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KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal

KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal. Simulations Review (Report on the RSVP Detector Capabilities, Simulations, and Backgrounds Review January 11-13, 2005)

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KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal

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  1. KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal • Simulations Review (Report on the RSVP Detector Capabilities, Simulations, and Backgrounds Review January 11-13, 2005) • Develop a Monte Carlo with full digitization of detector signals, and realistic event reconstruction starting from `raw data’ in order to validate background estimates. (JR #1) • Develop a fully engineered design for the photon veto, build a full scale prototype, and subject it to beam tests to validate that it achieves the required performance. (JR #2) • Perform tests with the AGS to measure beam microbunch width and interbunch extinction at full intensity (at least 70 Tp) and to demonstrate the necessary bunch widths and extinction are achieved. (JR #3) • Design the neutral beam and shielding, install it, and perform beam tests (using specialized detectors) to establish that the properties of the beam (e.g. n halo) meet the requirements of the experiment. (JR #4) CA-D work in green KOPIO work in blue

  2. KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal FY2009 Assumptions: 25 MHz cavity installed A5 Kicker and Neutral Beam installed, Detector installation started • 25 MHz &100 MHz cavity (JR #3) • Commission 25 MHz cavity [20shifts] • Commission 100 MHz cavity [14 shifts] • Measure microbunch width and interbunch extinction [20 shifts] • Primary beam instrumentation & target tests [15 shifts]

  3. KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal FY2009 • KL production, neutron and halo rates [80 shifts] (JR #4) • Downstream vacuum tank • Downstream PV detectors • Dedicated neutron detectors • Prototype detector, trigger and DAQ tests [40 shifts] (JR #2) • Rates, thresholds, efficiencies, double-pulse resolutions in prototype detectors (He bag) • Photon Veto bars and shashlyk, Charged Particle Veto wedge • 10x10 Calorimeter array, PreRadiator quadrant • Catcher & Guard counters • Test/verify WFD, Trigger, DAQ designs

  4. KOPIO Pre-ops Proposal FY2010 Assumptions: Significant detector installed 100MHz cavity installed • KL production spectra, soft neutron rates and halo, ambient rates [80 shifts] (JR #4) • Detector, trigger and DAQ tests with decays in neutral beam at higher intensity [60 shifts] • Rates, thresholds, efficiencies, double-pulse resolutions with regular detector elements (JR #2) • Reconstruct  showers(JR #1) • Verify FEE, Trigger, DAQ under battle conditions

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