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Information and Dialogue

CSUB Budget Forum – FY 2012-13 May 22 , 2012. Information and Dialogue In the Context of Significant Long-term Reductions in State Funding – Part VIII. Horace Mitchell, PhD President. Welcome. Agenda. 10-year funding trends for CSUB 2011-12 State Funding Reductions: CSU

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Information and Dialogue

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CSUB Budget Forum – FY 2012-13 May 22, 2012 Information and Dialogue In the Context of Significant Long-term Reductions in State Funding – Part VIII Horace Mitchell, PhD President

  2. Welcome Agenda 10-year funding trends for CSUB 2011-12 State Funding Reductions: CSU CSU Planning/Response to Budget 2011-12 Reductions Impacts on CSUB: 2011-12 Planning for 2012-13 Budget: CSU Planning for 2012-13 Budget: CSUB Planning for 2013-14 Q & A / Discussion

  3. I. 10-year funding trends for CSUB changes in state funding increase in tuition fee income total state funding and tuition fee income

  4. II. 2011-12 State Funding Reductions: CSU • March, 2011: Legislature adopts State budget $500M • July, 2011: approval of final State budget 150M • December 2011: “trigger” reduction +100M Total $750M

  5. III. CSU Planning/Response to 2011-12 Budget Reductions • November, 2010: Board of Trustees approve 10% tuition fee increase for 2011-12 • July, 2011: Board of Trustees approve additional 12% tuition fee increase for 2011-12

  6. IV. Impacts on CSUB: 2011-12

  7. V. Planning for 2012-13 Budget: CSU • November, 2011: Board of Trustees approve 9.1% tuition fee increase for 2012-13 • Governor’s January 2012 budget proposal: no increase / decrease from 2011-12 allocation • Governor’s “trigger” cuts (if tax initiative not approved by voters in November, 2012) • Jan. 2012 budget proposal $200M • May 2012 revision + 50M Total $250M • May 2012: Board of Trustees discuss Cost Reduction and Revenue Enhancement Strategies Note: The additional $50M trigger cut was announced by the governor after the May 2012 board meeting.

  8. Planning for 2012-13 Budget: CSUB • Impact of $200M “trigger” cut $4.2M • Impact of additional $50M cut 1.1M • Total $5.3M • Most actions will be deferred until after the November, 2012 tax initiative results are known • The magnitude of the cumulative reductions require that we examine in a fundamental way the campus’ core academic mission and core student and campus services 13

  9. The Academic Senate Budget Prioritization Task Force has provided a set of guiding principles and recommendations that will be given careful consideration. • The next meeting of the University Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee will be held on June 8, 2012. • Additional updates and discussions will occur with deans, department chairs, faculty and staff; the Academic Senate; ASi officers and students; and the President’s Cabinet. • Another Campus Budget Forum will be scheduled early in the fall quarter.

  10. Planning for 2013-14 • Permanent reductions not made in 2012-13 must be implemented in 2013-14

  11. VIII. Q & A / Discussion

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