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Student Engagement @ Clark Atlanta University. Opening Session Thursday, August 13, 2009 Division of Enrollment Services & Student Affairs Randy Gunter, Interim Vice President rgunter@cau.edu. Learn, Lead, Change. Why Faculty & Staff Engagement?.
Student Engagement @Clark Atlanta University Opening Session Thursday, August 13, 2009 Division of Enrollment Services & Student Affairs Randy Gunter, Interim Vice President rgunter@cau.edu Learn, Lead, Change
Why Faculty & Staff Engagement? • A number of recent studies evaluating the importance and impact of student and faculty interactions have shown that students become more involved in all aspects of campus life when they have quality interactions with faculty members.(Source: Dartmouth College, Office of Residence Life) CAU Engagement Opportunities
Why Faculty & Staff Engagement? • “Those institutions that more fully engage their students in the variety of activities that contribute to valued outcomes of college can claim to be of higher quality in comparisonwith similar types of colleges and universities.” (Source: George D. Kuh, Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research and Planning) CAU Engagement Opportunities
Why Faculty & Staff Engagement? • A national consensus is emerging that engagement is central to the quality of students’ education(Source: Gary Rhoades, General Secretary, AAUP) • Students benefit from institutions that engage their faculty members, among other ways, with professional development opportunities(Source: Gary Rhoades, General Secretary, AAUP) CAU Engagement Opportunities
Schools no longer operate in an environment where students have limited choices about where to attend school. Jim B Wallace, ‘99 CAU Engagement Opportunities
“Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education” • Student-faculty contact • Cooperation among students • Active learning • Prompt feedback • Time on task • High expectations • Respect for diverse talents and ways of learning. (Source: Chickering and Gamson, 1987) CAU Engagement Opportunities
Student Engagement- Benchmarks* • Level of Academic Challenge • Active and Collaborative Learning • Student-Faculty/Staff Interaction • Enrichment Educational Experience • Supportive Campus Environment *Benchmarks used by the National Survey of Student Engagement(NSSE)administered by Indiana University Center for PostsecondaryResearch in cooperation with the Indiana University Center for Survey Research. CAU Engagement Opportunities
Engagement Opportunities @ CAU • Small-group discussions @ New Student Orientation. (Summer Readings) • Participation at receptions, social events and various activities. (Panel discussions, debates, St. Jude letter writing campaign) • Mentors to undergraduates /graduates in out-of-class activities to promote collegiate success. (Civic Engagement Activities, AIDS Walk, and Breast Cancer Walk) • Advisement and sponsorship of student clubs and organizations. (More than 100 Chartered Clubs and Organizations) • Academic departments sponsor clubs and professional organizations related to various fields of study. (More than 100 Chartered Clubs and Organizations). CAU Engagement Opportunities
Engagement Opportunities @ CAU • Faculty and staff sponsor co-curricular educational activities. (Independent studies, service learning, field work, internships experiences) • University committees structured to include student, faculty, and staff representation. (Ex. Search Committees, BOT, Budget, Task Forces) Faculty-student research teams,senior honor projects,joint conference presentations,professional publications, etc. CAU Engagement Opportunities
Engagement Opportunities @ CAU • Faculty-Student Teacher Assistant Teams (Co-teach courses with graduate students to gain insight into the teaching role and gain direct teaching experience). CAU Engagement Opportunities
Future Opportunities @ CAU • Faculty-in-Residence Program: An opportunity for faculty to live in campus housing and provide programming for students… • Formation of Learning Communitieswithin the Residence Halls by major, interest, affinity groups… • Leadership 101 Classes: A partnership opportunity between faculty and staff to offer leadership guidance and experiences for students within a credited course setting... CAU Engagement Opportunities
Future Opportunities @ CAU • Sponsored Faculty-Student Dining and/or Coffee Hours… • Faculty Recognition Programs for Unsung Heroes/Heroines… • Faculty and Staff Development Mini-Grantsfor promoting student engagement activities… • Examine policies, procedures and practices to determine their relevance for student engagement… CAU Engagement Opportunities
“Because The Student…” Because the student has a need, We have a job to do. Because the student has a choice, We must be the better choice. Because the student has sensibilities, We must be considerate. Because the student has an urgency, We must be quick. Because the student is unique, We must be flexible. Because the student has high expectations, We must excel. Because the student has influence, We have the hope of more students. Because of the student, We exist.
References • Wallace, Jim B. The case for student as customer, Quality Progress. Milwaukee: February 1999. Vol. 32, 2; pg. 47. • Kuh , George D. The national survey of student engagement: conceptual framework and overview of psychometric properties. Framework & Psychometric Properties, Indiana University Center for Postsecondary Research and Planning. nsse.iub.edu/pdf/conceptual_framework_2003.pdf • Chickering, A. W., and Gamson, Z. F. “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.” In Student Engagement at Minority- Serving Institutions: Emerging Lessons from the BEAMS Project, New Directions for Institutional Research, no. 125, Spring 2005.Brian K. Bridges, Barbara Cambridge, George D. Kuh, Lacey Hawthorne Leegwater. cpr.iub.edu/uploads/Bridges, B. K., Cambridge, B., Kuh, G. D., & Le... CAU Engagement Opportunities
Thank You! One of my priorities is to impact the student body at Clark Atlanta University by encouraging our motto ‘Culture for Service.’— Aisha Cole, Miss CAU, 2008-09 CAU Engagement Opportunities