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World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Observing and Information Systems Department. WMO INFORMATION SYSTEM (WIS) --- COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATIONS OF GISC, DCPC, AND NC.

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  1. World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)Observing and Information Systems Department WMO INFORMATION SYSTEM (WIS)---COMPLIANCE SPECIFICATIONS OF GISC, DCPC, AND NC Presented 10 June 2008 at the "Ad-hoc Information and Advisory Meeting on the Region VI VGISC-DCPC project"(EUMETSAT, Darmstadt)by Eliot Christian <echristian@wmo.int>

  2. Outline of WIS Compliance Specifications • Purpose and Authority of Specifications • Major Components and Services of WIS • Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components • Technical Specifications of WIS Interoperable Interfaces WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  3. Purpose and Authority:Purpose of WIS Specifications • Existing centres within WMO Member States may apply for designation as one of the functional centres forming the core infrastructure of WIS: • Global Information System Centre (GISC) • Data Collection or Production Centre (DCPC) • National Centre (NC) • Designation requires a statement of compliance with required WIS functions, compiled by the Inter-Commission Coordination Group on WIS (ICG-WIS) • The WIS Compliance Specification document provides technical specifications for required WIS functions WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  4. Purpose and Authority:Authority of WIS Specifications • On approval, the WIS Compliance Specifications will be the authoritative source for technical specifications of interoperable interfaces required of core WIS components across GISCs, DCPCs, and NCs • It was expected that the WIS Compliance Specifications would be useful in an Invitation to Tender on software needed by a prospective WIS DCPC or GISC (e.g., the present European ITT for software to implement a Virtual GISC) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  5. Technical Specifications will be part of WIS "regulatory documents" Milestone Activities from WIS Project Plan, version 0.5 WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  6. Outline of WIS Compliance Specifications • Purpose and Authority of Specifications • Major Components and Services of WIS • Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components • Technical Specifications of WIS Interoperable Interfaces WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  7. Major Components and Services of WIS:Evolution from Global Telecommunications System WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  8. Major Components and Services of WIS:GISCs, DCPCs, and NCs WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  9. Note: GTS Message Switching Systems (MSSs) in the VGISC Invitation to Tender (ITT) • DWD, Meteo-France and UKMO each operate a GTS MSS • The VGISC must interface to MSSs to: - ingest and cache data and metadata - handle subscription and GTS link info - maintain control lists - provide failover support • Each of the three partners is responsible to adapt to the MSS interface provided by the VGISC software WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  10. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:Interoperability and WIS Networking National Centres (NCs) Global Information System Centres (GISCs) Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPCs) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  11. Major Components and Services of WIS:WIS and Seven Programmes WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  12. World Data Centres(also known as WIS DCPC's) Observing systems contributing to GAW Data and Product Users National Centers(includes WIS NC's) GAWSIS Web site GAW Web site WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) Major Components and Services of WIS:Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  13. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) regional Hydrological Cycle Observing Systems (HYCOSs) National Hydrological Services(also known as WIS NC's) Global Data Centres (also known as WIS DCPC's) WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  14. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:World Weather Watch Global Observing System (GOS) Global Observing System of WWW (operated by NMHS's) WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS) and Regional Telecommunication Hubs (also known as WIS DCPC's) observations (satellite and surface) inter-comparison and validation National Meteorological Centres (also known as WIS NC's ) WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  15. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:World Climate Programme (WCP) WIS National Centres (operated by NMHS's) National Climate Data Management Systems National Climate Forecast Systems Regional Climate Centers (WIS DCPC's) World Climate Data Centres (WIS DCPC's) Global Climate ForecastProducing Centres (WIS DCPC's) WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  16. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Terrestrial Ecosystems Monitoring Sites (TEMS) Calibration / Validation GTOS Data Centres Directory Observations GTOS Resources Directory WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  17. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) WMO Global Telecommunications System (GTS) Observations Product Generation JCOMM Data Portals(also known as WIS DCPC's ) IODE Ocean Portal(also s a WIS DCPC ) WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  18. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) GCOS Baseline and Comprehensive Networks, and Satellites Global Observing System Information Centre [Web portal] GCOS and related Monitoring and Analysis Centres (includes WIS DCPC's) Product Generation Observations WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  19. Data and Product Users Major Components and Services of WIS:Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) National Centres WIS Global Information System Centres (GISC's) WIS Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPC's) Earth SystemModels Other DataSources GEOSS Clearinghouse Earth ObservationSystems WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  20. Outline of WIS Compliance Specifications • Purpose and Authority of Specifications • Major Components and Services of WIS • Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components • Technical Specifications of WIS Interoperable Interfaces WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  21. Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components:Introduction to the Data Flow Diagrams defines how the Function carries out the transformation Control the result of the transformation carried out by the Function source data which is transformed by the Function Function Output Input Functions transform the Inputs into Outputs in accordance with the Controls and making use of the Mechanisms Mechanism identifies the resources/facilities that are used by the Function (e.g. humans, computers...) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  22. Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components:High-level WIS Functions WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  23. Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components:VGISC ITT References WIS Functions The Virtual GISC (VGISC) Invitation to Tender (ITT) includes by reference the WIS Functions (A1 - A6) described in the WIS Compliance Specifications Excerpt from VGISC ITT Table of Contents: 4.1 Introduction to WIS Architectural Requirements 4.2 Function A.1 - Collect Observations, Create Products and Archive Information 4.3 Function A.2 and A4 - Authenticate and Authorize Users 4.4 Function A.3 - Maintain and Expose Catalogue of Services and Information 4.5 Function A.5 - Deliver Information to Users 4.6 Function A.6 - Manage System Performance 4.7 Function A.7 - Web Interface WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  24. Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components:Discovery, Access and Retrieval Catalogue WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  25. latitude, longitude boundaries terms, etc. Standardized Interface Example:Information Search and Retrieval   http://www.search.gov/gsdi/sru2kml.php? operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.1&  maximumRecords=100&recordSchema=XML&  query=(geo.bounds within/partial/nwse "43.772 -101.411 31.7723 -77.7499") and (geo.keywords any "biologic ecologic") WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  26. Interoperable Search Example: SIMDAT ISO 23950: query= ((geo.keywords any "ozone")and (geo.bounds within/partial/nwse "58.45 -11.95 33.72 24.61")and ((geo.begdate >= /isodate 20040101) and (geo.enddate <= /isodate 20071231))) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  27. Interoperable Search Example: Global Change Master Directory WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  28. Interoperable Search: Global Change Master Directory WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  29. Interoperable Search Example: Geospatial Resources WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  30. Interoperable Search Example: Geospatial Resources WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  31. Interoperable Search Example: Geospatial Resources WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  32. Interoperable Search Example: Geospatial Resources WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  33. Interoperable Search Example: Journal Resources WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  34. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <csw:GetRecords xmlns='http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw' xmlns:csw='http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw' xmlns:ogc='http://www.opengis.net/ogc' xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml' version='2.0.2' outputFormat='text/xml; charset=UTF-8' outputSchema='http://www.opengis.net/cat/csw' maxRecords='50' startPosition='1'> <csw:Query> <csw:Constraint version='1.1.0'> <ogc:Filter> <ogc:And> <ogc:And> <ogc:PropertyIsLike escapeChar='\' singleChar='?' wildCard='*'> <ogc:PropertyName>any</ogc:PropertyName> <ogc:Literal>ozone</ogc:Literal> </ogc:PropertyIsLike> <ogc:And> <ogc:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> <ogc:PropertyName>geo.timePeriodOfContent</ogc:PropertyName> <ogc:Literal>20040101</ogc:Literal> </ogc:PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo> <ogc:PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo> <ogc:PropertyName>geo.timePeriodOfContent</ogc:PropertyName> <ogc:Literal>20071231</ogc:Literal> </ogc:PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo> </ogc:And> <ogc:Intersects> <ogc:PropertyName>ows:BoundingBox</ogc:PropertyName> <gml:Box srsName='EPSG:4326'> <gml:coordinates>-11.95,33.72 24.61,58.45</gml:coordinates> </gml:Box> </ogc:Intersects> </ogc:And> </ogc:Filter> </csw:Constraint> </csw:Query> </csw:GetRecords> Interoperable Search Example: ISO 23950 and OGC CSW operation=searchRetrieve&version=1.1&maximumRecords=50&startRecord=1& query=((geo.keywords any "ozone") and (geo.bounds within/partial/nwse "58.45 -11.95 33.72 24.61")and ((geo.begdate >= /isodate 20040101)and (geo.enddate <= /isodate 20071231))) WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  35. Outline of WIS Compliance Specifications • Purpose and Authority of Specifications • Major Components and Services of WIS • Flow Diagrams amongst WIS Components • Technical Specifications of WIS Interoperable Interfaces WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  36. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:Template WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  37. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:Template WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  38. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:Uploading Files / the GISCs "Cache WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  39. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:User Identification and Role Information WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  40. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:DAR Catalogue Search and Retrieval WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  41. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:Dissemination Metadata / Downloading Files WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  42. Technical Specification of WIS Interfaces:Reporting of Quality of Service WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

  43. WIS Web site:http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/WIS-Web/home.htmlQuestions? WIS Compliance Specifications of GISC, DCPC, and NC

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