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VE-ADR. SM. Value Engineered – Alternative Dispute Resolution. SM. VE-ADR . SM. Current “In Series” Litigation. Claim. Pleadings. Cross Complaints. CMO. Destructive Testing. Depositions. Expert Analysis. Mediation. More Depositions. Coverage Issues Discussed. VE-ADR . SM.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VE-ADR SM ValueEngineered – AlternativeDisputeResolution SM

  2. VE-ADR SM Current “In Series” Litigation Claim Pleadings Cross Complaints CMO Destructive Testing Depositions Expert Analysis Mediation More Depositions Coverage Issues Discussed

  3. VE-ADR SM Repeat Steps Until Resolution Reached Claim Pleadings Cross Complaints CMO Destructive Testing Depositions Expert Analysis Mediation More Depositions Coverage Issues Discussed

  4. VE-ADR SM Plaintiff Defendant Mediator Parties Cross-Defendant(s)

  5. VE-ADR VE-ADR SM SM Stakeholders Defendant Plaintiff Stakeholder Stakeholder Mediator Parties Cross-Defendant(s) Stakeholders

  6. VE-ADR SM How Do We Improve The “Engine” Performance?

  7. VE-ADR SM Value Engineering achieved through Active Management of the ADR Process

  8. VE-ADR SM Resolution Under One Year Speed

  9. VE-ADR SM Resolution Under One Year Speed Adapt ADR Process to the Claim Hybrid

  10. VE-ADR SM Resolution Under One Year Speed Adapt ADR Process to the Claim Hybrid Timing Work On Issues in Parallel

  11. SM VE-ADR Years 0 1 2 3 Current Case Model Time to Resolution

  12. VE-ADR SM Years 0 1 2 3 Current Case Model Years Time to Resolution 0 1 2 3 VE-ADRSM Model

  13. VE-ADR SM Technical Legal Road to Resolution Insurance Other

  14. VE-ADR SM Months 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Technical Legal Road to Resolution Insurance Other

  15. VE-ADR SM Months 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 MEDIATION Technical Legal Road to Resolution Insurance Other

  16. VE-ADR SM Months 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 MEDIATION Technical Legal Road to Resolution Insurance Other

  17. VE-ADR SM Months 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 MEDIATION Technical Legal Road to Resolution Insurance Other

  18. VE-ADR SM Months 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 MEDIATION Technical Legal Road to Resolution Insurance Other

  19. VE-ADR SM 20% of the issues result in 80% of the claim Pareto Principle / Division of Issues 80%

  20. VE-ADR SM Indemnity Cost Current Case Model Cost to Resolution Indemnity Cost VE-ADRSMModel

  21. VE-ADR SM Indemnity Cost Current Case Model Cost to Resolve Cost to Resolution Indemnity Cost VE-ADRSMModel Cost to Resolve

  22. SM 1. Organizational Conference 4 Steps of VE-ADR

  23. SM 1. Organizational Conference 2. NET Investigation 4 Steps of VE-ADR

  24. SM 1. Organizational Conference 2. NET Investigation 4 Steps of VE-ADR 3. NET Analysis

  25. SM 1. Organizational Conference 2. NET Investigation 4 Steps of VE-ADR 3. NET Analysis 4. NET Presentation /Q & A

  26. SM 1. Customize solution by case. Tools of VE-ADR

  27. SM 1. Customize solution by case. 2. “Cloud” real time data storage Tools of VE-ADR

  28. SM 1. Customize solution by case. 2. “Cloud” real time data storage 3. Stakeholder email notification of process updates Tools of VE-ADR

  29. SM 1. Customize solution by case. 2. “Cloud” real time data storage 3. Stakeholder email notification of process updates Tools of VE-ADR 4. Stakeholder notification of upcoming events

  30. SM 1. Customize solution by case. 2. “Cloud” real time data storage 3. Stakeholder email notification of process updates Tools of VE-ADR 4. Stakeholder notification of upcoming events 5. Project management base program

  31. SM 1. Customize solution by case. 2. “Cloud” real time data storage 3. Stakeholder email notification of process updates Tools of VE-ADR 4. Stakeholder notification of upcoming events 5. Project management base program 6. Stakeholder real time activity/process tracking

  32. “Cloud” Progress Schedules

  33. How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them. -Benjamin Franklin In no direction that we turn do we find ease or comfort. If we are honest and if we have the will to win we find only danger, hard work and iron resolution. -Wendell Willkie

  34. Contact LiMa Solutions

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