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East meets West: The revival of Europe. Module 2. Module 2. Who turned the lights off, back on again and then gave us the light bulb? A) Dark Age = Fall of Roman Empire to Early Renaissance = 5 th -12 th cen. B) Renaissance = 14 th to 17 th centuries
Module 2 • Who turned the lights off, back on again and then gave us the light bulb? A) Dark Age = Fall of Roman Empire to Early Renaissance = 5th-12th cen. B) Renaissance = 14th to 17th centuries C) Early Modern Age = late 16th to 19th centuries B C A ___ ___ ___
Module 2 • Why so dark? • Dark Age or European Middle Ages (go to maps) • For Europe, progress seemed to stall or slow down. • Any ideas why? • However, other parts of the world were not left in the dark. • Any ideas about who were still progressing and why? • Hint:
Module 2 • You are about to watch a series of short videos titled “When the Moors Ruled in Europe.” • Instructions: • Watch and listen carefully. • Take notes if you want to. • Try to answer the questions as they occur in the video. • Press pause and replay as many times as you want. Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 The End
Module 2 Video 1 • Vocabulary: (4 points each) • progressive, inquisition, stereotype, heyday, sultan • Questions: (5 points each) 1)How can we describe the early Muslim Moors in Spain? 2)How long did the Moors survive in Spain? 3)When was the height of Muslim power in Granada? 4)What is the appeal of the Alhambra Palace?
Module 2 • East meets West, Rediscovery and Rebirth • Moors (Islamic North Africans) conquer parts of Spain • New rulers doesn’t necessarily = new problems • Any ideas why this is so? • Watch Video 1 on Youtube:
Module 2 Video 2 • Vocabulary: (4 points each) - aesthetics, ingenuity, Islam, spitting distance, Qur'an • Questions: (4 points each –you only need to answer 5 of 6) 1)What is the root of the Alhambra Palace’s beauty? 2)Where did the roots of this early cultural and religious explosion originate from? 3)What is Islam committed to other than expansion? 4)What did Islam actively encourage while other religions of the day kept to themselves? 5)With knowledge, according to the Qur'an, what can you become in the future? 6)As a result of early Islamic culture's natural tendency to embrace science and mathematical investigation, how would you describe their society? Please do not use ‘good’ or ‘bad’ in your answer.
Module 2 • Eastern progressive attitudes outshine Europe’s Dark Ages • Education leads to progress. Was it always encouraged? • Watch video 2 from Youtube
Module 2 Video 3 • Vocabulary: (4 points each) lingua franca, squabbling, chasm (ka'sim), Visigoths, civilization, • Questions: (4 points each –you only need to answer 5 of 6) 1)Why were the Muslim Arabs natural inheritors of Greek learning? 2)Why did Europe fear the ancient Roman and Greek text which Arab scholars found so interesting and useful? 3)What happened throughout most of Europe after the fall of Rome? 4)In what condition did the Muslim Moors find most of Andalusia? (in crisis) 5)Why would the Visigoth people enthusiastically hand over land according to the narrator? 6)What can you infer from what the Spanish Muslim scholar mentioned about geography?
Module 2 • Invader or Savior? -Bridges between the East and West; civilization and chaos -learning from the past –can it be helpful? -watch video 3 from Youtube
Module 2 Video 4 Vocabulary: (4 points each) - disarray, cutting-edge irrigation, cosmopolitan, innovation, disseminate Questions: (4 points each –you only need to answer 5 of 6) 1)What did the Moors bring to Europe which had never been seen by them before? Hint: These are very familiar items to us here in Barranquilla. 2)What did this new agriculture provide? 3)How would one describe Cordoba, Spain around the 10th century? 4)Why was the Great Mosque of Cordoba extended by successive rulers? 5)Was the conversion to Islam in Spain done by force? Why did they convert? 6)Compare and contrast the Muslim libraries of Cordoba, Spain with those found in their northern neighbor, France?
Module 2 • Sharing culture, new ideas and technology? -While watching the next 2 clips, keep the setting the narrator is describing in mind. It is around the 9th to 11th centuries and most of Europe is living a poor existence. For the most part, Europeans do not have proper sanitation, access to healthy food and water, and live in a world of ignorance (lack of education) -Do you think Islamic culture had anything to do with giving Europe a new perspective or guiding light? -watch video 4 from Youtube
Module 2 Final Video Vocabulary: (4 points each) -astrolabe, navigation, empowering, caliph, sophisticated Questions: (4 points each) 1)What can you infer from the discovery and use of the astrolabe? 2)Compare Christian and Muslim medicine from the context of the video. 3)Who in Muslim society were educated? Can you infer any social benefit from this answer? 4)What would a ruler build if he wished to demonstrate his power to the world? 5)After watching all 5 videos, make a list of at least 5 items which improved life for Spain after the invasion of the Muslim Moors.
Module 2 • Watch the final video and be sure to recall what benefits the Moors brought with them into Europe. • Check out the last video on Youtube
Module 2 • If there are any videos you would like to watch again, click here • You may answer the questions in your notebooks. If you do not want to use your notebooks, make sure you identify who you are and the title when submitting your work. • Feel free to ask me or other students questions. Just try to do your own work.