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Principles for a Sustainable Landscape

Principles for a Sustainable Landscape. Water-Efficient Landscaping is a Major Component of Sustainable Landscaping which: “meets the needs of today’s population without diminishing the ability of future populations to meet their needs.” . Sustainable Landscapes.

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Principles for a Sustainable Landscape

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  1. Principles for a Sustainable Landscape

  2. Water-Efficient Landscaping is a Major Component of Sustainable Landscaping which: “meets the needs of today’s population without diminishing the ability of future populations to meet their needs.”

  3. Sustainable Landscapes • Incorporate plants suited for the climate • Conserve water • Nurture and protect soil • Prevent/reduce pest problems • Conserve energy/reduce Pollution • Encourage wildlife

  4. Why Garden Sustainably?

  5. Sustainable Landscaping…… Leaves a greener footprint for our children’s children

  6. Sustainable Landscapes Incorporate plants suitable for climate/location Conserve water Nurture and protect soil Prevent/reduce pest problems Conserve energy/Reduce pollution Encourage wildlife

  7. Select plants recommended for your Sunset Zone

  8. And Microclimate (shade, etc.)

  9. Microclimates Impact Plant Health and Water Use

  10. Water Needs increase in Heat Islands • Landscape plants in heat islands require up to 50% more water than the same species in park settings

  11. Sustainable LandscapesConserve Water Through: 1. Hydrozoning 2. Scheduling irrigations based on plant needs 3. Making sure sprinklers/drip systems work properly 4. Using mulch and soil amendments effectively

  12. Hydrozone : Place plants with similar water needs together and irrigate them accordingly

  13. Drip Irrigate Trees, Shrubs, and Gardens to Reduce Soil Evaporation and to Apply Water Directly into Root Zones

  14. Warm-Season Lawns (Bermuda) Use Less Water than Cool-season Lawns (Tall Fescue) Lawn Watering Guide for Californiahttp://ucanr.org/freepubs/docs/8044.pdf

  15. To prevent water waste and brown spots in turf and groundcovers, repair leaks, low heads, broken sprinklers, unmatched sprinklers and pressure and spacing problems

  16. If you Keep your Lawn, Grasscycle! Saves time/money Adds organic matter to lawn Recycles nutrients Reduces greenwaste in landfills

  17. UC Verde(below)

  18. CALLIANDRA CALIFORNICABAJA FAIRY DUSTER Mature plants reach a size of 4 to 6 feet tall and wide. Baja red fairy duster does well in full sun or part shade, and is tolerant

  19. St. Elmo’s Fire (Russelia) - 3’ by 4’ • Fast growing • Desert hardy

  20. CA Natives for Lawn Replacement • Ceanothusmaritimus • Tolerates clay soil • Blue flowers • Low-growing, spreading

  21. It’s More Than Just Cactus!

  22. Parkinsonia hybrid ‘Desert Museum’ DESERT MUSEUM PALO VERDE Hybrid with a thornless sturdy structure and strong vertical form. Mature size: 25 feet to 30 feet with 20-foot spread. Spring flowers.

  23. Ebanopsisebano (Texas Ebony) Dense, dark green leaves and spiny twigs; great security barrier. Desirable tree for a small garden. Slow growth to 20 to 30 feet with a spread of 15 to 20 feet Fragrant, cream-colored flowers in late spring

  24. Leather Leaf Acacia(Acacia craspedocarpa)

  25. Desert Whitecap Evergreen perennial with large 4-inch white flowers. Blooms on and off but most prolific in spring. Plants form rounded clumps 1 to 1-1/2’ feet high and 3’ wide.

  26. Desert Trees and Shrubs for Windbreaks Acacia aneura, Mulga AcaciaBrachychiton populneus, Bottle TreeCeratonia siliqua, CarobCupressus arizonica, Arizona CypressCupressus glabra 'Gareei', Rough Bark Cypress Eucalyptus microtheca, Coolibah TreeEucalyptus spathulata, Swamp MaleePinus eldarica, Afghan PinePinus pinea, Italian Stone PineRhus lancea, African Sumac

  27. Water cycling may be necessary to avoid run-off. Divide the total amount of water required per day into 2-4 cycles. Apply water as close to initial event as possible before soil dries out.

  28. Irrigate Deeply and Infrequently and Monitor Soil Moisture Soil probe Soil sampling tube

  29. Other Methods to Conserve Water in the Landscape

  30. Minimize the use of water to clean sidewalks and driveways

  31. Remove weeds that compete with landscape plants for water

  32. Improve Water-Holding Capacity and/or Drainage with Compost Mixed Evenly into Soil (6” – 1’)

  33. Don’t Let Water Get Away!Permeable surfaces Infiltration Basins Water Collection

  34. Apply Mulch Around Plants

  35. Mulch Conserves Water and Beautifies Landscapes

  36. Avoid Over-fertilizing Creates flushes of weak growth Increases water requirement

  37. Avoid Soil Compaction Keep construction activities several feet from landscape plantings Incorporate organic soil amendments (except for tree planting sites)

  38. Soil Compaction • Wastes water • Decreases aeration/drainage/root growth • Can result in fungal diseases • Can result in plant decline and death

  39. Irrigate Sloped Landscapes Slowly and Deeply to Prevent Runoff Prevents loss of valuable soil Prevents Pollution of Ground and Surface Waters

  40. Principles of Sustainable Landscaping • Climatically/microclimatically Selected Plants • Water Efficient/Hydrozoned • Pollution Friendly (water quality, noise, dust) • Employs Integrated Pest Management • Reduces, Recycles, and Reuses Greenwaste

  41. Composting It’s Recycling… Naturally

  42. Compost What is compost? An organic soil conditioner created by decomposing organic matter under controlled conditions until it is stable enough to improve soils without harming plants or transmitting disease. Grass clippings Food scraps Leaves

  43. The CA Waste Management Act (Assembly Bill 929) • Divert 25% of organic matter destined for landfills by 1995 • Divert 50% by 2000

  44. Limited landfill space should be reserved for materials that cannot be recycled or composted • Garbage handling is the 4th largest expense for many cities. • Composted greenwaste benefits landscape plants and the environment

  45. Annual California Waste Disposal, Diversion and Generation

  46. Composting Yard Wastes • In CA, yard wastes are the largest component of municipal waste • Grass clippings comprise approximately half of the yard trimmings deposited in state landfills. • An average California turf area produces 300 to 400 pounds of grass clippings per 1,000 square feet annually (up to 8 tons per acre).

  47. High Quality Soils • Good Physical Properties (structure and texture) • Adequate Nutrients (N, P, K, etc.) • Healthy Biota (beneficial microbes that decompose organic matter and cycle nutrients and mycorrhizae) • Adequate Organic Matter

  48. Soil Textures

  49. Soil Textures (Types)

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