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S trategic A pproaches to C ommunity S afety I nitiative

SACSI. S trategic A pproaches to C ommunity S afety I nitiative. MEMPHIS SEXUAL ASSAULT RESEARCH PROJECT. SACSI. DATA-DRIVEN INTERVENTIONS: PARTNERSHIPS FOR CHANGE. SACSI WORKING GROUP. Project Leader Veronica F. Coleman, U.S. Attorney Project Coordinator

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S trategic A pproaches to C ommunity S afety I nitiative

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  1. SACSI StrategicApproaches toCommunitySafetyInitiative MEMPHIS SEXUAL ASSAULT RESEARCH PROJECT


  3. SACSI WORKING GROUP Project Leader Veronica F. Coleman, U.S. Attorney Project Coordinator Christopher L. Jones, Jr., U.S. Attorney’s Office Project Partners Memphis Police Department Memphis Sexual Assault Resource Center Memphis Shelby Crime Commission District Attorney General Juvenile Court of Memphis & Shelby County Shelby County Pretrial Services Tennessee Department of Probation & Parole Child Advocacy Center Department of Children Services Victim’s Assistance Center Memphis City Schools

  4. MEMPHIS SEXUAL ASSAULT RESEARCH TEAM Phyllis Betts Center for Research on Women/Sociology University of Memphis Kris Henning Criminology and Criminal Justice University of Memphis Richard Janikowski Criminology & Criminal Justice University of Memphis Lisa Klesges Preventive Medicine University of Tennessee-Memphis Hannah Scott Criminology & Criminal Justice University of Memphis Martha Schmidt Center for Research on Women University of Memphis

  5. SACSI: Sexual Assault Typologies Strategic Approaches: Community Safety Initiative ~ Memphis. Phyllis G. Betts

  6. Global Incident Reporting System (GIRS) (5,000+ cases) • Adult or Child (Victim age) • Stranger-Acquaintance • Abduction? • Venue • Force and Injury • Suspect Age

  7. COMPREHENSIVE INCIDENT ANALYSIS (CIA) [500+ cases] • Responding officer case notes • Sex crimes investigator notes (contacts with victims, witnesses, suspects’ statements) • Forensic evidence • Medical work-up • Counseling Interventions History • Advocacy Contacts • Prosecutorial Review

  8. COMPREHENSIVE INCIDENT ANALYSIS (CIA) [continued] • Arrest, charging, conviction, sentencing • Suspect criminal history • Victim criminal history • Alcohol/drug involvement

  9. Pipeline Data • Did victim go to MSARC? • Forensic evidence collected? • Victim statement? • Witnesses, suspect interviewed? • Victim signed “No Prosecution Form”? • Case presented to prosecutor? • Case accepted for prosecution? • Suspect indicted/arrested/charged? • Suspect plea or conviction? • Sentencing?

  10. Relationship-Accessibility Typology for Acquaintance Rape • “Date like” scenarios exceptional • Situational context: high risk situations rather than high risk behaviors • Situations involve victims with pre-existing relationship to perpetrator • Situations follow from precursor activities that may expose the victim to risk • Child, adult stranger & cases with insufficient data excluded from analysis • 183 of 535 cases included for analysis

  11. Relationship Dimension • Varies from greater to lesser intensity 1. Intimate/potentially intimate 2. Other primary 3. Secondary/instrumental 4. Casual social network 5. Recognition only or just met

  12. Accessibility Dimension • Extent to which precursor activities engage victim in voluntary interaction with perpetrator • Varies from greater to lesser accessibility 1. Physical/sexual interaction 2. Social interaction 3. Transactional 4. Proximate activity 5. Non-interactive

  13. Intimate Partner Situational Types Percentage of TOTAL acquaintance cases accounted for by each Intimate Partner situation

  14. Summary Findings: Intimates • Involves 19% of total acquaintance cases. • Only 10% of intimate cases involve a perpetrator who will not take no for an answer in a physical encounter. • About 15% of these cases involve classic statutory criteria. • About 25% of these cases involve ongoing intimate relationship where sexual/physical violence follows angry confrontation.

  15. Summary Findings: Intimates [continued] • About 50% are motivated by revenge. • In revenge cases, about half involve access premised on discussion/business. • Other half involve abductions or home invasions.

  16. Other Primary Situational Types Percentage of TOTAL acquaintance cases accounted for by each Other Primary situation

  17. Summary Findings: Other Primary • Involves only 7% of total acquaintance cases. • Very rare, but similar to familial situations where children are abused by trusted individuals. • 60% involve teens. • 80% involve extended family. • About 10% involve authority figures in statutory situations.

  18. Secondary/ Instrumental Situational Types Percentage of TOTAL acquaintance cases accounted for by each Secondary/Instrumental situation

  19. Summary Findings: Secondary/Instrumental • Involves only 7% of total acquaintance cases. • Rarely involve secondary associates in social situations. • Most often involve a predatory service provider or service consumer. • With teens, likely to involve on babysitters or other domestic workers.

  20. Casual Network Situational Types Percentage of TOTAL acquaintance cases accounted for by each Casual Network situation

  21. Summary Findings: Casual Network • Accounts for 50% of total acquaintance cases. • Over 40% involve predatory behavior with no precursor interaction between victims and perpetrators. • 20% involve victims seeking assistance. • Over 60% are non-social in nature. • Less than 40% are social in nature. • Social situations do tend to involve alcohol or drugs.

  22. Recognition/Just Met Situational Types Percentage of TOTAL acquaintance cases accounted for by each Recognition/Just Met situation

  23. Summary Findings: Recognition or just met • Involve 17% of total acquaintance cases. • 25% of these cases involve social situations. • Social situations tend to involve alcohol or drugs. • 25% of these cases involve victims seeking assistance. • 50% of these cases involve predatory abductions and invasions.

  24. Conclusions • Dating and quasi-dating (social) situations account for 1/3 of acquaintance cases. • Target for “responsible sexuality” education • Teens over-represented in quasi-dating situations. • About half of these cases meet statutory criteria.

  25. Conclusions continued • Intimate partner rape parallels domestic violence scenarios with an emphasis on anger or revenge. • About 25% of these cases meet statutory criteria. • Gangs appear to be implicated in 10-20% of casual network and recognition cases.

  26. Conclusions continued The tendency for perpetrators who can be identified by their victims to act with apparent abandon - engaging in predatory behavior having no social precursor in 2 out of 3 acquaintance cases - suggests there is very little fear of repercussion from the justice system.

  27. SACSI: Offender Criminal Histories Strategic Approaches: Community Safety Initiative ~ Memphis. W. Richard Janikowski

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