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Explore issues with W.pt bumps in jet events, analyze MET correction based on jet corrections, and investigate strict jet.pt cut in this comprehensive study.
MET and W pt plots Kira Grogg
MET and W pt problems • So far W plots have been mostly limited to zero-jet events • For events with jets, W pt shows a bump/dip when it should be smooth • Not sure if MET correction based on jet corrections is correct • Possibly need a strict jet pt cut • Following plots try to investigate…
MET by jet cut Plot of MET where exactly one jet is above the cut Plot has been integral normalized Previous analysis note (AN2006-102) uses jet pt > 50
MET correction by jet cut Plot of the correction to MET where exactly one jet is above the cut Plot has been integral normalized Correction is based on jet and muon corrections
W pT by jet cut Plot of W pT where exactly one jet is above the cut Plot has been integral normalized
True W pt vs reco W pt True W pt on Y axis, Reco W pt on X axis All events 0 gen jet events Events with reco jet > 40 Gev 1 gen jet events
MET and W pt plots MET, 1 gen jet events MET, 2 gen jet events MET, 1 gen jet, no correction W pt, 1 gen jet events W pt, 1 gen jet, no correction W pt, 2 gen jet events Reco jet pt cut of 40 GeV on first or second jet
MET and W pt plots MET, 1 reco jet MET, 0 gen and reco jets MET, Z electron as missing energy W pt, 0 gen and reco jets W pt, 1 reco jet W pt, Z electron as missing energy Reco jet pt cut of 40 GeV
MET by Number of Jets Reco jet pt cut of 40 GeV
Conclusion • Need to establish jet pt cut • Need to make sure MET is ok • Need to look at QCD background as well • Will need to add stricter electron ID cuts! • Also working on PAT EWK documentation