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Backtracking. Introduction to Backtracking. A short list of categories. Algorithm types we will consider include: Simple recursive algorithms Backtracking algorithms Divide and conquer algorithms Dynamic programming algorithms Greedy algorithms Branch and bound algorithms
Backtracking Introduction to Backtracking
A short list of categories • Algorithm types we will consider include: • Simple recursive algorithms • Backtracking algorithms • Divide and conquer algorithms • Dynamic programming algorithms • Greedy algorithms • Branch and bound algorithms • Brute force algorithms • Randomized algorithms
Backtracking • Suppose you have to make a series of decisions, among various choices, where • You don’t have enough information to know what to choose • Each decision leads to a new set of choices • Some sequence of choices (possibly more than one) may be a solution to your problem • Backtracking is a methodical way of trying out various sequences of decisions, until you find one that “works”
Backtracking (animation) dead end ? dead end dead end ? start ? ? dead end dead end ? success!
The backtracking algorithm • Backtracking is really quite simple--we “explore” each node, as follows: • To “explore” node N: • 1. If N is a goal node, return “success” • 2. If N is a leaf node, return “failure” • 3.For each child C of N, • 3.1. Explore C • 3.1.1. If C was successful, return “success” • 4.Return “failure”
Solving a maze • Given a maze, find a path from start to finish • At each intersection, you have to decide between three or fewer choices: • Go straight • Go left • Go right • You don’t have enough information to choose correctly • Each choice leads to another set of choices • One or more sequences of choices may (or may not) lead to a solution • Many types of maze problem can be solved with backtracking
Backtracking • Backtracking is a technique used to solve problems with a large search space, by systematically trying and eliminating possibilities. • A standard example of backtracking would be going through a maze. • At some point in a maze, • you might have two • options of which direction to go: Portion A Junction Portion B
Backtracking • One strategy would be to try going through Portion A of the maze. • If you get stuck before you find your way out, then you "backtrack"to the junction. • At this point in time you know that Portion A will NOT lead you out of the maze, • so you then start searching in Portion B Junction Portion B Portion A
Backtracking • Clearly, at a single junction you could have even more than 2 choices. • The backtracking strategy says to try each choice, one after the other, • if you ever get stuck, "backtrack"to the junction and try the next choice. • If you try all choices and never found a way out, then there IS no solution to the maze. Junction C B A
Coloring a map • You wish to color a map withnot more than four colors • red, yellow, green, blue • Adjacent countries must be indifferent colors • You don’t have enough information to choose colors • Each choice leads to another set of choices • One or more sequences of choices may (or may not) lead to a solution • Many coloring problems can be solved with backtracking
Backtracking – Eight Queens Problem • Find an arrangement of 8 queens on a single chess board such that no two queens are attacking one another. • In chess, queens can move all the way down any row, column or diagonal (so long as no pieces are in the way). • Due to the first two restrictions, it's clear that each row and column of the board will have exactly one queen.
Backtracking – Eight Queens Problem Q Q • The backtracking strategy is as follows: • Place a queen on the first available square in row 1. • Move onto the next row, placing a queen on the first available square there (that doesn't conflict with the previously placed queens). • Continue in this fashion until either: • you have solved the problem, or • you get stuck. • When you get stuck, remove the queens that got you there, until you get to a row where there is another valid square to try. Q Q Q Q Continue… Animated Example: http://www.hbmeyer.de/backtrack/achtdamen/eight.htm#up
Backtracking – Eight Queens Problem • When we carry out backtracking, an easy way to visualize what is going on is a tree that shows all the different possibilities that have been tried. • On the board we will show a visual representation of solving the 4 Queens problem (placing 4 queens on a 4x4 board where no two attack one another).
Backtracking – Eight Queens Problem • The neat thing about coding up backtracking, is that it can be done recursively, without having to do all the bookkeeping at once. • Instead, the stack or recursive calls does most of the bookkeeping • (ie, keeping track of which queens we've placed, and which combinations we've tried so far, etc.)
1) Start in the leftmost column • 2) If all queens are placed • return true • 3) Try all rows in the current column. • Do following for every tried row. • a) If the queen can be placed safely in this row • then mark this [row, column] as part of the • solution and recursively check if placing • queen here leads to a solution. • b) If placing the queen in [row, column] leads to • a solution then return true. • c) If placing queen doesn't lead to a solution then • unmark this [row, column] (Backtrack) and go to • step (a) to try other rows. • 4) If all rows have been tried and nothing worked, • return false to trigger backtracking.
Backtracking – 8 queens problem - Analysis • Another possible brute-force algorithm is generate the permutations of the numbers 1 through 8 (of which there are 8! = 40,320), • and uses the elements of each permutation as indices to place a queen on each row. • Then it rejects those boards with diagonal attacking positions. • The backtracking algorithm, is a slight improvement on the permutation method, • constructs the search tree by considering one row of the board at a time, eliminating most non-solution board positions at a very early stage in their construction. • Because it rejects row and diagonal attacks even on incomplete boards, it examines only 15,720 possible queen placements. • A further improvement which examines only 5,508 possible queen placements is to combine the permutation based method with the early pruning method: • The permutations are generated depth-first, and the search space is pruned if the partial permutation produces a diagonal attack
Sudoku and Backtracking • Another common puzzle that can be solved by backtracking is a Sudoku puzzle. • The basic idea behind the solution is as follows: • Scan the board to look for an empty square that could take on the fewest possible values based on the simple game constraints. • If you find a square that can only be one possible value, fill it in with that one value and continue the algorithm. • If no such square exists, place one of the possible numbers for that square in the number and repeat the process. • If you ever get stuck, erase the last number placed and see if there are other possible choices for that slot and try those next.
Mazes and Backtracking • A final example of something that can be solved using backtracking is a maze. • From your start point, you will iterate through each possible starting move. • From there, you recursively move forward. • If you ever get stuck, the recursion takes you back to where you were, and you try the next possible move. • In dealing with a maze, to make sure you don't try too many possibilities, • one should mark which locations in the maze have been visited already so that no location in the maze gets visited twice. • (If a place has already been visited, there is no point in trying to reach the end of the maze from there again.
Backtracking – homework problem • Determine how many solutions there are to the 5 queens problem. • Demonstrate backtracking for at least 2 solutions to the 5 queens problem, by tracing through the decision tree as shown in class.