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Paper 1 Section B Writing to Argue. Improving your Performance in Writing. What is Writing to Argue?. Discusses an issue or idea Considers both points of view – balanced Reaches an overall judgement to influence the reader. Assessment Objectives. AO3(i) – Communication
Paper 1 Section BWriting to Argue Improving your Performance in Writing
What is Writing to Argue? • Discusses an issue or idea • Considers both points of view – balanced • Reaches an overall judgement to influence the reader
Assessment Objectives • AO3(i) – Communication • Ideas, addressing the audience, meeting the purpose • AO3(ii) – Organsiation • Type of text, overall structure, use of paragraphs and sentences • AO3(iii) – Sentence structure, punctuation and spelling • Accuracy of writing skills and vocabulary
What’s it worth? • Section B is worth 27 marks out of 54 • These 27 marks are worth 15% of the final GCSE (45 minutes worth of work) • Each assessment objective is worth 5% of the final GCSE grade IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO DO WELL!!
C Grade Criteria • AO3(i) • Clear identification with purpose and audience • Sustains reader’s repsonse • Detailed argument with a clear awareness of other viewpoints • Varies tone e.g. humour, seriousness, anger • Confident use of rhetorical devices • AO3(ii) • Clear structure • Paragraphs are linked together using connectives • Connectives are used to develop the argument • Range of vocabulary for effect • AO3(iii) • Different types of sentences used for effect • Secure spelling • Accurate punctuation especially to mark sentences and clauses
What do I need to do? • Structure your writing carefully, showing different viewpoints • Make your writing interesting to read • Use a range of rhetorical devices for effect • Use a range of paragraphs and types of sentence for effect • Use a range of punctuation for effect • Spell words correctly and use an interesting vocabulary
Examples of tasks • Write an article for a teenage magazine arguing that nowadays TV or radio can be an important source of education. • Write an article in which you argue for or against the view that people should not be encouraged to take part in dangerous sports or activities • Older people often blame younger people for today’s problems. Write an article in which you argue that older people are the ones to blame.
Writer’s ToolkitOverall Structure • Remember to create a detailed plan • Write an imaginative opening to engage your reader i.e. a rhetorical question • Link your conclusion back to your opening • Vary the length of your paragraphs e.g. a one-sentence paragraph • Use a range of connectives to link your paragraphs together
Rhetorical questions x 2 Lists of three x 2 Emotive language Anecdotes Facts and Statistics Audience involvement Direct address Personal involvement Alliteration Repetition Over-exaggeration Expert opinions Writer’s ToolkitRhetorical Devices
Writer’s ToolkitSentence Structure • Questions • Exclamations • Short sentences for impact • Complex lists e.g. There are many reasons not to smoke: it is bad for your health; it makes you smell; it is very expensive. • Begin with a reason • Begin with a verb • Move your subordinate clauses around e.g. at the beginning
Writer’s ToolkitRange of Punctuation • Exclamation / question marks • Brackets to show sarcasm • Inverted commas for irony • Apostrophes for omission and possession • Use a colon instead of ‘because’ or ‘so’ • Use a semi-colon to show that 2 statements are closely linked • Put a comma after a connective at the beginning of a sentence
Why use a Text Skeleton? • It helps you to visualise what your writing should look like… • It helps you to structure the writing effectively… • It shows the examiner you know what you are doing…
Plan an interesting opening e.g. anecdote, question Add connectives e.g. Some might say… however Add your ideas – 3 pros & 2 cons ‘Decorate’ your tree with interesting rhetorical devices Plan an interesting ending e.g. loop back to anecdote
Approaching the task • Analyse the task: work out the PAFT • Think of an interesting opening • Plan your ideas: 3 pros and 2 cons • Think of an effective conclusion – link back to your opening • Add connectives • Add rhetorical devices
Age Interests Lifestyle Gender Education Class Job Hobbies Politics
Interesting openings • Begin with an anecdote – tell a story • Use a complex list to summarise your main points e.g. there are many reasons to… • Use a rhetorical question (NOT “WHAT DO YOU THINK?”) • Begin with a controversial statement
3 Pros • Think of three points that support your view • Add evidence: case studies, facts and statistics, quotations • Explain how these examples support your views and prove your argument
2 cons • Consider what other people might think • Give examples that might support this opinion • Explain why these arguments aren’t right
Conclusion • Link back to what you said in your opening paragraph • Repeat or reinforce your main arguments • Answer any questions you may have asked • Think about what might happen in the future if people don’t do what you want
Task A newspaper has suggested that women are less suited to doing certain jobs than men are. Write an article for a newspaper in which you argue for or against this view.
Approaching the task • Analyse the task: work out the PAFT • Think of an interesting opening • Plan your ideas: 3 pros and 2 cons • Think of an effective conclusion – link back to your opening • Add connectives • Add rhetorical devices