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FIRST YEAR EXAM INFORMATION SESSION November 17, 2010. All information is posted on the SAO web site: http://www.mcgill.ca/law-studies/information/exams/. BACK UP.
FIRST YEAR EXAM INFORMATION SESSIONNovember 17, 2010 All information is posted on the SAO web site: http://www.mcgill.ca/law-studies/information/exams/
BACK UP • students are responsible for backing up all computer work whether it be for an assignment, term essay, take-home exam, course summaries... The loss of any data may not necessarily result in a deferral or an extension. • Multiple forms of back up, e.g. USB, forward to McGill email Account, network space. Students have a 100MB limit on their P: drives. • More info on storage space from the IT Knowledge base: http://knowledgebase.mcgill.ca/it/easylink/article.html?id=2211
ALL ASSIGNMENTS, EXAMS, PAPERS, SUBMITTED TO THE SAOARE FINAL • students will not be permitted to submit any additional work or an alternative version(s). Only the initial submission to the SAO will be forwarded for grading. • http://www.mcgill.ca/law-studies/information/extensions/
OPEN BOOK • examination means all material may be brought into the room. This includes French/English dictionaries. Other language dictionaries should be vetted by the SAO. • Materials from the Library are not permitted.
CLOSED BOOK • examination means that no material whatsoever may be brought into the exam room except pencils, pens and the like. You must leave your book bag and coat in your locker. • French/English dictionaries will be provided by the invigilators.
RESTRICTED OPEN BOOK • examination means you are permitted to bring in only those materials noted by the instructor. This information is provided by the instructor prior to the examination. • If necessary, the invigilator may request the presence of the instructor in the exam room.
CLEAN CODES/STATUTES • means that only underlining and cross-references are permitted.
EXAM ROOM • You must present your McGill ID card to the invigilator prior to entering the exam room. You will receive a seat number (random selection). The seat number will correspond to the desk where you MUST write your examination. • Your McGill ID card and seat card must remain on the desk through-out the examination. • Attendance will be taken within the first 15-20 minutes of the exam starting. • Upon completion of the exam, you are also required to sign out.
STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE THE EXAMINATION ROOM • without the invigilator’s permission. • Students may not leave the examination room until one hour after the examination has begun, and under no circumstance before attendance has been taken. • Students may not leave the examination room during the last fifteen minutes of the exam. • Raise your hand to request assistance.
THE INVIGILATOR(S) IN THE EXAM ROOM KEEP THE OFFICIAL START/END TIME OF AN EXAM. • When the invigilator announces the end of the examination you MUSTSTOP WRITING. Invigilators have been instructed to report the names of students who continue to write/type to the SAO. This is a serious offence and will not be tolerated.
DURING THE LAST 15 MINUTES OF THE EXAM, • ALL STUDENTS MUST REMAIN SEATED until the invigilator(s) have picked up your exam and you have signed out. Invigilators have been instructed to report the names of students who do not respect this policy.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD STUDENTS CONTACT INSTRUCTORS IN RELATION TO THEIR EXAMINATION Do not approach instructors: • before the exam - if you feel you may miss the exam due to illness or any other reason – contact the SAO immediately. You may inadvertently divulge your exam # and compromise your anonymity by contacting the instructor. • after the exam, until grades have been released -contact the SAO to relate any concerns or comments about a particular exam.
DEFERRED EXAMINATIONS • are available to students who for medical reasons or analogous causes cannot write examinations at the normal time. • Students must inform the SAO, prior to or within twenty-four hours of the examination, of the reasons for requesting permission to write a deferred examination. • Supporting documentation, such as a doctor's note, is required. • Deferred examinations are written at the Law Faculty in the month of August.
The following are reasons for which a deferred exam request(s) will normally NOT be granted: • Employment reason • Travel/vacation/social plans • Medical problems which do not seriously interfere with immediate pre-exam preparation or the student's ability to take the exam on the scheduled exam day. • Airline flights and schedules
Deferred examinations are not available to a student who has commenced to write a regular examination unless the student has taken ill in the examination room (must immediately inform the invigilator). • For each deferred exam that is approved, an “L” (deferred) will appear on your record beside the course; it will not appear on official transcripts after the final grade has been determined.
Cell phones, ipods, MP3 players, PDAs, Web access devices. All these devices may not be used during an exam. They must be turned off and stored away in your bag or locker. • If found these items will be confiscated by the invigilator and turned over to the SAO. • You are NOT permitted to use your laptop to access the web, class notes, summaries or any other saved information during an exam.
FIRST-YEAR MID-TERM GRADES • Students will have access to view their mid-term grades on WebCTvia the course law-law-student affairs-examinationsfor a 2-week period in January 2011. (Release: January 14th, 2011, at 5pm) • These grades are NOT final grades, and are intended to provide pedagogical feedback to students and instructors. The SAO does not provide written notice of these grades. • The FINAL grade for first year courses will be visible on the student's official transcript at the end of the winter term (May).
SECUREXAM SOFTWARE AND LAPTOPS • Laptop Software is for Final exams only. The university approved software, SecurExam, will be available to students to download for December 2010 exams from November 23 to December 10, 2010, 3pm. • Students intending to use a laptop during the Fall 2010 term examination period MUST complete the Examination Agreement, download the software and run a test 48 hrs prior to an exam. This is a firm deadline – NO extensions will be permitted. • As of November 23, 2010, students must go to myCourses, look for the course law-law-student affairs-examinations. Once there, you will see an icon "Laptop Examinations" - all relative information regarding the policy and the software are located there. Please read carefully. • Loaners- as of December 5, 2010, students may borrow a laptop via ICS-Audio Visual Arrangements Section located at Information Technology Customer Service, AV/Services,688 Sherbrooke street, Room 285. This will be on a first-come-first serve basis and limited to two days at a time. Students borrowing a laptop are still required to complete the Examination Agreement and run a test beforehand.
SECUREXAM DEMO • Ms. Oksana Maibroda Instructional Designer Instructor Services & Educational Technologies