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Description In the search for truth, it is best to undertake a self study course of the scriptures. Be assured that when others find out, you will most likely be met with a great deal of opposition just for attempting such a feat. There is an abundance of information and disinformation; commentary and opinions, all meant to sway you from pursuing this course of action. My advice is, never let someone else define the debate, or apply a parameter to your course of study. Trust in God and believe him regarding his New Covenant promise:No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. Jer 31:33-34 NKJVRecently I was given a calendar that was printed by a certain Christian denomination that contained a statement (more of a disclaimer) about why they didn’t use a Hebrew name for God. I’ve heard it many times before in the past; it went something like this: "No one can know for sure the true pronunciation of God’s name.”“It has been lost in time." “The Rabbi’s of old hid the name so it would not be blasphemed by the heathen (Gentiles). It has been guarded ever since.” “Scholars have proposed a number of different names, but cannot agree for certain which one is correct.” In other words; before you even begin your search, you are doomed to fail. This is what I meant by defining the debate. God is of a different opinion: He told Moses;This is My name forever (YHWH), and this is My memorial to all generations.' Ex 3:15 NKJVBy calling his name a "Memorial," God was telling Moses that He wanted his name to be spoken and written; and not to fall into disuse. (It actually became prohibited by the religious authorities).In my research, I’ve found that indeed God’s name was hidden, but not lost. How could his name be lost (or even deleted) from among the twenty two letters used to bring his creation into existence? The thought of that alone is absurd. The reality is; the letters, words, and syntax of the Hebrew language all unmistakably point to one name. Believers should know the glorious name of our Creator - it means so much!
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