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HARRY TRUMAN. 1945 - 1953. TRUMAN. For the US Truman was the central figure in the early years of conflict with the Soviets – he became president in 1945 just 13 days before the UN conference in San Francisco after long time President Roosevelt died!
HARRY TRUMAN 1945 - 1953
TRUMAN • For the US Truman was the central figure in the early years of conflict with the Soviets – he became president in 1945 just 13 days before the UN conference in San Francisco after long time President Roosevelt died! • He was unprepared in military matters, peace negotiations, and did not even know about the development of the bomb!
Containment • Yalta conference (meeting of the Big 3) – they agreed to allow open elections in the Eastern block countries of EUROPE – yet Stalin's terms for this were vague (WHY? • 1945 Soviets did not allow open elections in Poland & banned democratic policies • Creation of the IRON KURTAIN • Led to CONTAINMENT – foreign policy where the US would block the Soviets attempt to spread their influence of communism by creating alliances and supporting weaker countries
The “Iron Curtain” From Stettin in the Balkans, to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lies the ancient capitals of Central and Eastern Europe.-- Sir Winston Churchill, 1946
TRUMAN DOCTRINE – President declared that the US should support free peoples throughout the world who were resisting takeovers by armed minorities • Asked congress to spend 400 million to aid Greece and Turkey • Marshal Plan – plan for giving aid (12. 5 billion ) to those countries in Europe who needed it ( • FREE TRADE • Czechoslovakia
Truman Doctrine [1947] • Civil War in Greece. • Turkey under pressure from the USSR for concessions in the Dardanelles. • The U. S. should support free peoples throughout the world who were resisting takeovers by armed minorities or outside pressures…We must assist free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way. • The U.S. gave Greece & Turkey $400 million in aid.
Marshall Plan [1948] • “European Recovery Program.” • Secretary of State, George Marshall • The U. S. should provide aid to all European nations that need it. This move is not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. • $12.5 billion of US aid to Western Europe extended to Eastern Europe & USSR, [but this was rejected].
BERLIN AIRLIFT • Soviets wanted to keep Germany weak and Divided • The Other Nations wanted to reunite Germany • 1948 – plan was to reunite the 3 western ZONES – Russia retaliated by holding hostage West Berlin • 327 days • 277,000 • 2.3 million tons of supplies FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY (WEST GERMNAY) GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (EAST GERMANY)
NATO • IN response to the Berlin Airlift – many western European countries in fear of Soviet Aggression created a military alliance • Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, France, Great Britain, Italy, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal • An attack on one is regarded as an attack on all
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) • United States • Belgium • Britain • Canada • Denmark • France • Iceland • Italy • Luxemburg • Netherlands • Norway • Portugal • 1952: Greece & Turkey • 1955: West Germany • 1983: Spain
Warsaw Pact (1955) • U. S. S. R. • Albania • Bulgaria • Czechoslovakia • East Germany • Hungary • Poland • Rumania
Civil War in China • Mao Zedong vs Chiang Kai-Shek • As soon as the Japanese left China – fighting resumed between Nationalists and Communists • From 1944 – 1947 US plays peacemaker and tries to bring peace • We send 2 billion worth of aid to the nationalists - they still lose and are exiled to Formosa – (Taiwan)
Mao’s Revolution: 1949 Who lost China? – A 2nd}Power!
Korean War • 1910 – 1945 Korea ruled by the Japanese • 38th parallel – Japanese north of this line surrendered to USSR – Japanese south of this line surrendered to USA • Republic of Korea capital in Seoul under the command of Sygman Rhee • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – capital in Pyongyang – under the command of Kim Il Sung • USSR & USA with draw by 1949 – each country claimed the right to possess all of KOREA
JUNE 25, 1950 – North Korean Troops invaded South Korea • June 27, 1950 UN Security Council adopted a measure calling on member nations to aid South Korea • 520,000 allied troops sent (90%) were american • 590,000 south Korean troops • All placed under the command of General Douglass MacArthur
MIRACLE ATTACK • US Resolution to Reunite KOREA • YALU RIVER AND CHINA • Jan 4, 1951
The Korean War: A “Police Action” (1950-1953) Kim Il-Sung Syngman Rhee “Domino Theory”
MacArthur vs Truman • MacArthur believed that the US should attack China • Truman denied these request with the advisement of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – headed by General Omar N. Bradley – they called for a LIMITED WAR • By 1951 UN forced headed by the US Eight Infantry had recaptured Seoul • MacArthur Urges to wage war against CHINA – Truman again says no • MacArthur goes over the president’s head • MacArthur is Removed
When he returns home – he returns to a heroes welcome • Addresses Congress • Was give a ticker – tape parade in NYC “Old Soldiers Never Die, They just fade away” • JUNE 23, 1951 – USSR suggests a cease fire • JULY 1951 – peace talks • JULY 1953 – Armistice • COSTS – • 54,000 American Lives • 20 – 22 billion dollars
RED SCARE • 80,000 Americans claimed membership in the Communist Party (Communist Bugaboo) • Loyalty Review Board • HUAC • Hollywood Ten • Blacklisting • McCarran Act
Algier HISS & Nixon • Ethel and Julius Rosenbergs • Fuchs Case • McCarthyism
CIA/ JOHN FOSTER DULLES • Dulles – was secretary of state and was staunchly anti-communist – he believed in massive retaliation against communist and his philosophies helped to bring about the term “BRINKMANSHIP” • Believed in a greater dependence on nuclear weapons and airplanes • CIA – agency that used spies to gather information abroad – CIA vs KGB
Eisenhower Doctrine • Said the the US would defend the Middle East against attack by any communist country – approved by Congress
US began 1957 confident – we had guided missiles that could deliver nuclear warheads from 1,500 – 3,000 miles away • SOVIET ICBM • October 4, 1957 the soviets used an ICBM to push the 1st satellite into the earth’s • Circled the globe 96.2 minutes at 18,000 miles per hour • SPUTNIK • FLOPNIK/ STAYPUTNIK • January 31, 1958 – the US launched its first satellite
Sputnik I (1957) The Russians have beaten America in space—they have the technological edge!
U2 PLANE/ Kruschev • Following the rejection of Eisenhower’s “open skies” policy – the CIA began making secret high altitude flights over soviet territory • Francis Gary Powers was shot down on May 1st by Igor Mentyukov • It was 1,300 miles inside Soviet Airspace • Kruschev – denounced the US – and Powers was tried for Espionage sentenced to 10 years but only served 17 months
U-2 Spy Incident (1960) Col. Francis Gary Powers’ plane was shot down over Soviet airspace.