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IAMS Test Cases

IAMS Test Cases. (Embyonic) CFD Tool Integration & Exact 1-D Shock Tube Interactive Variation. Evolving CFD Integrated Analysis Topology. Open Source Components. IAMS. GMSH. ParaView. .su2. .geo. .msh. .cfg. .vtk. Wordpad. SU2. System Access. Project Manager. Project File Scanner.

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IAMS Test Cases

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Presentation Transcript

  1. IAMS Test Cases (Embyonic) CFD Tool Integration & Exact 1-D Shock Tube Interactive Variation

  2. Evolving CFD Integrated Analysis Topology Open Source Components IAMS GMSH ParaView .su2 .geo .msh .cfg .vtk Wordpad SU2

  3. System Access

  4. Project Manager

  5. Project File Scanner

  6. Mesh Plotting (Nozzle)

  7. Airfoil Mesh

  8. Results Plotting

  9. Multi-Variate Analysis

  10. Interactive Execution Select Type of Plot (here Output Sensitivity to Input Variation) Set Variation / Plot Filters Specify Input Parameters

  11. Parametric (Distance) Plots

  12. L1D Execution Sequence .ps x.La gas_model.lua x.py x.L0 x.LS x.lp .dat x.hx x.hc x.event x_log_p.gen x_log_p.ps x.dump l_script.py l1d.exe -prep l1d.exe sptime.exe piston.exe gnuplot mb_cont.exe

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