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Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping.

Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping. Folkman & Lazarus (1980). Defined coping responses as ‘Cognitions (thoughts) & behaviours that a person used to reduce stress and to moderate it’s emotional impact’ Basically we try to cope with stress and manage it effectively. .

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Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping.

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  1. Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping.

  2. Folkman & Lazarus (1980) • Defined coping responses as ‘Cognitions (thoughts) & behaviours that a person used to reduce stress and to moderate it’s emotional impact’ Basically we try to cope with stress and manage it effectively.

  3. Ways of Coping Questionnaire (WCQ) • Ways of Coping Questionnaire: This inventory was used by Lazarus & Folkman to measure a persons coping style. Like the SRRS it uses 50 items that are scored on different scales including: • Social support: Someone to talk to. • Escape avoidance: Hoping for a miracle. • Positive Reappraisal: Changing your perspective of a problem so it’s less stressful.

  4. WCQ cont…. • Two major types of coping strategies were identified in the results of the WCQ: • Problem-focused coping- These strategies attempt to alleviate or eliminate stressful situations through taking control and weighing up pros & cons. Importantly individuals who use this strategy also suppress feelings i.e. avoidance (no revision, talk on MSN instead!!) • Emotion-focused coping- These strategies attempt to regulate (keep going) emotional distress with stressful or potentially stressful events. E.g. Being in denial, this is then focusing on support for this denial or stressful situation. Women in particular network well and usually have very strong social support systems.

  5. Emotion or problem focused that is the question!! • Depending on an individuals personality and the stressful situation we all have the potential to use both. • Research has shown that problem-focused coping is typically used in situations that are perceived to be controllable e.g. work issues. Conversely emotion-based coping is usually used in situations where the stressor is less controllable e.g. Terrorist attacks. • The most effective strategy is problem-solving if the individual has a realistic chance of changing the stressor or the aspects that lead to the stressor.

  6. What research??? • Health-OutcomesPenley et al (2002) A study of nursing students found problem focused was positively correlated with overall good health whereas emotional focused was negatively correlated with overall good health. • Control & Coping Park et al (2004) undergraduates described their most stressful event, it’s controllability, how they coped & daily mood. Results again promoted problem focused with more positive outcomes. • Threat & Coping Rukholm & Viverais (1983) concluded that if a person feels greatly threatened when exposed to a stressor, they need to deal with this using emotion focused coping first. Only then can they make use of the problem-focused techniques.

  7. Is this always the case, problem –focused wins?? • The short answer to this is no. • Fang et al (2006) Studied women who were at increased risk of hereditary cancer and found those who felt more in control and were actively engaged in problem-based coping actually suffered more in the long term. • Why??? (highlight below for the answer by changing the font colour to black.). • Problem-focused coping only effective if it matches reality! There is little a women can do if she is predisposed medically!!!

  8. An overall evaluation. • Problems of measurement- Like the SRRS there are problems with the scale and what aspect of behaviour is measured under which category. • Emotion focused-Being portrayed as less effective- This is not always the case Baker & Berenbaum (2007) found those encouraged to express emotions were very effective in dealing with stressors (Men particularly!!). • Gender differences-(1)Socialisation theory: Women taught to act like young ladies i.e. express your emotions appropriately. Men taught to act like men I.e. express their emotions in a more functional way. • (2)Constrain theory: The gender differences are the result of social constructs & if placed in similar positions i.e. students, bus drivers etc then they will adopt the same problem solving strategies.

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