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Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD is a Medical Doctor with specialty in Family Medicine. He has special interests in Preventive medicine, Assisted Reproduction as well as chronic disease management through Integrative and Precision medicine.
Facts You Must Know About Family Medicine Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD 01
Family Medicine FAMILY MEDICINE . Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD can perform physical exams, write prescriptions for your medication, make diagnoses, and treat common illnesses, ailments, and a few chronic diseases like diabetes. A medical care physician is required for those that have certain sorts of health care coverage plans. 02
Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD Family medicine Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD provides care to all or any relations like adults, teens, children, and babies. 03
If you or your loved one needs a general doctor to treat minor illnesses or ailments, then you'll schedule a meeting to be seen by Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD. He can provide basic treatment and drugs to all or any members of your immediate family. A family physician can provide equivalent quality healthcare as a family healthcare doctor, a medical care doctor, or a family RN. They will provide medical treatment to all or any relations of all ages. They provide several great resources to assist you to understand your medical condition. Family medicine Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD 04
Family medicine Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD Seeing a doctor for your healthcare needs will assist you to enhance your overall health and self-esteem. They will assist you with weight control by providing you with a weight loss diet or refer you to a nutritionist. 05
Family medicine Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD can assist you to revisit to figure faster if you receive the proper treatment and drugs for your medical problem. 06
Family medicine If you or your loved one needs a general doctor to treat minor illnesses or ailments, then you'll schedule a meeting to be seen by Dr. John Spencer Chikeziem Archinihu, MD. 07