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Explore the challenges and benefits of migrant labor in Cyprus, the evolving role of global integration, and social service delivery. Understand the migrant worker's journey and the support systems available to them.
Migrants and Social Services Delivery in Cyprus Dr. Stefanos Spaneas Spaneas.s@unic.ac.cy Nicosia 20 June 2014
Globalisation: What does it mean? A perception of globally integrated system of physical communication (telephone, internet, airline network, etc.) Shared entertainment (film and TV; popular and classic music, sport) Economic exchange and capital flows Accelerating spread of ideas and of competing spiritual values Globalisation and Labour Movement There is far less globalization in respect of labor movement. Despite fear in the West about millions of actual or potential immigrants, and creation of new ethic minorities in Western Europe, it cannot seriously be claimed that contemporary globalization has much do with labour movements Globalisation and Labour Movement
The only concerted attempt to create ‘National treatment’ for migrant workers has been within the EU single market. But realization of free movement has been very slow despite cross-border rights to welfare benefits, freedom from controls, some mutual recognition of qualifications and substantial wage differentials Globalisation and Migrant Workers
Migration in Cyprus Cyprus, the last 20 years, has been transformed from a emigrant country to an immigrant one. The massive entrance of migrant workers resulted to a raise of negative reflections towards them (at least at the beginning) However, fears that local will loose their jobs were proved false. The most of them are legal and have significant contributed to the country’s financial and social development.
Migration Statistical Details Regional analysis of the percentage of non Cypriots REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, STATISTICAL SERVICE, (Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 29/12/2011)
Migration Statistical Details • 179.547 immigrants are living in Cyprus • 67.123 are Third Country Nationals • REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, STATISTICAL SERVICE, (Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 29/12/2011)
High Skilled Workers Well educated Business orientation jobs Academics Low skilled Workers Domestic Worker, Maid Nursing, Care-worker Agriculture and Livestock Worker Restaurant Kitchen, Dish Washing, Waiter Construction Worker Job characteristics for the Migrant Workers in Cyprus
Long Working Hours Poor Working Condition Injury at Workplace Low Wages & Overdue Wages Conflict with indigent workers Physical Assault Sexual Harassment Some Difficulties of the Migrant Workers (Workplace)
Financial Problems Food Clothing Accommodation (poor conditions) Marital Problems Climate or Weather Language and Communication Cultural Difference Exploitation by Brokers Social Life Problems of the Migrant Workers
Government Organization Non- Government Organization Local Authorities Social Service Delivery System
The Welfare State, for those in need, is based on the provision of Public Assistance, the Elderly and the Disabled. The main purpose is to safeguard every individual's right to a decent standard of living; offer financial or other support to vulnerable groups of people; encourage the strengthening of bonds between the elderly and the disabled with their family and their local Community; and to end the reliance of public assistance recipients on public assistance benefit and achieve their social inclusion. Social Welfare Services
According to the Law of Public Assistance, in order for someone to receive has to stay legally in Cyprus (permanent residence) The majority of TCN have temporary residence permit (nowadays on a annual basis) They don’t have access to Public Assistance (benefits), except if they fulfill specific criteria. Public Assistance and TCN
Counseling and support to the family in order to cope with the problems that threaten the unity of family. Protection of children from possible dangers. Promotion of the rights of children Prevention of delinquent behaviour Violence or Outrage on the Migrant Workers Rape or Sexual Abuse Referral Service Death Provision of Services by SWS
Consulting Problems on the Labor Problems and Immigration Difficulties Legal Advice Supporting Migrant Workers’ Community Events (Picnic, Camp, Athletic Activities. Etc.) Develop social/cultural life Participation in Religious Activities job information Publishing Newsletter/Newspaper NGOS
Afternoon Care Service for Migrant Worker’s Children Counseling Informal Legal Advices Greek language lessons Provision of Non Formal Education History and Cyprus Culture Workshops Arts and crafts workshops First Aid workshop Multicultural flavor workshops Multicultural event with international flavors, music and dance Local Authorities
Re-enforcement of Basic Labour Law and Supervision of the employers of the Migrant Workers Prevention and Solution of Irregular Practice of Employment Agency Solution of Labor Problems (Industrial Injuries, Overdue Payment, etc.) Creation of Special Agency (Department) for the Migrant Worker Public awareness for the Change of Negative Attitude of Community People toward the Migrant Worker Acceptance of the Migrant Worker as Members of Local Community Support the Migrants’ Events in the Community Support the setup of Migrants Associations Challenges
Contact Questions, comments ... are welcome Dr. Stefanos Spaneas Assistant Professor of Social Work University of Nicosia spaneas.s@unic.ac.cy Tel : 00357 22 842251 Fax:00357 22 353682