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Chuck Norris Fact:. “It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes .”. The British Empire. Ba nuh…ba nuh…ba nuh. How Did England Get So Bloody Fabulous?. Industrial Revolution No major political problems in England No wars fought on English soil.
Chuck Norris Fact: “It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.”
The British Empire Ba nuh…ba nuh…ba nuh
How Did England Get So Bloody Fabulous? • Industrial Revolution • No major political problems in England • No wars fought on English soil
What’s Wrong with the Rest of Europe? • France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Russia & the Netherlands are all dealing with some sort of Revolution • As a result, they are all in no place to challenge England
God Save the Queen • Queen Victoria • Reigned from 1837-1901 • Lead England to its height of power and success • England became ENGLAND while she was queen • Fun Fact: Victoria wore black every day after her husband died…that was for 40 years • Obvious Fact: The Victorian Era in English history is named after her In all honesty…black is more slimming…sorry Alby.
Rock the Vote…British StyleWhich means doing it with bad teeth • The Reform Bill of 1832 begins the slow process for suffrage • Over about 75 years the percentage of voters went from 5% to 74% • Result: British people are happier
How to Dominate the World • England begins to create Dominions • These places are similar to colonies, but have more freedom • They give England a presence around the world • They help to make England rich & powerful Lasers! You need frickin’ lasers!
Canada, Eh • The British have owned Canada for a long time • Canada was established with two provinces • Upper (English) • Lower (French) • In 1839, Lord Durham reunited Canada • British Immigration increased and Canada became a Dominion Believe it or not…this is the REAL Canadian Flag
Everything’s Better Down Under I just crapped my pants • England has a Penal System in Australia starting in 1788 • A Penal Colony is a place to send criminals • subliminal message DON’T GO TO AUSTRALIA…They Are All CRIMINALS…AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH • John MacArthur discovers the value of Sheep Herding • Australia is suddenly profitable • Australia becomes a Dominion
Where is New Zealand? One eyed Willie? I feel out of focus That guy looks like me…weird I need a pedicure • New Zealand is near Australia • They have Hobbits there, or so I’ve heard • New Zealand was first inhabited by Maoris, Escaped Convicts and Missionaries • Problems arose • England annexed New Zealand and it too became a Dominion
Ireland Gets Unlucky • This is a different situation than the others • Irish vs. English • English use political & religious issues to control the Irish • Irish suffer the potato famine • Ireland struggles with England well into the 1900’s I can’t quite see…can someone help me get my glasses out of my butt?
South Africa • British vs. Dutch • British win the Boer War • Diamonds & Gold • This is also a prime location • South Africa becomes a dominion
Egypt & the Suez Canal • Egyptians are building the Suez Canal to connect the Mediterranean with the Indian Ocean • The British cannot allow this to escape them • Egypt becomes a dominion
India: The Jewel of the Crown • India is great for Tea and Opium • The Raj: 1757 – 1947 • India is another prime location for trade & the ability to make money • India is a dominion
The British in India The Good • Helped India unite • Helped India Modernize • Racism caused constant trouble • Religious implications • Sepoy Mutiny The Not So Good
Britain’s Effect on the World • Showed other European nations a new way to make money in the Industrial Age • This will lead to all the nations of Europe pushing for Imperialism
Moment of Zen No wait! I know this hot squirrel with these odd…aaahhhh!