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Development, database and results of the Historical Sample of the Netherlands. Kees Mandemakers Les Grandes Bases de Données et l’Histoire Sociale des Populations Bordeaux, Université Michel de Montagne, 7-9 th of February 2008. HSN. - What’s the HSN ? GENLIAS-index of civil certificates
Development, database and results of the Historical Sample of the Netherlands Kees Mandemakers Les Grandes Bases de Données et l’Histoire Sociale des Populations Bordeaux, Université Michel de Montagne, 7-9th of February 2008
HSN - What’s the HSN ? • GENLIAS-index of civil certificates • Best practices of large databases • International data model - Historical Sample of Europe
HSN - What’s the HSN ? • Sources and development database • Projects - Results
HSN Five periods of Investment 1987-1990 Conceptual stage 1991-1993 Pilot project province of Utrecht 1993-1995 Extension pilot, first collaboratory projects 1996-2002 Extension to the whole country 2003-2007 Life courses1850/1863 -1922
Typical Sequence of Entries in Population Registers Parental family On the road lodger maid servant soldier Own family
HSN IN CONNECTION WITH OUTPUT REGISTER 1850-1940 Adding Personal Card/List RP Adding Marriage Certificates RP
HSN • Collaboratory projects • Extension datasets • - Other kind of data • - Other (related) persons Upkeeping HSN-infrastructure Widening circle HSN-users
Migration Dutch East Indies 1820 – 1940 Ulbe Bosma • Retrieving HSN-research persons • Indian archives (Directories) • Registers Military, Civil Servants • - Shipping Lists etc
Migration Dutch East Indies 1820 – 1940 Ulbe Bosma Comparison Indian and Dutch Careers (HSN Control Group)
HSN • Unique position HSN • . Sampling birth certificates • . A whole nation (not regional) • . Following persons all over the country
HSN Spanning Past and Present (SPAN) • . Combination NKPS (sample 1923-1985) • . Completing Families RP’s • . Sampling and Following Siblings • . Sampling from Period 1923-1938 • . Reinforcement technical infrastructure • (e.g. integrated SPAN-database)
HSNFuture • . Life courses 1812-1862 • . Back into 18th century • . Simulating census 1850-1920 • . New sources: land registers, tax registers, poor law files, personal records army • . Enrichment geo-referencing all addresses
HSN Standard HSN-data P A R E N T A L family OWN family Life career RP
HSN Collaboratory projects P A R E N T A L family 1st generation 2nd generation Life career RP Life career 2nd RP
HSN Life career 1st RP OWN family P A R E N T A L family Collaboratory projects OWN family Life career 2nd RP
Index names from 2,5 million marriage certificates 1812-1922 70 % 4,0 million death certificates 1812-1950 40 % 2,0 million birth certificates 1812-1902 20 % 0,6 million from sources before 1812
Coverage by index of marriage certificates N O T C O V E R E D
With occupational titles
Marriage certificates Bride and groom Lastname, First name, Age at marriage Parents of bride and groom Lastname, First name
Marriage certificates Linking parents of bride and groom with their own certificate between 15 and 50 years earlier matching on combination of two persons (last name and first name)
Linking three or more generations ?? They have already been linked !!!