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APUSH. Jeopardy!. Begin. Colonial America I. Colonial America II. Colonial America III. Revolutionary War I. Revolutionary War II. Revolutionary War III. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300.

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  1. APUSH Jeopardy! Begin

  2. Colonial America I Colonial America II Colonial America III Revolutionary War I Revolutionary War II Revolutionary War III $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  3. Final Jeopardy Colonial America Men

  4. He was one of the revivalists in the Great Awakening who gave many sermons to the masses. His most famous sermon was “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Jonathan Edwards

  5. Colonial America I- $100It was established by John Smith and was the first permanent English settlement in the New World C1-$100 Jamestown

  6. Colonial America I- $200John Rolfe saved the economy of Virginia by perfecting the methods of raising and curing this crop C1-$200 Tobacco

  7. Colonial America I- $300This was the first elected legislature in the colonies and was composed of two representatives in each plantation C1-$300 House of Burgesses

  8. Colonial America I- $400This was a system used in Virginia to encourage immigration by giving 50 acres of land t any settle who brought a servant C1-$400 Headright System

  9. Colonial America I- $500This was the first attempted settlement of North America by the English. The first two attempts failed and the third settlement disappeared mysteriously before a supply ship could reach the settlers C1-$500 Roanoke

  10. Colonial America II - $100This act allowed freedom of worship for all Christians in Maryland to keep peace between Protestants and Catholics C2-$100 Maryland's Act of Toleration

  11. Colonial America II - $200James Oglethorpe was a prominent humanitarian who led a group of proprietors and settles to this colony which became a haven from criminals C2-$200 Georgia

  12. Colonial America II - $300They landed at Plymouth Massachusetts in search of religious freedom C2-$300 Pilgrims

  13. Colonial America II - $400 Daily Double xxx C3-$500

  14. Colonial America II - $400This was an agreement signed by 41 adult males before landing at Plymouth which made all settles consent to be ruled by the majority’s will C2-$400 Mayflower Compact

  15. Colonial America II - $500The Dutch West India Company tried to attract settlers to the New Netherlands by granting large estates to wealthy men who promised to bring a certain number of tenant farmers C2-$500 Patroon System

  16. Colonial America III- $100This group was led by John Winthrop to escape religious persecution and eventually settled in Massachusetts C3-$100 Puritans

  17. Colonial America III- $200A hysterical witchcraft purge resulted in the deaths of 20 accused citizens C3-$200 Salem Witch Trials

  18. Colonial America III- $300He was banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony In 1635 because he stated that the government had no authority over the personal opinions of individuals C3-$300 Roger Williams

  19. Colonial America III- $400It was the first constitution in the colonies which allowed men to vote for the governor C3-$400 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

  20. Colonial America III- $500It was the first college in America and was formed to train local boys for the ministry C3-$500 Harvard College

  21. Revolutionary War I - $100It referred to the negligence by England of her colonies in America. The colonist did not enforce Parliament’s Acts and began t believe that Parliament had not authority over them C4-$100 Salutary Neglect

  22. Revolutionary War I - $200It lowered the duty on molasses by half, levied a tax on sugar, and forbade the importation of rum C3-200 Sugar Act

  23. Revolutionary War I - $300It declared that all printed materials must have a revenue stamp which aroused opposition in the colonies C3-$300 Stamp Act

  24. Revolutionary War I - $400Twenty-Seven delegates from the nine colonies drew up a statement protesting the unfairness of the Greenville Acts. This was one of the first united actions of the colonies C3-$400 Stamp Act Congress

  25. Revolutionary War I - $500They were a group of radicals that tarred, feathered, hanged, and ransacked the houses of unpopular officials and stamp agents C3-$500 Sons of Liberty

  26. Revolutionary War II - $100In March, 1770 60 townspeople cam up to a squad of British troops and a melee eventually broke out where eleven were shot and five were killed C4-$100 Boston Massacre

  27. Revolutionary War II - $200These acts closed the port of Boston, sent troops and the British Navy to stop trade from Boston, and ended town meetings C4-$200 Intolerable (Coercive) Acts

  28. Revolutionary War II - $300Thirteen colonies came together in Philadelphia to raise money and to create an army and a navy. The most important action was to select George Washington as head of the colonial army C4-$300 Second Continental Congress

  29. Revolutionary War II - $400This was a passionate protest to persuade the masses into joining the patriot’s cause C4-$400 Common Sense

  30. Revolutionary War II - $500They were people in America who supported King George III during the revolution. They made up about one-fourth of the population and were mainly from the aristocracy C4-$500 Loyalist (Tories)

  31. Revolutionary War III - $100He was one of the best colonial generals. In 1780 he turned traitor and plotted the surrender of West Point to the British C4-$100 Benedict Arnold

  32. Revolutionary War III - $200Colonial radicals formed committees in each town and colony to spread word of any English aggression C4-$200 Committees of Correspondence

  33. Revolutionary War III - $300He was an American statesman and orator who stated “Give me liberty or give me death.” C4-$300 Patrick Henry

  34. Revolutionary War III - $400The Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Indians and boarded tea ships and threw the tea into the harbor C4-$400 Boston Tea Party

  35. Revolutionary War III - $500It was drafted by John Dickinson and was an attempt to keep the colonies within the English Empire. England rejected the offer. C4-$500 Olive Branch Petition

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