness by electric threads of light. When I had to use my body in such as writing in words, the essence of God’s Message, it was extremely difficult to bring my body back under control.” His testimony:
Compare Russell’s unusual pattern of illuminating life events with the research of Richard Maurice Bucke, a medical professional, who began a rigorous research project on the subject of enlightenment in the late 1800’s He finally narrowed his study to 50 cases he believed to be genuine. These people had another kind of consciousness. They appeared to operate on a higher, more spiritual level of mind. He called this shift of mind “Cosmic Consciousness”. His book of the same name was published in 1901.
Of the 50 original cases in his study, Bucke ascertained that 14 of them had attained spiritual enlightenment. The remaining 36 were in various stages of partial development. His revolutionary work has become the standard since then for identifying individuals who have achieved this high state of mind. His pattern consists of 11 points. 1 - The Subjective Light A brilliant, blinding flash of light, sometimes like a flame, can expand in size and brightness – unearthly hues, brilliance. 2 - The Moral Elevation Once illumination ceased, individual becomes extremely and unusually moral, upright, shunning temptations to judge or criticize. Feel a duty to serve God and humankind.
3 - The Intellectual Illumination During experience, all is revealed, secrets of universe made known. Individual feels no weight, is overwhelmed by love, and glows. Feels reborn in a union of soul with God. 4 - The Sense of Immortality Thinking is replaced by knowing. Aware of divine identity, that we are all co-creators with the Creator. 5 - The Loss of the Fear of Death Individual now knows death does not end life. It is only a change of awareness.
6 - The Loss of the Sense of Sin The individual understands that evil is simply good, misused. All things are good in God’s Eyes. Misusing good is present in everyone. We are capable of changing anything and turning it around. 7 - The Suddenness, Instantaneousness of the Awakening The actual moment of illumination is always unexpected and sudden, as if a flash. Some remain in a state for days. Induced illumination is not as powerful as the natural version. He warned about gurus from India, or elsewhere, misleading people.
8 - The Previous Character of the Person - Intellectual, Moral and Physical Most were morally upright, highly intelligent, strong bodies, strong minds, to begin with. Several in his study were sickly and died young. Some were born with genius yet expanded their ability even further. 9 - The Age of Illumination In all of his cases, the individual was more mature when illumination occurred, usually between 33 and 42 years of age. The majority experienced their breakthrough in springtime or early summer - a few during January or February.
10 - The Added Charm of the Personality so that Men and Women are Attracted to the Person Illumined individuals become so magnetic, other people and animals are drawn to them. They seem to have divine protection. Animals are at ease in his/her presence. 11 - The Transfiguration of the Subject of the Change as Seen by Others When the Cosmic Sense is Actually Present. There is a marked change in appearance afterwards. They seem to glow and have a light around them. The change can be as if they became another person; faces different, more of themselves, great somehow.
Dr. Bucke went on to state that each person underwent a time of solitude and seclusion after their illumination, filled with doubt and confusion. Individuals were obviously disoriented and physically pained from what happened to them. He described perfectly the major aftereffects experienced by near-death survivors!!! He noted that each person left the organized church of their time. Several initiated new religions, while others went on to live a just and moral lifestyle.
Every single person was judged insane by their peers at the time. Some are still classified as insane on historical documents of that era, even though each more than proved the worth and value of enlightenment. Every one of them experienced paranormal phenomena and psychic abilities. Every one of them became childlike, innocent and trusting; even to the point at appearing somewhat stupid.
Dr. Bucke became convinced that the day was coming when anyone could gain spiritual enlightenment if so desired. He felt this mass awakening would herald the beginnings of a new race, a new evolution of humans.
His Conclusion: “So will Cosmic Consciousness become more and more universal and appear earlier in the individual life until the race at large will possess this faculty. The same race and not the same; for a Cosmic Consciousness race will not be the race which exists today, any more than the present race of men is the same race which existed prior to the evolution of Self-Consciousness. The simple truth is, that there has lived on the earth, ‘appearing at intervals,’ for thousands of years among ordinary men, the first faint beginnings of another race. This new race is in the act of being born from us, and in the near future it will occupy and possess the earth.”
I spoke a lot about Dr. Bucke’s work in my first book. “Coming Back to Life: The After-Effects of the Near-Death Experience”.
It is almost unnerving how similar the aftereffects of illumination are to the aftereffects of a near-death experience, especially those that are more intense and lengthy. In my book, “The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences,” I explore the range of ages, types of experiences and connections to the enlightenment process globally including charts, photographs, drawings, side-bars, cartoons.
When researching near-death experiences with children, however, that’s when I discovered incredible links to the life story of Walter Russell that dovetail the work of Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke, at the same time matching my own research with child experiencers, especially the youngest of the young. The Book of Early Whisperings By Walter Russell
First Study, done in the eighties and nineties, 277 cases, interviewing kindergarteners up to young adults for NDEs between birth and 15 years. Most who participated were under 7. I had two event clusters – birth to 15 months and 3 to 5 years. Forward looking
Second Study, done between 2016 – 2019, 120 cases of NDEs occurring between birth and age 5, with people now in their 50’s through 80’s. Each were able to verify having had their NDE during those ages. I asked them: “Did having a near-death experience at such a young age make any difference in your life? If it did, in what way?” I went after details: family, siblings, friends, school, sex, sports, dating, work, further school, careers, marriage, children/grand children, drugs, alcohol, counseling. Backward looking
Because actual age when near-death experience occurred was almost the same with both studies and research findings almost identical, as well, I consider the following to be universal. Child Near-Death Experiencers, Birth to Five Years Basic Aftereffects Pattern Note: A young child will think differently than anyone else in the family. 9 chances out of 10, the child will see right through parents, siblings, teachers, school kids, and know what they’re thinking or feeling.
Note: The majority showed signs of synesthesia, an elaboration in the limbic system of the brain. This resulted in blended or multiple senses. An example: Smell color, see music, hear numbers, mathematical numbers dance. Note: The majority were abstracting (broad conceptual learning styles) by the first grade. They had to go through a learning reversal (go back to concrete/detailed methods of learning) in order to stay in school. No school is prepared for first graders who can abstract.
Percentages Mind works different than before -------------------------- 84% Significant enhancement of intellect ---------------------- 68% Across the range of cases up to 15 years, when old enough to take standard IQ test, scoring 150 to 160--- 48% Birth to 15 months, especially if a dark light Experience rather than a bright light, testing 180 and above -----100% Drawn to and highly proficient in math, science and history. ------------------------------------------------------ 93% The younger the child, the greater the jump in IQ.
90% 62% 84% 75% 70% 67% 61% 76% 74% Loss of bonding with parents------------------------------- Difficult family situations------------------------------------ Empathic --------------------------------------------------------- Highly intelligent----------------------------------------------- Vivid dreams ---------------------------------------------------- Problems sleeping --------------------------------------------- Aware of future------------------------------------------------- Strong spiritual guidance/knowing ---------------------- Very successful career ---------------------------------------- First Study Tend towards suicide ideation ---------------21% Second Study Tend towards suicide ideation -------------- 74% Aftereffects increased with time
PTSD vs NDEs Aftereffects of near-death states for the very young can seem similar to a form of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). 34% were positive about their NDE 61% were negative about their NDE The reason for this: Many experiencers felt growing up and finding their place in life was just too difficult. Remember: Most of the youngest experiencers have no before, no way to compare anything. Many are still bonded to “the other side.”
Near-death experiences that happen during the early years, occur at a time when basic “flooring/patterning” is being laid in the brain. Early formation of temporal lobes, the nervous and digestive systems are also occurring. This flips the child into a different learning mode: outside regular development, one based more on conceptual reasoning styles. Keep in mind that to a child, suicide is no big deal. They are seldom aware such action will hurt anyone. To them, being in light with loving people occurred when they were not breathing. Aha! The way to get back there then, is to simply stop their breathing. The key reason for PTSD symptoms, what keeps them apart from others, is that they are ‘homesick for heaven.” That longing never quits, even if highly successful and excited about life.
SUMMARY I propose the following: …..that there could have been challenges with Russell’s birth, or health issues in childhood that were intense enough to change his thinking and response patterns. Becoming a musician during infancy is an example of this. …..that his near-death experience at age 7 gave him the knowledge and strength he needed to leave home and school and seek employment – not only to help his family, but to enable him at age 10 to become self-supporting and self-knowing.
…..that his near-death experience at age 14, not only gave him the secrets of healing as he claimed, but enabled him to move into at-one-ment with God. …..that each of the life changing events that occurred every 7 years until he was 49, enabled him to use what he learned from each ‘jump’ in consciousness, each ‘download’ building on the previous, helping him to bring in more information/knowing. …..that the unusual pattern of near-death experiences (NDEs) and spiritually transforming events (STEs), beginning in infancy – were ALL in preparation for his experience in LIGHT at age 49.
…..that it is no accident or fluke of events that enabled him to enter Cosmic Consciousness near the age and during early summer, as per Dr. Bucke’s predictions. Nor is it any accident that because of this transformation, he was thought insane and rejected by his first wife and family. …..that NDEs and Cosmic Illuminations are actually part of tribal native societies as well, but because they only kept oral histories, this extensive and detailed knowledge was not readily known. Many such movements into Cosmic Consciousness can still be found in story form and art.
…..that the way to Cosmic Consciousness is not magic. There is always a preparatory pattern beginning in early childhood that physically alters the brain and nervous system, enabling conceptual/abstract development BEFORE FOUNDATIONAL LEARNING. Most Catholic Saints had an NDE as a very small child, either before or shortly after starting school. This set the stage for what came next. Sudden illuminations always have a preparatory ‘beginning state’ to protect the brain and nervous system, as well as digestive tract and skin sensitivity. Without this, insanity can occur.
Walter Russell The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe. Recorded his experience in “The Divine Iliad”
Spent 6 years penning “The Universal One” A text containing the drawings and revelations given to him of the universe and how it worked, covering such subjects as chemistry, physics and electromagnetics.
Corresponded with Albert Einstein about his own theory that this is a “thought wave” universe created for the transmission of thought.
Nicola Tesla, a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist and futurist, best known for his contributions to the design of modern alternating current (AC) electrical supply systems, was quite close to Walter Russell. He wanted him to lock up information in “The Universal One” for 1000 years in the Smithsonian until the world’s population was ready for it.
His second and lasting marriage was to English born Lao Russell, herself a visionary since childhood (had an NDE at 5), who grew up knowing she was here to “change the thinking of the world.”
Together they established the University of Science and Philosophy and published many books, including a home study course on universal principles, still available today.
All charts and information revealed in “The Universal One” came from Russell’s illumination into the Light of Cosmic Consciousness when 49.
Russell’s science is currently being reevaluated and with exciting results. He was further ahead with his theories than anyone thought.
THE RUSSELL MUSEUM Located at 518 West Main Street, Waynesboro, VA 22980. Phone 1-800-882-LOVE Small admission fee The main front 2 level show spaces are open for viewing paintings, sculpture and glass-topped tables holding historical information about the Russells. Other rooms feature Russell’s science and areas open for talks, classes, meetings and study groups. There is also a book store.