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Learn the essentials of APA in-text citations to help readers locate full references and quotes accurately. Includes examples for single and multiple authors, signal phrases, page numbers, and works without page numbers.
What (most) in-text citations MUST have: • Essentially, only the minimum information required for the reader to be able to identify the full citation on the references page and the location of the quote within: • Author or organization. • Page or paragraph number. • Year of publication.
Author mentioned in a signal phrase: Ho (2001) noted the dichotomy between the “passions of the tormented soul” occupying the first quatrain of each stanza and the “relative stability” of the concluding couplets (p. 51), which is indicative of Greville’s yearning for a universal consistency on which he could rely.
Author not mentioned in a signal phrase: Among the offenses imputed to Frith were lewd conduct and public intoxication, but the charge that receives the most attention by modern Renaissance scholars was that she allegedly “sat there upon the stage in publique viewe of all people there p[rese]nte in mans apparell and playd upon her lute & sange a songe” (Garber, 1998, p. 222).
Multiple Authors: The authors of “The Logic of the Transvestite” wrote that, in The Roaring Girl, “the fetishization of commodities [to which we might add clothing] is the cover for the fetishization of body parts”, arguing that the sexual identities of the characters are really what is at stake in the commercial exchange of goods (Garber & Smith, 1998, p. 224).
Author cited twice in a row: As one critic observed, “The yearning for apocalypse was regarded in Protestant theology as one of the chief effects and signs of sanctification” (Waswo, 1987, p. 150). If this is the case, he continued, then Sonnet CIX could ultimately be read as “Greville’s final indictment of human society” (p. 153).
Works with No Page Numbers: The Galenic anatomical model existed on the supposition that men and women were essentially different versions of the same species; the only real difference was whether the genitals were inverted or extroverted. According to anatomologists of the Galenic tradition, “we all begin as female, and masculinity is a development out of and away from femininity” (Orgel, 2003, para. 20).
Multiple citations: Rees (2006) warned against hastily drawing conclusions from this statement about Greville’s worldview without “understand[ing] rightly the implications of the episode” (p. 6). Nevertheless, many scholars have insisted that this quotation demonstrates Greville’s recognition of a gulf separating the “world” from “God” (Bullough, 1999; Roberts, 2004).
Next Class (3/22): -Turn in APA in-text citations handout (online) and your topography (assigned Wednesday, 3/10). -Read and understand TSIS Chs. 1 and 3. -Have someone review your introduction. -Be prepared to take Mechanics Quiz 3.