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WP6 Training & Valorisation. Hugh Devlin & Gillian Armitt. Year 2 Objectives. Deliverable D6.1 delivered Month 16. Task 6.1 - Needs Analysis of Stakeholders. WP 6 Implementation Group: preliminary website contents. Pictures of available CBCT equipment on the market
WP6 Training & Valorisation Hugh Devlin & Gillian Armitt
Deliverable D6.1 delivered Month 16 Task 6.1 - Needs Analysis of Stakeholders
WP 6 Implementation Group: preliminary website contents Pictures of available CBCT equipment on the market Links to manufacturers’ websites A detailed technological description of how CBCT works A history of the development of CBCT technology An objective technical comparison of different CBCT machines Information about Radiation doses and risks of CBCT * Dose Maps for CBCT A strategy for Radiation Protection of staff A strategy for Radiation Protection of patients A Quality Assurance Programme for users of CBCT * Information about Quality Control Test Tools for CBCT An image library of faults on CBCT images Descriptions of dental and dento-alveolar uses of CBCT Etc etc
Rank EADMFR survey (principally dental radiologists) • 1 Information about Radiation doses and risks of CBCT * • A Quality Assurance Programme for users of CBCT * • A strategy for Radiation Protection of patients • A strategy for Radiation Protection of staff • Anatomical CBCT reference image library • 5 = Pathological CBCT reference image library • Evidence-based Referral/ Selection Criteria for CBCT • Dose Maps for CBCT • Descriptions of the Dental clinical uses of CBCT • Information about Quality Control Test Tools for CBCT
EFOMP/MEDICAL PHYSICIST 1. An objective technical comparison of different CBCT machines 2 = Information about Radiation doses and risks of CBCT* 2 = A Quality Assurance Programme for users of CBCT * 4 Information about Quality Control Test Tools for CBCT 5 A detailed technological description of how CBCT works 6. A strategy for Radiation Protection of patients 7 A strategy for Radiation Protection of staff 8 Dose Maps for CBCT 9 An image library of faults on CBCT images 10 A regularly updated database of links to scientific publications on CBCT
EADMFR survey and EFOMP survey • Accreditation/ validation of the training from an external body would be important • Assessment using visual interactive elements (e.g. labelling images) would be essential • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) would be essential • Short answer questions (one word answers) would be essential • ......development of training and assessment
Required Functionality Diagnostic Forums Discussion Boards Text-based information PowerPoint lectures Wiki Section Task 6.1 - Needs Analysis of Stakeholders
Completed Month 21 Prototype website: Basic requirements derived from D6.1 findings Various software solutions tested for suitability Task 6.2 - Completion of prototype website
Ongoing, due M27. Pre-definitive website contains core technologies required in definitive website Content: Substantial wiki content Sample training materials (completed modules) Task 6.3 – development of pre-definitive website
Task 6.3 – development of pre-definitive website Wiki content
Surveys of EADMFR “Basic Principles” on website Health Protection Agency Curriculum Learning Objectives Powerpoint with voiceover Wiki directed statements Labelled diagrams of anatomy Delivery of Material Multiple choice questions One word answers Assessment
The Curriculum How does CBCT work? Part 1 & Part 2 Radiation Dose and Risk of CBCT Justification – principles and referral criteria Optimization of dose – patients and staff Optimization of dose 2 – quality assurance Anatomy on CBCT images Interpretation of pathology on CBCT 10 modules
Learning Objective After reading this module you will be able to recognise those clinical situations in endodontics where cone beam CT is recommended Delivery of Material Intraoral radiography should be used first of all......but Radiation Protection: Cone Beam CT for Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology. www.sedentexct.eu Wiki Statements with evidence base
Suggested slide layout Safety and Efficacy of a New and Emerging Dental X-ray Modality Ariel 24 point • . to use the information to develop evidence-based guidelines dealing with justification. • optimisation and referral criteria ....... for users of CBCT Ariel 18 point www.sedentexCT.eu
Planning under way Key issue – develop sustainable web community: Dentists Medical physicists Manufacturers General public Task 6.3 – Plan for Programme of Awareness Raising
Mission statement • To provide a long-lasting online community that is the natural first choice for anyone (professional or public) that is looking for information on CBCT • To provide the first choice method of getting verifiable training in CBCT for health professionals • Dynamic community • Disseminate best practice (Guidelines) • Solving every day work problems • Information, training and accreditation
Approach: “Cultivating Communities of Practice” E Wenger, R McDermott & W M Snyder Self-directed and informal learning, e.g. in the workplace Task 6.3 – Awareness Raising
Core team agreed: One or more named members from each partner WP6 workshop yesterday Monthly on-line meetings Core team act as coordinators for on-line community Task 6.3 – Awareness Raising
Coordinator roles: Identify potential member groups Plan and facilitate community events, e.g. launch, webinars etc Help build the training materials and content Facilitate active posting on forums Informally link community members (forums) Task 6.3 – Awareness Raising
International organisations EADMFR EFOMP National bodies Belgium FANC (Federal Agency of Nuclear Control) France AFSSPS (French health product safety agency) Greece Greek Atomic Energy Commission Lithuania Radiation Protection Centre Romania National Commission for Nuclear Activity (CNCAN) UK Health Protection Agency Task 6.3 – Awareness Raising
National dental associations Belgium VVT (Flemish association of dentists) VBT (Association of Belgian dentists) BHPA (Belgian Association of Hospital Physicians) Greece Hellenic National Dental Society Athens Dental Society Hellenic Society of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Lithuania Lithuanian Association of Radiology Romania Romanian Dentists Association (CMDR) Sweden The Swedish Dental Association (SDA) Swedish Society for Maxillofacial Radiology (SFOR) UK British Dental Association The Royal College of Surgeons of England Task 6.3 – Awareness Raising
Website launch Launch timing: June 2010 (Some) training modules ready Forum in active use More wiki content Advertising to potential members Task 6.3 – Awareness Raising
Developer appointed 31 March 2009 Issues Resolved
More work required on content: Training materials Wiki Forums Generation of 3D content from data in DICOM format DICOM = Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine - a standard for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging Issues Outstanding
Monthly on-line meetings + WP6 workshop in CLUJ Finalisation of training ‘brainstorm’ - end Jan Learning outcomes developed – end Feb Planning finalised – end Mar Launch of pre-definitive website – end June With training materials and supporting content for selected modules With ‘seeded’ discussion forums Advertising to potential users – June onwards Contact potential organisations regarding long term hosting Metrics – monitor website activity Future Planning
3 possible solutions considered: Bespoke system written from ground up ‘Framework’ system, with some code ready-written Off the shelf Content Management System (CMS) Task 6.2 - Completion of prototype website
Drupal CMS system selected as preferred solution Already in use in Manchester Allows rapid development Open source Highly extensible Task 6.2 - Completion of prototype website