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Learn about AIDS, its causes, symptoms, and prevention methods through this informative handout. Gain insights on HIV, T-cell count, testing, treatment, and reducing the risk of contracting STDs. Suitable for teens and adults.
Do this now:1. pick up a handout from the front table. 2. Think: What do you know about AIDS? 3. No homework
What organism causes AIDS? A virus called the Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus or HIV
Where did HIV come from? • No one knows for sure. It may have originated in a monkey in Africa and spread to man through contaminated blood. AIDS has existed in the US since the mid to late 70’s. From 1979-81 rare types of pneumonia found in gay males lead to an investigation. In 1983, HIV was identified as the infectious germ.
What does it mean if I have AIDS? I have a low T-cell count (less than 200) I have HIV in my blood I have one or more opportunistic diseases Rare cancers Rare pneumonias Other viruses Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia cytomegalovirus Kaposi's sarcoma Click on pics for youtube
What are T-cells?White blood cells that help fight off infection. What is a normal T-cell count? • 1500 / cubic ml of blood
How can we reduce our risk for getting STDS? Do this now:1. Take out your Worksheet on the immune system 2. Take out your note taking pages on AIDS • What are we doing today? • Learning about testing, treating and prevent STDS and HIV. • AIDS Movie
4. Who can get a HIV infection? • Anyone who is involved in high risk behaviors. • Sexual parners • Sharing blood/needles • Mothers to babies
Can teens get HIV?YES! Young people (15-24 years old) account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide - around 6,000 become infected with HIV every day.
Symptoms of HIV infections • Tired • Fever/ Night sweats • Headache • Rapid weight loss • Memory loss • Coughing • Diarrhea lasting more than a week
You can look great and feel awesome, yet still transmit the virus. • It may be years before a person realizes that they have been infected. • If sexually active you should get a HIV test every 6 months.
Ways you don’t get AIDS • mosquitoes • handshakes • kissing • eating utensils • donated blood • toilet seats
Testing • Blood test • Urine Test • Oral Test • Home Test • Click on Hyyps: for you tube • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHlKoKM_Xfg
Testing? Where is it done? • Planned Parenthood • Hospitals • Dr. Office • Oneida Co. Health Dept. • College Health Centers
How often should a person be tested? • If a person is sexually active or sharing blood products , they should be tested every 6 months. Click on heart for youtube
Treatment • There are many drugs used to treat HIV/AIDS. They works by slowing down the rate at which new viruses are produced. • Advantage: live longer • Disadvantage: expensivetaste bad negative side effects
New Treatment Option since 2012 • Pill combos are now available. Not everyone can take it due to negative side effects.
Let’s review • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_o_wkr7N8A&list=PL87B964CE4CF0A98C • Click on the url above for a youttube from the Center for Disease Control.
How risky? • Being in school with a person who has HIV. • Sexual contact with an HIV infected person • Sharing razors/toothbrushes with an HIV infected person • Open mouth kissing with HIV infected person • Sharing dirty needles • Getting a tattoo • Having multiple sex partners
Essential Questions: • How can people prevent HIV from entering their body? • What is the most effective way to prevent HIV? • What are the rules for correct condom use? • What are some common myths about condom use.
Prevention • The only way to prevent HIV and STDS 100% of the time is through: • Abstinence