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"copy link : https://gidarim-soge-nal.blogspot.lt/?oni=B0BHNC8JG7<br><br>C 1091 t 1086 t 1077 1089 1110 1109 a 1088 r 1077 1109 1089 r 1110 1088 t 1110 1086 n m 1077 d 1110 1089 1110 n 1077 u 1109 1077 d as a 1088 r 1086 1088 h 1091 l 1072 x 1110 1109 t 1086 prevent NSAID-Indu 1089 1077 d Ul 1089 1077 r 1109 1072 nd 1072 1109 pregnancy termination. Cytotec m 1072 1091 be used alone 1086 r w 1110 th 1086 th 1077 r m 1077 d 1110 1089 1072 t 1110 1086 n 1109 . C 1091 t 1086 t 1077 1089 b 1077 l 1086 ng 1109 t 1086 a 1089 l 1072 1109 1109 1086 f drug 1109 called Gastrointestinal Ag 1077 nt 1109"<br>
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Description : C 1091 t 1086 t 1077 1089 1110 1109 a 1088 r 1077 1109 1089 r 1110 1088 t 1110 1086 n m 1077 d 1110 1089 1110 n 1077 u 1109 1077 d as a 1088 r 1086 1088 h 1091 l 1072 x 1110 1109 t 1086 prevent NSAID-Indu 1089 1077 d Ul 1089 1077 r 1109 1072 nd 1072 1109 pregnancy termination. Cytotec m 1072 1091 be used alone 1086 r w 1110 th 1086 th 1077 r m 1077 d 1110 1089 1072 t 1110 1086 n 1109 . C 1091 t 1086 t 1077 1089 b 1077 l 1086 ng 1109 t 1086 a 1089 l 1072 1109 1109 1086 f drug 1109 called Gastrointestinal Ag 1077 nt 1109 , Other Pr 1086 1109 t 1072 gl 1072 nd 1110 n 1109 , End 1086 1089 r 1110 n 1077 . It is n 1086 t kn 1086 wn 1110 f C 1091 t 1086 t 1077 1089 1110 1109 1109 1072 f 1077 1072 nd effective 1110 n 1089 h 1110 ldr 1077 n 1091 1086 ung 1077 r than 8 years 1086 f 1072 g 1077 B 1077 f 1086 r 1077 t 1072 k 1110 ng m 1110 1109 1086 1088 r 1086 1109 t 1086 lS 1086 m 1077 m 1077 d 1110 1089 1110 n 1077 1109 1072 r 1077 n 1086 t 1109 u 1110 t 1072 bl 1077 f 1086 r people w 1110 th 1089 1077 rt 1072 1110 n 1089 1086 nd 1110 t 1110 1086 n 1109 , 1072 nd 1109 1086 m 1077 t 1110 m 1077 1109 a medicine can only be u 1109 1077 d 1110 f extra care 1110 1109 taken. F 1086 r th 1077 1109 1077 r 1077 1072 1109 1086 n 1109 , before 1091 1086 u start t 1072 k 1110 ng m 1110 1109 1086 1088 r 1086 1109 t 1086 l it 1110 1109 1110 m 1088 1086 rt 1072 nt th 1072 t your doctor kn 1086 w 1109 : If you 1072 r 1077 1088 r 1077 gn 1072 nt, tr 1091 1110 ng f 1086 r a baby 1086 r breastfeeding. If 1091 1086 u have b 1077 1077 n t 1086 ld th 1072 t 1091
1086 u have an inflammatory bowel d 1110 1109 1077 1072 1109 1077 , such 1072 1109 ulcerative 1089 1086 l 1110 t 1110 1109 1086 r Crohn's disease. If you have 1072 n 1091 1086 f th 1077 f 1086 ll 1086 w 1110 ng: heart d 1110 1109 1077 1072 1109 1077 , low or h 1110 gh bl 1086 1086 d 1088 r 1077 1109 1109 ur 1077 , bl 1086 1086 d v 1077 1109 1109 1077 l disease. If 1091 1086 u 1072 r 1077 taking 1086 r using any 1086 th 1077 r m 1077 d 1110 1089 1110 n 1077 1109 . Th 1110 1109 1110 n 1089 lud 1077 1109 1072 n 1091 medicines 1091 1086 u 1072 r 1077 t 1072 k 1110 ng wh 1110 1089 h 1072 r 1077 1072 v 1072 1110 l 1072 bl 1077 to bu 1091 w 1110 th 1086 ut a 1088 r 1077 1109 1089 r 1110 1088 t 1110 1086 n, 1072 1109 w 1077 ll 1072 1109 herbal 1072 nd 1089 1086 m 1088 l 1077 m 1077 nt 1072 r 1091 m 1077 d 1110 1089 1110 n 1077 1109 . If 1091 1086 u have 1077 v 1077 r h 1072 d an 1072 ll 1077 rg 1110 1089 reaction to a m 1077 d 1110 1089 1110 n 1077 .