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Rulebase Expert System and Uncertainty . Rule-based ES. Rules as a knowledge representation technique Type of rules :- relation, recommendation, directive, strategy and heuristic. ES development tean. Project manager. Domain expert. Knowledge engineer. Programmer. End-user.
Rule-based ES • Rules as a knowledge representation technique • Type of rules :- relation, recommendation, directive, strategy and heuristic
ES development tean Project manager Domain expert Knowledge engineer Programmer End-user
External program Structure of a rule-based ES External database Knowledge base Database Rule: IF-THEN Fact Inference engine Explanation facilities User interface Developer interface Knowledge engineer User Expert
Structure of a rule-based ES • Fundamental characteristic of an ES • High quality performance • Gives correct results • Speed of reaching a solution • How to apply heuristic • Explanation capability • Although certain rules cannot be used to justify a conclusion/decision, explanation facility can be used to expressed appropriate fundamental principle. • Symbolic reasoning
Rule: IF A is x THEN is y Structure of a rule-based ES • Forward and backward chaining inference Database Fact: A is x Fact: B is y Match Fire Knowledge base
Conflict Resolution • Example • Rule 1: IF the ‘traffic light’ is green THEN the action is go • Rule 2: IF the ‘traffic light’ is red THEN the action is stop • Rule 3: IF the ‘traffic light’ is red THEN the action is go
Conflict Resolution Methods • Fire the rule with the highest priority • example • Fire the most specific rules • example • Fire the rule that uses the data most recently entered in the database - time tags attached to the rules • example
Uncertainty Problem • Sources of uncertainty in ES • Weak implication • Imprecise language • Unknown data • Difficulty in combining the views of different experts
Uncertainty Problem • Uncertainty in AI • Information is partial • Information is not fully reliable • Representation language is inherently imprecise • Information comes from multiple sources and it is conflicting • Information is approximate • Non-absolute cause-effect relationship exist
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Probabilistic • Certainty factors • Theory of evidence • Fuzzy logic • Neural Network • GA • Rough set
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Probabilistic • Certainty factors • Theory of evidence • Fuzzy logic • Neural Network • GA • Rough set
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Probabilistic • The degree of confidence in a premise or a conclusion can be expressed as a probability • The chance that a particular event will occur
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Bayes Theorem • Mechanism for combining new and existent evidence usually given as subjective probabilities • Revise existing prior probabilities based on new information • The results are called posterior probabilities
Uncertainty Problem • Bayes theorem • P(A/B) = probability of event A occuring, given that B has already occurred (posterior probability) • P(A) = probability of event A occuring (prior probability) • P(B/A) = additional evidence of B occuring, given A; • P(not A) = A is not going to occur, but another event is P(A) + P(not A) = 1
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Probabilistic • Certainty factors • Theory of evidence • Fuzzy logic • Neural Network • GA • Rough set
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Certainty factors • Uncertainty is represented as a degree of belief • 2 steps • Express the degree of belief • Manipulate the degrees of belief during the use of knowledge based systems • Based on evidence (or the expert’s assessment) • Refer pg 74
Certainty Factors • Form of certainty factors in ES IF <evidence> THEN <hypothesis> {cf } • cf represents belief in hypothesis H given that evidence E has occurred • Based on 2 functions • Measure of belief MB(H, E) • Measure of disbelief MD(H, E) • Indicate the degree to which belief/disbelief of hypothesis H is increased if evidence E were observed
Uncertain term and their intepretation Certainty Factors
Certainty Factors • Total strength of belief and disbelief in a hypothesis (pg 75)
Certainty Factors • Example : consider a simple rule IF A is X THEN B is Y • In usual cases experts are not absolute certain that a rule holds IF A is X THEN B is Y {cf 0.7}; B is Z {cf 0.2} • Interpretation; how about another 10% • See example pg 76
Certainty Factors • Certainty factors for rules with multiple antecedents • Conjunctive rules • IF <E1> AND <E2> …AND <En> THEN <H> {cf} • Certainty for H is cf(H, E1 E2 … En)= min[cf(E1), cf(E2),…, cf(En)] x cf See example pg 77
Certainty Factors • Certainty factors for rules with multiple antecedents • Disjunctive rules rules • IF <E1> OR <E2> …OR <En> OR <H> {cf} • Certainty for H is cf(H, E1 E2 … En)= max[cf(E1), cf(E2),…, cf(En)] x cf See example pg 78
Certainty Factors • Two or more rules effect the same hypothesis • E.g • Rule 1 : IF A is X THEN C is Z {cf 0.8} IF B is Y THEN C is Z {cf 0.6} Refer eq.3.35 pg 78 : combined certainty factor
Uncertainty Problem • Representing uncertain information in ES • Probabilistic • Certainty factors • Theory of evidence • Fuzzy logic • Neural Network • GA • Rough set
Theory of evidence • Representing uncertain information in ES • A well known procedure for reasoning with uncertainty in AI • Extension of bayesian approach • Indicates the expert belief in a hypothesis given a piece of evidence • Appropriate for combining expert opinions • Can handle situation that lack of information
Rough set approach • Rules are generated from dataset • Discover structural relationships within imprecise or noisy data • Can also be used for feature reduction • Where attributes that do not contributes towards the classification of the given training data can be identified or removed
Rough set approach:Generation of Rules Class a b c dec E1 1 2 3 1 E2 1 2 1 2 E3 2 2 3 2 E4 2 3 3 2 E5,1 3 5 1 3 E5,2 3 5 1 4 [E1, {a, c}], [E2, {a, c},{b,c}], [E3, {a}], [E4, {a}{b}], [E5, {a}{b}] Reducts Equivalence Classes a1c3 d1 a1c1 d2,b2c1 d2 a2 d2 b3 d2 a3 d3,a3 d4 b5 d3,b5 d4 Rules
Rough set approach:Generation of Rules Class Rules Membership Degree E1 a1c3 d1 50/50 = 1 E2 a1c1 d2 5/5 = 1 E2 b2c1 d2 5/5 = 1 E3, E4 a2 d2 40/40 = 1 E4 b3 d2 10/10 = 1 E5 a3 d3 4/5 = 0.8 E5 a3 d4 1/5 = 0.2 E5 b5 d3 4/5 = 0.8 E5 b5 d4 1/5 = 0.2
Rules Measurements : Support Given a description contains a conditional part and the decision part , denoting a decision rule . The support of the pattern is a number of objects in the information system A has the property described by . The support of is the number of object in the IS A that have the decision described by . The support for the decision rule is the probability of that an object covered by the description is belongs to the class.
Rules Measurement : Accuracy The quantity accuracy () gives a measure of how trustworthy the rule is in the condition . It is the probability that an arbitrary object covered by the description belongs to the class. It is identical to the value of rough membership function applied to an object x that match . Thus accuracy measures the degree of membership of x in X using attribute B.
Rules Measurement : Coverage Coverage gives measure of how well the pattern describes the decision class defined through . It is a probability that an arbitrary object, belonging to the class C is covered by the description D.
Complete, Deterministic and Correct Rules The rules are said to be completeif any object belonging to the class is covered by the description coverage is 1 while deterministic rules are rules with the accuracy is 1. The correct rules are rules with both coverage and accuracy is 1.