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Language testing

Language testing. Dinh Cong Triet. Language testing. Levels of Test Questions Bloom’s & Barrett’s Taxonomy. What makes a task / activity difficult?. THINKING LEVELS. Barrett’s Taxonomy. Bloom’s Taxonomy. (Productive skills). (Receptive skills). BLOOM’S TAXONOMY.

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Language testing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Language testing Dinh Cong Triet

  2. Language testing Levels of Test Questions Bloom’s & Barrett’s Taxonomy Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  3. What makes a task / activity difficult? THINKING LEVELS Barrett’s Taxonomy Bloom’s Taxonomy (Productive skills) (Receptive skills) Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  4. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY. SPEAKING, WRITING, GRAMMAR Argue, assess, justify, judge, rate, support, value, evaluate Evaluation (Eva) Arrange, collect, compose, plan, construct, create, design, develop Synthesis (Syn) Analyse, calculate, categorise, criticise, contrast, distinguish Analysis (Ana) Apply, choose, demonstrate, illustrate, solve, use, interpret Application (App) Classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, recognise, identify, report Comprehension (Com) Arrange, define, list, memorise, name, relate, recall, repeat, state Knowledge (Kno) Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  5. Bloom’s taxonomy – Knowledge level Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  6. Bloom’s taxonomy – Comprehension level Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  7. Bloom’s taxonomy – Application level Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  8. Bloom’s taxonomy – Analysis level Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  9. Bloom’s taxonomy – Synthesis level Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  10. Bloom’s taxonomy – Evaluation level Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  11. Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  12. BLOOM’S TAXONOMY. Question types Levels Skills Subskills


  14. BARRETT’S TAXONOMY. READING & LISTENING Critique, appraise, comment, appreciate (Appr) Appreciation Analyse, appraise, evaluate, justify, criticise, judge (Eva) Evaluation Inferential comprehension Predict, infer, guess (IC) Classify, regroup, rearrange, assemble, collect, categorise (RO) Re-organization (LC) Label, list, name, relate, recall, Literal comprehension repeat Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  15. BARRETT’S TAXONOMY. Comment, criticise sth usually in teaching literature: poem, story… (Appr) Appreciation “Do you agree with the writer that….? Why or why not……? (Eva) Evaluation Inferential comprehension “The beginning of a good reader”. See sth between the lines. (IC) (RO) Organize ideas, put … into a table Re-organization All easily found in the text. No thinking involves (LC) Literal comprehension Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  16. Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng


  18. BARRETT’S TAXONOMY. Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  19. Barrett’s (LC, RO, IC, Eva, Appr) Bloom’s(Know,Comp, App, Ana, Syn, Eva) (MCQ, T/F, gap-fill, matching, sequencing, open-ended) Question levels Question types Table of Specifications Skills & subskills knowledge LSRW Curriculum specs Mark allocation Time allocation Question Sections/numbers Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  20. Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  21. Adapted from "Language testing"-Dr. Chan Yue Weng

  22. Thank You ! Dinh Cong Triet

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