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Housing market in Finland

Housing market in Finland. February 2014. Housing prices per earnings index. Housing price index by quarter. 1983=100. Average home loans (of households who currently have a home loan). €. Source: Federation of Finnish Financial Services: Saving and borrowing in Finland, Spring 2013.

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Housing market in Finland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Housing market in Finland February 2014

  2. Housing prices per earnings index

  3. Housingpriceindexbyquarter 1983=100

  4. Average home loans (of householdswhocurrentlyhave a home loan) € Source: Federation of Finnish Financial Services: Saving and borrowing in Finland, Spring 2013

  5. Home loan repaymentperiod in 2013 % of home loans taken during the last two years Average repayment periods : 2013: 17,9 years 2012: 17,4 years 2011: 17,8 years 2010: 17,4 years 2009: 18,5 years 2008: 18,8 years 1998: 11 years Source: Federation of Finnish Financial Services: Saving and borrowing in Finland, Spring 2013

  6. Housing loans granted to households by credit institutions €bn %

  7. Interestrateson new housingloans November 2013

  8. Starts on new dwellings Thousand dwellings

  9. Lending by Finnish credit institutions Source: Bank of Finland

  10. New drawdowns of housingloans per month Bn€ (12 months centered moving average)

  11. Averageinterestrates of home loans in Finland %

  12. New housingloansbyinterestratelinkage

  13. Residentialmortgagedebt per capita thousand €

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