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For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com SOC 101 Week 1 DQ 1 Sociology Theories SOC 101 Week 1 DQ 2 The Role of Culture SCI 101 Week 1 Quiz SOC 101 Week 2 DQ 1 Socialization SOC 101 Week 2 DQ 2 Family Forms SOC 101 Week 2 Assignment Theorist of Choice SOC 101 Week 2 Quiz SOC 101 Week 3 DQ 1 Social Problems SOC 101 Week 3 DQ 2 Deviant Behavior SOC 101 Week 3 Assignment Final Paper Outline Religious Social Institution SOC 101 Week 3 Quiz SOC 101 Week 4 DQ 1 Current Social Issues SOC 101 Week 4 DQ 2 Social Institutions SOC 101 Week 4 Quiz SOC 101 Week 5 DQ 1 Social Movements
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Entire Course For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com SOC 101 Week 1 DQ 1 Sociology Theories SOC 101 Week 1 DQ 2 The Role of Culture SCI 101 Week 1 Quiz SOC 101 Week 2 DQ 1 Socialization SOC 101 Week 2 DQ 2 Family Forms SOC 101 Week 2 Assignment Theorist of Choice SOC 101 Week 2 Quiz SOC 101 Week 3 DQ 1 Social Problems SOC 101 Week 3 DQ 2 Deviant Behavior SOC 101 Week 3 Assignment Final Paper Outline Religious Social Institution SOC 101 Week 3 Quiz SOC 101 Week 4 DQ 1 Current Social Issues
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SCI 101 Week 1 Quiz (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com 1. Question : Who is called the Father of Sociology? 2. Question : You go shopping for a new outfit to wear to a special event because you want to impress others with your great sense of style. This is an example of what kind of behavior? 3. Question : While attending college you meet students from other countries and find that you have much in common with them. You develop lifelong friendships as a result. This is an example of a ________________ of education. 4. Question : Who is the father of Conflict Theory? 5. Question : “Having a pet will reduce stress.” What is the independent variable in this hypothesis?
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 1 DQ 1 Sociology Theories (Ash) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com There are three primary sociological theories discussed in Chapter One of the text, Introduction to Sociology. Briefly summarize each theory and the major differences across the Functionalist, Conflict, and Symbolic Interaction perspectives.
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 1 DQ 2 The Role of Culture For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Vissing (2011) explains culture as “an organized system of living and thinking. It contains shared attitudes, values, goals, and behaviors that are present in individuals, groups, organizations, or regions of the world” (p. 24). Describe some of the ways that the role of culture can shape our expectations about how people are supposed to behave? Use the following terms in your explanation: values, norms, material, status, groups and roles.
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 2 Assignment Theorist of Choice For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com The text, Introduction to Sociology, describes many individuals who have contributed to our current view of sociology, including: C. Wright Mills Howard Becker W. I. Thomas Auguste Comte Emile Durkheim Herbert Spencer Karl Marx Erving Goffman’s Harriet Martineau
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 2 DQ 1 Socialization For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Describe the various agents of socialization and why they are important. Do you think socializing agents contribute to an institutionalized system of social inequality? Support your answer with detailed examples.
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 2 DQ 2 Family Forms For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Describe three different family forms discussed in Chapter Two of the text, Introduction to Sociology. In what ways do social forces (outside influences), make it easier or more challenging for each family form to function in society. Support your answer with detailed examples
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 2 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com 1. Question : According to Freud, in what part of the personality is your conscience located? 2. Question : Preschoolers and young children are self-directed and seek to conform to group standards. 3. Question : Classmates and co-workers are examples of which types of groups? 4. Question : What stage do most adolescents experience, according to Erikson? 5. Question : Domestic violence takes the form(s) of 6. Question : Bullying is an example of 7. Question : Research on spanking children has found that 8. Question : Studies of feral children indicate that
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 3 Assignment Final Paper Outline Religious Social Institution For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com SOC 101 Week 3 Assignment Final Paper Outline Religious Social Institution
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 3 DQ 2 Deviant Behavior For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com After reading Chapter Three of the text, Introduction to Sociology and the article, Durkheim’s Classic Contribution, consider the following question, why do you think Emile Durkheim allege that if we didn’t have deviants, we would create them? Support your answer with detailed examples.
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 3 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com 1. Question : A person is released from prison but a few months later gets arrested for committing another crime. This later offense is known as: 2. Question : The process by which people judge others based on standards that are relative to those in their own backgrounds is called: 3. Question : Ethnicity refers to
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 4 DQ 1 Current Social Issues For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Read Chapter Four of the text, Introduction to Sociology, and review the article, Overweight and Obesity, U.S. Obesity Trends. Answer the following questions from the text (page 183), Applying Sociology: Is Obesity Really a Problem? Why is obesity high in some states and not in others? Is overeating the only cause of rising obesity rates, or what other social factors could contribute to them? In the nature-nurture debate, do you think that people are the size they are because of genetics or because of lifestyle choices?
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 4 DQ 2 Social Institutions For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Vessing (2011) states, “a society needs a variety of social institutions in order to function adequately. However, it does appear that not all citizens have equal access to participation in them, and that one’s social class and ascribed characteristics may limit one’s ability to benefit from them. This disparity results in unequal access to all that the institutions have to offer” (p. 197). Review the various social institutions discussed in Chapter Four of the text, Introduction to Sociology
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 4 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com 1. Question : The National Rifle Association, the American Association for Retired Persons, and the Tea Party are all 2. Question : Holistic health is a new form of medicine. 3. Question : Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of people who file for bankruptcy? 4. Question : What sector of jobs transform raw materials into manufactured products, such as steel, cars, or computer chips?
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 5 Assignment Research Paper Religious Social Institution For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Evaluate the impact the Sociological theories, Functionalism, Conflict, and Interactionism has by choosing oneof the social institution selected from the list below:Social Institutions (choose one) family health-care religion education mass media politics
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 5 DQ 1 Social Movements For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com Social movements can change the world. According to Chapter Five of the text, Introduction to Sociology,what social movements have been noted in the United States in the last decade? What implications have these movements had on today’s culture? Then, hypothesize what current social movements could transform the future of the world. s
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 5 DQ 2 Social Change For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com The future of the world is uncertain; there are those who predict a wonderful world where technology and creativity provide a good quality of life for most people, while others predict a world of competition, conflict, and strife. Use the sociological theories provided in Chapter Five of the text, Introduction to Sociology, to explain why these polar opposites could both occur, and what needs to happen for peace and prosperity to result. s
SOC 101 ASHCourseTutorial SOC 101 Week 5 Quiz For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialoutlet.com 1. Question : What is the most populous country in the world? 2. Question : When analyzing the list of Nobel peace prize winners, what trend is most apparent? 3. Question : Which is true about cities? 4. Question : Which of the following is NOT true about social movements? 5. Question : Wallerstein’s world systems theory promotes the view that s