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January 24 and 25, 2012. DISTRICT TEST COORDINATOR SPRING 2012 PRETEST WORKSHOP. LAA 1 Grades and Content Areas. Forms for District Test Coordinator. Delivery Verification form Additional Materials/Labels Request forms (district version)
Forms for District Test Coordinator • Delivery Verification form • Additional Materials/Labels Request forms (district version) • Additional Materials/Labels Request form (school version) • Return Verification form • NOTE: All of these forms will be posted to eDIRECT in MS Word format (they are also included in your binder). DTCs may complete the forms and send an electronic version to LACS@datarecognitioncorp.com.
Materials Receipt and Testing Schedule • Materials will be delivered Monday, January 23. • Materials should be disseminated to schools prior to Monday, January 30. • Order deadline for additional materials is Monday, January 30. • Testing window: February 6–March 16 • Test administrators should start testing at the beginning of the testing window.
Secure Test Materials • Administrator Booklets • Arranged by grade spans: 3–4, 5–6, 7–8, 10–11 • Provided as a 8½” x 11” spiral-bound booklet • Color-coded to match the Student Booklets,Manipulatives Lists, Task Descriptions,and response documents • Each test administrator assessing students within a specific grade span at the school must be given the appropriate copy. • Schools receive three copies per grade span based on enrollment.
Secure Test Materials (continued) • Student Booklets • Arranged by grade spans: 3–4, 5–6, 7–8, 10–11 • Provided as an 11” x 12½” spiral-bound booklet with enlarged print • Color-coded to match the Administrator Booklets, Manipulatives Lists, Task Descriptions,and response documents • Since student booklets are used by a test administrator to assess one or more students within a specific grade span, students should not mark or write on them. • Schools receive three copiesper grade span based on enrollment.
Secure Test Materials (continued) • Response Documents • Grade specific • One per student • Used by test administrator to record student scores for each performance task in appropriate content areas NOTE: There are no overage materials provided at the district level.
Secure Test Materials (continued) • Task Descriptions • Grade-span specific • For use with students who are unable to access the graphics, even with manipulatives • Provide a modified script that includes descriptions of the graphics or alternative ways to assess a performance task when appropriate • Identify tasks that are omitted • Automatically sent for students who have VI-Blind listed as their primary exceptionality • Must be ordered through an Additional Materials Request for other students who are unable to access the graphics • Must be checked out and in each day with all other secure materials
Non-secure Test Materials • Manipulatives Lists • Grade-span specific • Include suggestions of manipulatives that can be used during assessment (WikkiStix, blocks, rulers, etc.) • May be requested through an Additional Materials Request or may be accessed on eDIRECT NOTE: Other manipulatives from the classroom may also be used.
Non-secure Test Materials (continued) • CDs • Grade-span specific • Contain graphics in .tif and .jpg format • Used in computers and assistive technology devices • Must be requested through an Additional Materials Request or graphics can be accessed on eDIRECT • Spring 2010 and spring 2011 CDs may be used for the 2012 administration. • Test Coordinators Manual • Test Administration Manual • Assessment Guide can be accessed at http://www.louisianaschools.net/topics/laa1.html
Preidentified Response Documents • These documents require hand coding for accommodations actually received during testing. • Bar-code labels must NOT be placed over the preprinted student information. • Test administrators must NOT correct any errors in the preprinted student information. Errors should be reported to the School Test Coordinator, who must report them to the district’s Student Information System (SIS) Coordinator for corrections in the SIS database.
Bar-code Labels ALIGN TOP OF LABEL DO NOT USE TIS LABEL AS A LINKING LABE S510113 3999999 001 Pelican Parish 000 Bayou High School * USE ONLY IF STUDENT IS USING ONLY ONE response DOCUMENT* LAA 1 SPR 2012 BAR-CODE LABEL • Hand-coded response documents require bar-code labels. • Bar-code labels are program specific. • The testing program and administration are identified at the bottom of the bar-code label.
Unscorable Document Labels • Use if a response document was • damaged • soiled • for another student • marked with ink, highlighter, marker, • or crayon • Unscorable documents must not be thrown away. • Any scores must be transferred to a hand-coded response document to be scored. • Do not apply Accountability Code 86 to unscorable documents; code 86 is invalid. Affix an unscorable document label and follow the instructions. • Documentation about the incident should be kept by the District Test Coordinator.
Scoring Study/Dual Assessment • Ten percent of LAA 1 student population is randomly selected to be dually assessed. • These students are listed twice on the Student/Label Roster and the electronic security checklist, noted with an “X.” • These students receive two preidentified documents. • One document (scored by the secondary test administrator) will contain the text “Scoring Study Document” on page 1 in the upper right corner and in the box in the lower left corner. • The other document (scored by the primary test administrator) serves as the student’s reporting document.
Dual Assessment Procedures • Primary and secondary test administrators must observe and score student’s performance at the same time. • Primary and secondary test administrators must not discuss student’s performance. • Both response documents must be returned with all other response documents.
Secondary Test Administrators • Secondary test administrators (dual assessors) may be: • Speech therapist • Adaptive physical education teacher • Physical therapist • Occupational therapist • Member of the evaluation team, including the psychologist • Special education teacher • Central office personnel NOTE: Paraprofessionals may not score student responses.
Packaging Materials for Return to District Test Coordinator • Manipulatives Lists and CDs of graphics should be kept at the school. • School Test Coordinators should place used response documents in the resealable plastic bag provided and return the bag, along with all nonscorable materials, to the District Test Coordinator. • Student Booklets should be returned in the boxes in which they were received.
Packaging Materials for Return to DRC • Collect materials from all schools and package them for return using the program-specific DRC return labels. • NEW: Package scorable materials for the entire district by placing the resealable plastic bags containing scorable response documents from all schools into a DRC return bag in box 1. Seal the bag with one of the provided plastic ties. • Affix a BLUE DRC return label to flap A of box 1. • Package the nonscorable materials for the entire district in boxes 2 and 3. Affix WHITE DRC return labels to flap A of each box containing nonscorable materials. • Affix UPS Next-day Air Return Service labels to flap B of each box. (Do not make copies of UPS labels.) NOTE: Scorable materials must be boxed separately from nonscorable materials.
Materials Return • One UPS pickup for all materials is prescheduled for Monday, March 19. • Districts may return materials before this date if all schools have completed testing. • If returning materials before Monday, March 19, the District Test Coordinator must schedule the UPS pickup.
Straggler Response Documents • These are response documents that are incorrectly packaged or received by DRC after the cutoff date. • DRC’s procedures for handling straggler documents: • Documents will be scanned and scored at a later date. • Documents will not appear on the used response document report but may appear on the missing materials report. • A score memo will be released with the student’s score and the student’s Web history will be updated. • No student labels will be sent, and scores will not appear online in the CSV file or the assessment summary reports.
Online Surveys • All comments regarding LAA 1 testing will be collected online at https://la.drcedirect.com. • This URL can also be found in the Test Administration Manual and the Test Coordinator Manual. • Make sure your School Test Coordinators and their test administrators are aware of the online survey. • A username and password will not be needed to enter the system. • Comments are 100% anonymous.
Reminders: Managing Materials • The security checklist must be used to keep track of materials and security numbers. • When calling DRC with score inquiries or requests to locate documents, you must supply the security number. • Assessment materials need to be picked up and returned to the School Test Coordinator each day of testing. The electronic security checklist may be modified to create “Check Out” and “Check In” columns for the materials. • Response documents, assessment booklets, or bar-code labels cannot be transferred from one school to another.
General Reminders • TA numbers must be entered January 23–March 16 by usingwww.LEAPweb.org. • Scoring Two-point Tasks • Some 2-point tasks ask for two examples of the same thing (e.g., Which two objects are cold?). If, after the question is repeated the student points to the same example twice, the test administrator may say, “Show me a different object that is _______.” (e.g., Show me a different object that is cold). • Search and score fees • $100 to search and $100 to score response documents that are returned to DRC without a label or returned inside an Administrator Booklet or Student Booklet • FERPA • To maintain student confidentiality, any personal student information such as first and last name, SSN, and DOB must be relayed to DRC via an encrypted file in an email, fax, or phone conversation.