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Consultancy Clinical CoP Specialty Skills

We are a team of experienced clinicians specializing in healthcare transformation. Our expertise includes reducing clinical variation, implementing best practices, improving length of stay, workforce planning, and using new technology in acute settings.

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Consultancy Clinical CoP Specialty Skills

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  1. ConsultancyClinical CoPSpecialty Skills 1

  2. Transforming Acute services Background Relevant Assignments • We have a number of experienced clinicians within our team who have worked in a range of health care delivery sectors. • Specialists in our team can support you to change and improve your hospital based services. • We have led high profile projects across the UK aimed at: • Reducing unwarranted clinical variation • Lean service redesign and implementation of best practice • Scaling capacity and estate to meet long term financial model options • Improving length of stay and community / social care transfers • Total estate redesign • Point prevalence studies to inform workforce planning • Workforce planning • Use of new technology in acute settings • Supporting business cases • Business Plan Review for to Mercy Hospitals Ireland • Service Redesign Central Manchester Hospitals Foundation Trust • Acute Service Review – Epsom and St Helier Acute Trust • Service Improvement and Redesign Programme for Nottingham. Children’s Services • Service improvement for National Institute for Innovation and Improvement transforming acute services in Acute Trusts across the UK • Clinical Advice to West Hertfordshire Hospitals Strategic Outline Case and Long Term Financial Modelling • Production of Women’s Services Estate Feasibility Study for University Hospitals Leicester, Women’s and Children’s Directorate • Trust advisor to PFI/3PD schemes totalling 28m in Blackpool PCT, developing service models, business cases, capacity planning and detailed building scheme development. Emphasis on placing mental health and acute services in the community setting. • Deep dive into patient flow from acute to community leading to project of disinvestment in acute beds and provision of community nursing beds, delivering substantial savings to CCG and quality improvements in care Key Skills • Improving operational efficiency • Managing clinical behaviours • Data analysis to identify scope for improvement • Skilled project managers in complex health environments.

  3. Mental Health and Learning Disability Background • Relevant Assignments • Coordination of a systematic response to CQC shortcomings in secure and community environments, where improvements have been required or enforced. • Directing operations across a number of registered hospitals, building up occupancy for new builds or redesigned services. • Turning around poorly performing mental health units so as to attract referrals and retain staff. • Introducing cultural change in a hospital that experienced a high level of staff turnover and series of significant high profile incidents • Redesigning MH and LD hospital services into gender pathways, managing regulators, estates, new build, operational and clinical procedures, team consultation and redeployment. • Transitioning NHS community and hospital LD services from one Trust to another Trust • We have experienced clinicians within our team who have worked in a range of secure and community mental health and learning disability services. • Specialists in our team can support you to deliver effective transformation of services to meet the needs of this population. We have lead high profile successful projects across the UK aimed at: • Operational leadership of clinical teams (community, hospital and independent sector) • Meeting regulatory and national standards • Service redesign and implementation of best practice • Total estate redesign • Workforce planning • Supporting business cases • Writing and delivery of service specifications • Translating national policy to operational practice • Transitioning services between NHS Trusts Key Skills • Collaboration and engagement • Partnership projects with commissioners, voluntary sector, Community providers, independent sector , families, carers and service users. • Improving operational efficiency • Managing clinical behaviours and understanding clinical context • Data analysis to identify scope for improvement • Skilled programme managers in complex health environments • Strategic health planning • Transformational facilitation

  4. Integrating across the system : social care and health Background Key Skills • We have a number of experienced clinicians within our team who have worked in a range of health and social care delivery sectors. • Specialists in our team can support you to deliver effective system lead service integration. We have lead high profile successful projects across the UK aimed at: • Operational leadership of integrated health and social care teams (community, acute and independent sector) • Reducing unwarranted clinical variation • Lean service redesign and implementation of best practice • Scaling capacity and estate to meet long term financial model options • Reducing length of stay and community / social care transfers • Total estate redesign • Point prevalence studies to inform workforce planning • Workforce planning • Supporting business cases • Writing and delivery of service specifications • Translating national policy to operational practice • Improving operational efficiency • Managing clinical behaviours • Data analysis to identify scope for improvement • Skilled programme managers in complex health environments • Strategic health planning • Transformational facilitation

  5. Integrating across the system : social care and health Relevant Assignments • Deep dive into patient flow from acute to community leading to project of disinvestment in acute beds and provision of community nursing beds, delivering substantial savings to CCG and quality improvements in care • Application of transformational leadership principles in community and acute services resulting in strategic and clinical redesign • Delivering efficiencies and commissioner value through patient focussed, evidence based service redesign: • Managing correct patient flows from acute to community • Using ‘Right care’ to identify and address health inequalities • Focus on ‘root cause’ of problems • Challenging the system • Used clinical knowledge and partnership working to redefine service specifications • Evidence and outcome based commissioning • Developed service specifications, care pathways redesign, care categories and operational policies for a variety of integrated services • Co creation and sharing of vision and data with providers to ensure all invested in outcomes • Collaboration and engagement • Partnership projects with VCS providers, independent sector and Ambulance leading to develop services for stroke and frailty pathway resulting significant reductions in unplanned admissions • Work with acute / community /public health to deliver focus on frailty and care home across CCG footprint • Provided MOO case studies for best practice project

  6. Transforming Prison Healthcare and Substance Misuse Services Background • Specialists in our team can support you to change and improve your Prison/Custodial Healthcare and specialist Substance Misuse commissioning / provider services. • We have led high profile projects across the UK aimed at: • Reducing unwarranted clinical variation and improve the health of the most vulnerable / reduce health inequalities • Lean service redesign and implementation of best practice • Scaling capacity and delivery point infrastructure to meet long term health and social care improvement and financial model options • Reducing external escort numbers and associated bed watch length of stay • A radical upgrade of early identification and intervention supported by effective Liaison and Diversion services • A decisive shift towards person-centred care that provides the right level of treatment - right time and in the right setting • Strengthening the voice and involvement of those with lived experience • Supporting rehabilitation and the move to a pathway of recovery • Supporting continuity of care, on reception and post release, by bridging the divide between healthcare services provided in justice, detained and community settings • Greater integration of services driven by better partnerships, collaboration and delivery • Point of delivery redesign and refurbishment • Point prevalence studies to inform workforce planning • Workforce planning • Use of new technology in prison and custodial settings • Supporting business cases • Preparing for successful HMIP and CQC inspection and implementing key findings of both these as well as coroners and the prison and probation ombudsman

  7. Transforming Prison Healthcare and Substance Misuse Services Relevant Assignments • Lead the review and subsequent directorate wide implementation of revised specialist substance misuse services within Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust (BSMHFT). Undertook a review of BSMHFT Substance Misuse Directorate Job Descriptions and Personal specifications. • Reviewed the model of psychosocial treatment models used within BSMHFT. • In partnership with Dr Ed Day and Professor David Best implemented BTEI and ITEP node link mapping psychosocial treatments models within BSMHFT. • Reviewed and implemented Alcohol Treatment services within Stoke on Trent • Developed Operational Policy (SUI) within Aquarius Action Projects • Developed a specialist Drug and Alcohol electronic assessment model and prepared bids within Aquarius Action Projects. • Reviewed and remodelled primary care services and lead 2 successful HMIP/CQC and Meds Management Inspections of previously failing prison health services in the North East Prisons cluster. • Lead a pre CQC inspection and evaluation of safe and effective service delivery within HMP Altcourse. • Reviewed and had a leading role in delivering the prison health reform programme within HMP Holme House and Kirklevington Grange as one of the governments early adopter reform prisons announced in May 2016. Key Skills • Improving operational efficiency • Managing clinical teams and behaviours • Data analysis to identify scope for improvement • Skilled in operational delivery of complex health environments.

  8. Urgent and Emergency Care Background • We have experienced clinicians within our team who have worked both clinically and managerial to develop integrated urgent care. • Consultants in our team can provide expertise in: • Aligning capacity and demand in urgent care services • Utilising service improvement tools and techniques in urgent care services using an inclusive approach to change • Aligning clinical risk thresholds and agreeing protocols between Emergency Department and primary care walk-in services • Utilising the skills of ambulance paramedics and ECPs in urgent care and primary care settings • Defining safe configuration of sub-acute services and transfer protocols for deteriorating patients • A system-wide major incident response • Facilitating joint planning between the NHS and prisons to respond to major incidents • Changing models of care between hospital and home to achieve better patient flow • Designing reliable alternatives to hospital for end of life care • Redesigning the response to urgent presentations and same-day demand in primary care Key Skills • Getting clinicians to collect meaningful data for redesign • Understanding g the differences in clinical risk tolerance between hospital, pre-hospital and primary care • Brokering and negotiating between clinicians in different care settings • A comprehensive understanding of whole-system patient flows • Matching capacity and skills to demand • Transformational facilitation

  9. Urgent and Emergency Care • Relevant Assignments • Capacity and demand mapping across emergency departments, out-of-hours and primary care walk-in centres, and general practice. • Facilitating the emergency services collaborative across five acute trusts. • Redesign of intermediate care services, with average 1.2 days reduction in acute length of stay. • Redesign of appropriate care-mix, out-of-hours care, and transfer protocols at a sub-acute hospital. • Integrating an Emergency Department with new co-located primary care walk-in and out-of-hours service. • Appreciative enquiry reviews in struggling ambulance trusts. • Redesigning demand management and improving access in primary care to provide a more timely and effective response to same-day urgent calls. • Major incident planning across a Strategic Health Authority, including a high-secure hospital and repatriation of military causalities from Iraq. • Introducing Emergency Care Practitioners into a general practice acute home visiting service • Introducing a capitated outcomes-based contract across multiple end-of-life providers to provide dependable alternatives to hospital. • Running patient and public engagement in both strategic planning and service change. • Collaboration and engagement • Partnership projects with commissioners, voluntary sector, Community providers, independent sector , families, carers and service users. • Running accelerated design events to build shared ownership of new outcomes based cross-organisational service models. • Skilled facilitation of groups of Consultants, GPs, nurses, AHPs, ambulance crews, administrators in service redesign.

  10. Primary Care Background • We have experienced consultants who have worked extensively in primary care and general practice. including practice-based local and Regional initiatives in: • Identification and co-design of packages of support to struggling practices • Diagnostics of both clinical and financial practice performance to give practices insight into their operations • Redesign of patient access to general practice, working at scale to deliver substantial increases in capacity in extended hours and weekends • Workforce mapping and service redesign to encompass new roles and give an understanding of succession planning • The introduction of clinical pharmacists into the general practice multidisciplinary team • Facilitating engagement between practices to work at-scale • Redesigning the response to urgent presentations and same-day demand in primary care • Coaching and skills development in practice managers • Creation of GP Federations • Health planning for new premises developments and business cases Key Skills • An in-depth understanding of the way general practice works • Credibility with primary care professionals • Brokering and negotiating between CCGs and GPs • Matching capacity and skills to demand • Transformational facilitation • Capacity modelling

  11. Primary Care • Relevant Assignments • Experience of working clinically in primary care and in practice management. • Leading a 2- year regional programme implementing the GP Forward View, including the delivery of the Extended Access target for Midlands and East • Leading Regional, and facilitating CCG, programmes of practice resilience. • Developing robust workforce mapping data in order to plan for the short and long term future primary care workforce needs. • Workforce modelling • Consultancy support into practice network applications for clinical pharmacists, and advice about embedding them within the practice team. • Facilitation and sharing of experience of the benefits of different models of at-scale working and development of primary care networks. • Service redesign across primary and community services • Collaboration and engagement • With national policy teams to influence implementation of the GP Forward View. • Collaborating with primary care contracting teams to achieve the transformation of delivery models. • Facilitating practice teams in identifying their areas of clinical, organisational and financial risk, then designing ways to make their area more resilient.

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