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Unit 5 – Injury in Sport

Unit 5 – Injury in Sport . Illnesses related to sports participation Kevin Browne . Learning Objectives . In relation to the assignment P2 Describe two types and signs of illnesses related to sports participation To gain an understanding of what common illnesses related to sport

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Unit 5 – Injury in Sport

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  1. Unit 5 – Injury in Sport Illnesses related to sports participation Kevin Browne

  2. Learning Objectives • In relation to the assignment • P2 Describe two types and signs of illnesses related to sports participation • To gain an understanding of what common illnesses related to sport • To suggest ways that these can be prevented or controlled • Identify and provide a list of at least 5 illnesses that can affect sports participation • Describe and explain at least 2 illnesses and how they can affect sports participation

  3. Illness • What is a illness • Individually write down your own definition of what an illness is • Pair up • Feed back to the rest of the class. • Illness- is a state of poor health

  4. Introduction • There are a range of different illnesses associated with participation in sport. For athletes, coaches and support staff it is important to be able to recognise them and understand how they can be prevented or controlled. • In pairs list as many illnesses as you can • Feedback to the class

  5. Illnesses

  6. Asthma • Asthma affects the respiratory system and is a condition where the air passages to the lungs narrow which can restrict normal breathing. • Causes • Asthma attacks normally occur when the lungs become irritated and an asthmatic reaction is triggered. Other triggers include:

  7. Matching task Trigger Example Hayfever; training/competing outside when the pollen count is high Smoking of cigarettes Brought on by doing physical activity (EIA) Running/cycling in smoggy built up areas House dust, animal hair, feathers etc Anxiety before an important event Training outside in the winter • Allergic conditions • Allergies • Cold air • Smoke • Stress • Pollution • Exercise

  8. Symptoms and Treatment • Symptoms • Difficulty in breathing • Coughing, wheezing • Shortness of breath • Chest pain • Often panic. • Treatment • Inhalers are normally prescribed by doctors which can help prevent or control an attack occurring • Click on the link below to see how common asthma is in the UK. • http://www.asthma.org.uk

  9. Heart attack (cardiac arrest) • Individually write down what you think a Heart attack is. • Share with partner and write down a new definition in your book using both your answers • Share with the group

  10. Heart attack • A number of professional athletes have suffered from Heart attacks whilst playing such as Marc vivian foe, fabriceMuamba • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpBVUX_posU • Using the task sheet answer the questions from the video

  11. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart is restricted and part of the heart muscle becomes damaged or dies. • Causes • The coronary artery becomes blocked either by a clot or build up of fatty deposits inside the walls of the artery causing them to narrow. A total blockage will cause a heart attack, but if the blood flow remains partial, then it is known as angina. • Symptoms • Pain and tightness across the chest, left shoulder and arm • Breathlessness • Fainting • Pale skin • Rapid, weak or irregular pulse • Drop in blood pressure • Treatment • Immediate emergency medical attention

  12. Viral infections • What is a viral infection • Viral infections include common colds, coughs, sore throats and flu. Viruses (small infectious organisms) normally infect one part of the body, but can then spread, for example as a cold develops, it may spread to the chest or ear and become an infection • Causes • Viruses are highly contagious and can be transmitted from person to person by coughing, sneezing or physical contact. • Symptoms • Symptoms vary depending on the type of virus, but common signs include: • High temperature • Sore throat • Sweating or shivering • Aching muscles • Severe tiredness • Treatment • Drink plenty of water • Rest • Avoid strenuous exercise

  13. Dehydration occurs when the body loses too much water and salt (sodium and potassium). This can commonly occur during exercise as the body naturally starts to lose fluids during exercise through sweat. • Dehydration • Dehydration occurs when the body loses too much water and salt (sodium and potassium). This can commonly occur during exercise as the body naturally starts to lose fluids during exercise through sweat. • Causes • Excessive sweating • Exercising in the heat • Too little fluid intake. • Symptoms • Dry mouth • Low urine output • Dark urine colour • Dry skin • Tiredness. • Treatment • Dehydration can be prevented by maintaining regular drinks before, during and after exercise.

  14. How do you know if you are dehydrated

  15. Dehydration and the Ironman Event (1997) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iWI72c42gc

  16. Hypothermia • What is normal body temperature http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swj2ftm0rpY&feature=related • Hypothermia is a condition where the temperature of the body drops to below about 35oC. • Causes • Hypothermia can be caused by training or competing in extreme cold conditions for prolonged periods. • Symptoms • Shivering, Cold pale skin, Confusion, Low blood pressure, Low pulse • Disorientation. • Treatment • Ensure the athlete gets warm and dry to regain body heat. In severe cases, medical attention is required.

  17. Lesson evaluation • Write down three things that you have learnt today • What do you need to know more about for the next lesson • What will you do differently in the next lesson

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