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Supporting Early Development: Effective Practices for 0-20 Month Age Range

Explore child development, emotional well-being, early literacy, maths, and SSTEW materials for ages 0-2. Session includes sharing practice, peer discussion, and evaluating activities. Covers physical, sensory, social, and emotional development with tips for supporting growth.

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Supporting Early Development: Effective Practices for 0-20 Month Age Range

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  1. EYITT Early Years Initial Teacher Training Graduate Employment Based Programme CPLD Day 3 Implementing Effective Practice with 0-20 month age range 10th October 2019

  2. Aims of this session • To explore the development of children within the 0-20 month age range with an emphasis on supporting the prime areas of learning and development sharing effective practice • To explore ways of supporting emotional well being and development with this age phase • To understand what ‘early literacy’ means and what this looks like in practice • To explore the meaning of ‘ early maths’ and what this looks like in practice • To evaluate supplementary SSTEW materials for 0-2 age phase

  3. Covered in this session • Sharing of effective practice with 0-2 years age phase – ACTIVITY ! • The Prime areas of learning and development-PD, PSE, CL • Early literacy – A project implementing early literacy in the baby room (with permission) • Early Maths – what does this look like for babies and young toddlers • Supplementary materials for 0-2 age range (SSTEW)

  4. Activity – sharing learning • Each person has 5 minutes to present / explain their planned activity with 0-2 year olds • Peer questions • Peer discussion and reflection – age/ stage appropriate? EBI? Which Prime area is supported? How could it be adapted for an older child?

  5. The Prime Areas of Learning and DevelopmentPhysical Development • Babies are born with.... • Adaptive reflexes: Sucking / withdrawal • Sleep.....On average babies will sleep for 16-18 hours a day by 2 yrs , diminished to 12 hours per day • Vision....Babies can distinguish colour soon after birth • Show a prefernce for their mother’s faces

  6. Physical development is … • Rapid during 1st 2 years of human life • 1 month – baby can lift head from supine position • 24 months-baby/ toddler can walk/ run / jump!

  7. The Pattern of PD • From simple to complex -stand before walking, walk before jumping • From head to toe- physical control begins with hear, works down body, to arms, hands and back and finally legs and feet • From general to specific - reaching before grasping (GMS- FMS)

  8. Shout out activity • What factors could affect physical development? • How do you support physical development?

  9. Sensory development • Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing, Sight • Vestibular– sense of balance, located in inner ear, controls our sense of movement and balance • Vestibular fluid in ear also moves when head moves allows the ears to sense how far and how quickly the head has moved

  10. Sensory development Proprioception The ability to recognise and use the physical sensation from the body that gives feedback on balance and position of body in relation to objects around them ( body movement and spatial awareness)

  11. Heuristic Play Heuristic play describes the activity of babies and children as they play with and explore the properties of ‘objects’. These ‘objects are things from the real world. ElinorGoldschmeid

  12. EYFS Prime Area Personal Social and Emotional Development • Personal Social and Emotional Development • Self confidence and self awareness • Managing feelings and behaviour • Making relationships

  13. SSTEW for under 2’s • Share work • Review • Discuss • EBI?

  14. Emotional health and well being •  Health professionals report increased pressure on specialized services such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). •  There has been heightened media interest as indicated by headlines such as: ‘Children, five, suffer mental health crises’ (The Guardian, 2007), ‘Pledge to boost mental health in schools’ (BBC News 2017), and ‘Children’s mental health: it’s time to put wellbeing on the curriculum’ (The Guardian, 2017) •  There is very strong evidence that investment in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of children notably in the pre- school years, can avoid health and social problems later in life. •   The science of child development shows that the foundations for good mental health are built early in life, as early experiences shape the architecture of the developing brain.

  15. Emotional health and well being • Bowlby-strong attachments • Key person- responses matter if we are to enable the child to overcome stressful situations • Self and co regulation • Parent partnerships

  16. In Practice….... Yoga“Develop body awareness, Learn how to use their bodies in a healthy way, Manage stress through breathing, awareness, meditation and healthy movement, Build concentration, Increase their confidence and positive self-image, Feel part of a healthy, non-competitive group, Have an alternative to tuning out through constant attachment to electronic devices” (Fabien, 2014).

  17. In Practice….. • Books • Puppets • Sensory bottles • Music • Bubbles • Sound walks • Label emotions

  18. EYFS Unique child- every child who is constantly learning and can be resilient , capable , confident and self assured

  19. Prime area - Communication and Language • Evidence - Save the children and Lighting up young children’s brains – ‘Read on, get on’ campaign; talkingpoint.org.uk • Speech and language stats – I CAN • Importance of early literacy and how this links to language development – if a child does not have the basic skills of speech language and communication – they are likely to be disadvantaged for life

  20. Early communication – early literacy • Early language and early literacy develop hand in hand • “ To become good readers children 1st need to become confident and competent communicators with clear speech, increasing vocabulary and comprehensions”( Save the Children) • Importance of vocabulary in influencing progress in early literacy – evidence from Fisher 2016

  21. Speech and language milestones*talkingpoint.org 6-12 months • Listen carefully, and turn to someone talking on the other side of the room • Look at you when you speak and when their name is called • Babble strings of sounds, like ‘no-no’ and ‘go-go’ • Make noises, point and look at you to get your attention • Smile at people who are smiling at them • Start to understand words like ‘bye-bye’ and ‘up’ especially when a gesture is used at the same time • Recognise the names of familiar objects, things like ‘car’ and ‘daddy’ • Enjoy action songs and rhymes and get excited when sung to • Take turns in conversations, babbling to an adult 0-6 months • Turn towards a sound when they hear it • Be startled by loud noises • Watch your face when you talk to them • Recognise your voice • Smile and laugh when other people smile and laugh • Make sounds to themselves, like cooing, gurgling and babbling • Make noises, like coos or squeals, to get your attention • Have different cries for different needs. For example one cry for hunger, another when they are tired

  22. Speech and language milestones*talkingpoint.org 18-24 months • Concentrate on activities for longer, like playing with a particular toy • Sit and listen to simple stories with pictures • Understand between 200 and 500 words • Understand more simple questions and instructions. For example ‘where is your shoe?’ and ‘show me your nose’ • Copy sounds and words a lot • Use 50 or more single words. These will also become more recognisable to others • Start to put short sentences together with 2-3 words, such as ‘more juice’ or ‘bye nanny’ • Enjoy pretend play with their toys, such as feeding dolly • Use a limited number of sounds in their words – often these are p, b, t, d, m and w. Children will also miss the ends off words at this stage. They can usually be understood about half of the time 12-18 months • Enjoy games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake and toys that make a noise • Start to understand a few simple words, like ‘drink’, ‘shoe’ and ‘car’. Also, simple instructions like ‘kiss mummy’, ‘kick ball’ and ‘give me’ • Point to things when asked, like familiar people and objects such as ‘book’ and ‘car’ • Use up to 20 simple words, such as ‘cup’ ‘daddy’ and ‘dog’. These words may not always be easily recognised by unfamiliar adults • Gesture or point, often with words or sounds to show what they want • Copy lots of things that adults say and gestures they make • Start to enjoy simple pretend play, for example pretending to talk on the phone

  23. Theoretical views on language development • Social Learning Theory– Bandura – imitation , observation and copying • Nativism – Chomsky – Language Acquisition Device (Innate LAD) • Interactionism – Vygotsky – Innate ability to learn language but must be exposed to variety of social experiences

  24. Early Literacy Standard 3.4 Demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics in the teaching of early reading • Amplification: Create a literary rich environment and plan phonological opportunities for learning and development. Early Years teachers understand phonics in their earliest form…....

  25. Trainee Project - the what… • A study of early Literacy within the baby room and what I have implemented “From the day our children are born (yes) until the day they tell us to stop, we should read to them” (Michael Rosen). “ If we are serious about making a difference to children’s lives, we have to provide a language and literacy rich environment” ( Tassoni).

  26. The why…. • Through observation and discussion ‘A’ identified that the children in the baby room were not accessing the ‘good’ books as they were high up and out of reach • ‘A’ reflected and questioned – Why was this? what does a literary rich environment look like for babies? How can I improve this situation?

  27. The How….. • Through discussion , sharing research and ideas with colleagues in her additional placement setting. • Literacy in early years includes: books, print in the environment, singing, rhymes, early mark making, looking at and talking about pictures in stories, playing games with puppets, using silly voices, listening activities , inside and outside – all of these can spark, communication , literacy and learning.

  28. Positive Literacy spaces • ‘A’ used existing ‘cosy corner’ – made it more inviting added cushions, books within reach, used space for singing activities, musical activities to promote phonological awareness • Used knowledge of likes and interests of the children to create illustrations for the ceiling of this area – Tiny Turtle, Ducks, Black sheep to promote interaction!

  29. Impact • Very quickly babies noticed the illustrations • One pointed to the turtle so we sang the song Tiny Tim, another pointed to duck and said “quack” another found the book ‘First 100 Words’ and found and pointed to a picture of a duck!

  30. Further research ….. • Impact of simple changes led to further research on early reading • Newborns prefer to look at black, white and geometric shapes due to the structure of the retina not yet mature enough to perceive values and intensities in colour ( up to 6 – 9 months) • Black and white and monochrome illustrations support gaze, fixating, tracking and scanning all needed for early reading

  31. Examples

  32. Ongoing… • Working with parents • Reading café • Library visits • Book lending system from setting • Outdoor environmental changes – book area / print / logos • Books in home corner / construction area

  33. Reflection • How could you adapt your environment to ensure it is literary rich for babies? • Consider the following? How does early literacy support physical development?

  34. Early Maths

  35. ACTIVITY Each table has a variety of resources • Explore, talk and get creative! • What can you do to support mathematical development with babies using these resources?

  36. Early Maths Standard 3.5 • Demonstrate a clear understanding of appropriate strategies in the teaching of early maths • Amplification: Use appropriate strategies to create a mathematically rich environment successfully identifying and planning developmentally appropriate opportunities and experiences for babies , toddlers and young children. Early Years Teachers embed early mathematics into continuous provision and promote problem solving for babies toddlers and young children…..

  37. What is mathematics? Question – shout out activity – what is maths? Activity: 4 is the magic number • In small groups make a list of all the things that have a ‘fourness’ about them Examples: • 4 leaved clovers are really lucky • 4 seasons in the year • 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse…. • How many examples can you find?

  38. Mathematics is… • A tool that enables us to solve problems • About the real world • A means of communicating information and ideas • Exciting, fun and creative • Exploring and critical thinking

  39. EYFS 2017 • “Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to develop and improve their skills in counting , understanding and using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction problems and to describe shapes, spaces and measure”

  40. Research National strategies - Children Thinking Mathematically • The EYFSP score reveal that boys do less well than girls especially in the area of of calculation • All children can be successful provided they have opportunities to explore mathematical ideas in ways that make sense to them • Maths does not need to reside in a ‘maths zone’!

  41. Getting practical The treasure basket • How many opportunities for maths can you identify?

  42. Routines • Daily routines , snack , brushing teeth, getting dressed, all provide a wealth of mathematical opportunities – what other opportunities can you think of?

  43. Practical ideas- shape space and measure Model language • Go for a walk, look up , look down , hold baby high up , low down so that can see the world around them from lots of different angles/ positions • Narrate babies actions “you are going down the slide, you are climbing up the steps, you are very high” • Sand and water play, filling, emptying, different sized containers • Posting games, hide toys • Open ended resources, boxes, tubes , • Tunnels, dens, climbing opportunities, dance • Putting toys in different places to encourage positional language • Regular opportunities to engage in cookery • Weight washing line • Room on the Broom measuring • Snack time

  44. Numbers • Babies as young as five months appear to be aware of quantities, and they can notice changes in amounts of objects. Providing babies with objects to explore supports this early development of number. • As young as eight months old, children are developing an awareness of number names, and include these in their speech, as soon as they begin to talk. As children listen to the talk around them, they are introduced to number through opportunities that occur in everyday life, and experience a variety of number rhymes. This supports their growing knowledge of number names.

  45. Numbers • Make a collection of objects that excites baby in a box e.g. animals, dinosaurs, put them in one at a time and take them out one at a time, talk about how many , lots, altogether. Encourage lining up of objects for accurate counting • Build a tower of blocks together, 1…2....3! • Number rhymes and songs: Ten in a bed , 5 little monkeys , 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive... • Stories : 3 Little Pigs , Billy Goats Gruff , Goldilocks and the Three Bears • Numbers in the environment • Hopscotch and floor number lines

  46. In summary… • Provide opportunities for daily mathematics within daily routines, stories and songs • Audit the environment – is it ordered , are resources accessible , do they stimulate interest, are opportunities available for exploration with bodies, do children have ownership over the resources and their function? • Think about use of mathematical language at every opportunity • Be positive and enthusiastic!

  47. To Finish Resources: • Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education, David Whitebread, 2012 Sage publications • Developing Play for the Under 3’s, Anita Hughes, 2016, David Fulton Publishers • Why Love Matters, Sue Gerhardt, 2004, Routledge • Understanding Babies and Young Children from Conception to three, Christine Macintyre, 2012, Routledge • How Babies Think, Gopnik et al, 1999, Orion Publishing Group • The Holistic Care and Development From Birth 0 – 3, Kathy Brodie, 2018, David Fulton publishers • TED TALKS – AlsionGopnik ‘ How babies think’ • www.foundationyears.org.uk • 1001 days Critical Manifesto • The Little Book of Treasure Baskets: Little Books with Big Ideas. Ann Roberts • www.zerotothree.org

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