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Genetic Material

Learn about how genetic material, heredity, DNA, and genes play vital roles in determining and passing on traits from one generation to the next, leading to the uniqueness and variations among individuals.

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Genetic Material

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  1. Genetic Material

  2. Nucleus contains the genetic material.

  3. Heredity is the passing of traits from parent to offspring. Heredity is responsible for how you have your mother’s eyes and your father’s smile. Along with this inherited similarity though, there is also variation, as we are not exact clones of our mothers and fathers.

  4. The study of heredity in biology is called genetics.

  5. Vocabulary Check • Trait – a characteristic that is caused by genetics. Height and eye color are examples. • Heredity – “refers to inheriting characteristics from your parents…to the passing on of genetic factors from one generation to the next.” (https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/trait) • Variation - a change or difference in an organism from the original/parent. Also can refer to the flavors that exist in a trait

  6. What is DNA? The DNA molecule is made from two strands, twisted together in a double helix. The links between each strand are called bases.

  7. What is DNA? • Each link between the strands is made from a pair of bases • The sequence [order] of these base pairs is unique to any individual

  8. “Rungs of ladder” Nitrogenous Base (A,T,G or C) “Legs of ladder” Phosphate & Sugar Backbone DNA is made up of Nitrogen bases, phosphate and sugars

  9. What are BASES? • Nitrogen- containing chemicals • The parts of the DNA molecule that join the two helix strands • They are like rungs on a ladder • There are four bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C) • Each base can only join with one other base • they join together in pairs: A with T and G with C.

  10. Genes are made up of DNA(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

  11. What is a GENE? • A code made up of pairs of bases carried on the DNA molecule. • Each DNA molecule contains many genes • The basic physical and functional units of heredity

  12. What is a GENE? • A specific sequence of bases • Sequences carry the information needed for constructing proteins • Proteins provide the structural components of cells and tissues as well as enzymes for essential biochemical reactions. • The human genome is estimated to be made of more than 30,000 genes.

  13. What is a GENE? • Each chromosome carries a couple of thousand genes • Many of these are common to all human beings. • So, 99.9% of your DNA is identical to everyone else's

  14. What is a GENE? • The remaining 0.1% influences the differences between us • height, hair color and susceptibility to a particular disease • Environmental factors, such as lifestyle (for example, smoking and nutrition) also influence the way we look and our susceptibility to disease

  15. Describe the structure of the genome • Tightly coiled threads of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and associated protein molecules • Organized into structures called chromosomes

  16. Chromosomes are made up of genes.

  17. GENOME The nucleus of a human cell contains between 30 000 and 40 000 genes. This complete set of genes is called theGENOME.

  18. http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/info=basics/show/gene

  19. Inside the nucleus are chromosomes. This is an image of a karyotype.

  20. What are CHROMOSOMES? • A packet of coiled up DNA • Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes • They are in the nucleus of cells

  21. What are CHROMOSOMES? • Chromosomes contain a single, long piece of DNA • A chromosome is about 0.004 mm long • The DNA is about 4 cm long • This is about 10 000 times longer than the chromosome • So it has to twist and coil to fit inside

  22. A HISTORY OF DNA • Discovery of the DNA double helix A. Frederick Griffith – Discovers that a factor in diseased bacteria can transform harmless bacteria into deadly bacteria (1928) B. Rosalind Franklin- X-ray photo of DNA. (1952) C. Watson and Crick- described the DNA molecule from Franklin’s X-ray. (1953)

  23. What is DNA? • Deoxyribonucleic acid • The molecule that contains the genetic code • It coils up tightly inside chromosomes • DNA is a double helix made from two strands which are joined together by a pair of bases

  24. The function of genetic material is to determine characteristics of living things. It is passed from parent to offspring. The structures found in genetic material are as follows: Base pairs make up the DNA, DNA make up the genes , genes make up the chromosomes and chromosomes are found in the nucleus of cell.

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