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US History: The American Revolution. Objectives. Understand and explain the political, social, economic, and cultural causes of the American Revolution. Interpret the documents produced leading up to the American Revolution Examine the challenges faced by the Continental Army
Objectives • Understand and explain the political, social, economic, and cultural causes of the American Revolution. • Interpret the documents produced leading up to the American Revolution • Examine the challenges faced by the Continental Army • Decipher the meanings of ideas expressed within the Declaration of Independence
Key Terms • French and Indian War • Proclamation of 1763 • Albany Plan of Union • Sugar Act • Coercive Acts • Stamp Act • Declaratory Act • Boston Tea Part • Boston Massacre • Patriot • Loyalist • Minutemen • Battle of Bunker Hill • Declaration of Independence • Battle of Saratoga • Battle of Yorktown • Treaty of Paris
A French and Indian War 1 England and France fight to dominate North America • a 1689-1748: 3 major wars • b European fighting spread to America • c Ohio Valley: British vs. French (Iroquios, Huron)
2 Effects of the War: British Victory • a Proclamation of 1763: colonist forbade to settle West due to danger from Indian attacks • b Albany Plan of Union: Ben Franklin = unite colonies • c Customs duties: British heavily taxed colonies to pay for the war
B. The Colonies grow discontented with Britain 1, Britain taxes colonists to pay for forts and protection from Indians and French • a Sugar Act: tax on sugar: expensive and violated rights • b Stamp Act: all printed materials had to bear seal • c Declaratory Act: British parliament to makes all laws
2 Townsend Acts: taxes on glass, lead, paper and paint • a Boston Massacre: British troops fire on protesters • b Boston Tea Party: protest of the Tea Act • c May 1774: first continental congress: Philadelphia
C The Revolutions Begins 1, Lexington and Concord: first battles in Massachusetts • a Patriots: fighting for independence (minutemen) • b Loyalists: colonists who sided with Britain • c Battle of Bunker Hill: showed colonists strength
2 Decision for Independence • a Second continental congress: Philadelphia, June 1773 • b George Washington appointed commander • c Declaration of Independence: Written by Thomas Jefferson: justifies reasons for rebellion
D War for Independence 1776-1783 1, Colonists lost early battle but improve • a Battle of New York: Washington escapes defeat • b Battle of Trenton, 1776: Washington wins surprise attack • c Battle of Saratoga, 1777: major American victory – “turning point”
2 Valley Forge (winter 1778):Thousands of Americans freeze • a France enters on American side to avenge British • b Battle of Yorktown, 1781: Americans/French defeat British • c Treaty of Paris, 1783: American independence recognized