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IKI10230 Pengantar Organisasi Komputer Kuliah no. 11: Control Unit. Sumber : 1. Paul Carter, PC Assembly Language 2. Hamacher. Computer Organization , ed-5 3. Materi kuliah CS61C/2000 & CS152/1997, UCB. 5 Mei 2004 L. Yohanes Stefanus (yohanes@cs.ui.ac.id) Bobby Nazief (nazief@cs.ui.ac.id)
IKI10230Pengantar Organisasi KomputerKuliah no. 11: Control Unit Sumber:1. Paul Carter, PC Assembly Language2. Hamacher. Computer Organization, ed-53. Materi kuliah CS61C/2000 & CS152/1997, UCB 5 Mei 2004 L. Yohanes Stefanus (yohanes@cs.ui.ac.id)Bobby Nazief (nazief@cs.ui.ac.id) bahan kuliah: http://www.cs.ui.ac.id/kuliah/POK/
Computer Processor (active) Memory (passive) (where programs, data live when running) Devices Input Control (“brain”) Datapath (“brawn”) Output Prosesor: Control & Datapath
Control lines Instruction Decoder PC Address lines MAR IR Memory bus Data lines MDR R0 Y R(n-1) Add ALU control lines Sub ALU XOR Carry-in TEMP Z Review: Organisasi Prosesor (Single-bus) Control Unit DatapathUnit
ALU PC Clk Interaksi Memori [Control,Datapath] Control Ideal Instruction Memory Control Signals Conditions Instruction Rd Rs Rt 5 5 5 Instruction Address A Data Address Data Out 32 Rw Ra Rb 32 Ideal Data Memory 32 Registers Next Address Data In B Clk Clk 32 Datapath
Instruction IR Control Conditions ADD MARin Control Signals PCout Riin Datapath Interaksi Control Datapath STEPCONTROL SIGNALS 1. PCout, MARin, Read, Clear Y, Set carry-in to ALU, Add, Zin 2. Zout, PCin, WMFC 3. MDRout, IRin 4. R3out, MARin, Read 5. R1out, Yin, WMFC 6. MDRout, Add, Zin 7. Zout, R1in, End
Pengendalian Eksekusi Instruksi: Hardwired Control
Hardwired Control Organization CLK Clock Reset Control StepCounter Step Decoder T1 T2Tn IR Encoder Instruction Decoder MOV Status Flags ADD Condition Codes INSn Run End Control Signals
JMP ADD T6 T5 T1 Zin Hardwired Control Encoding • Fungsi Logika: Zin = T1 + T6 ADD + T5 JMP + … • Zin akan terjadi pada: • T1: untuk setiap instruksi (instruksi berikut: PC+1) • T5: untuk instruksi ADD • T6: untuk instruksi JMP
Pengendalian Eksekusi Instruksi: Microprogrammed Control
Microprogramming • Control is the hard part of processor design ° Datapath is fairly regular and well-organized ° Memory is highly regular ° Control is irregular and global • Microprogramming: • -- A Particular Strategy for Implementing the Control Unit of a • processor by "programming" at the level of register transfer • operations • Microarchitecture: • -- Logical structure and functional capabilities of the hardware as • seen by the microprogrammer • Historical Note: • -- IBM 360 Series first to distinguish between architecture & organization • -- Same instruction set across wide range of implementations, each with • different cost/performance
Microinstructions IRin PCin PCout MARin MDRout Yin R1in R1out R3out Zin Zout Clear Y Carry-in Add Read WMFC End STEPCONTROL SIGNALS 1. PCout, MARin, Read, Clear Y, Carry-in to ALU, Add, Zin 2. Zout, PCin, WMFC 3. MDRout, IRin 4. R3out, MARin, Read 5. R1out, Yin, WMFC 6. MDRout, Add, Zin 7. Zout, R1in, End 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
IR Status Flags Condition Codes Decoding Circuits μAR Control Store μIR Next Address μInstruction Decoder Control Signals Microinstruction Organization
F3 F2 F1 F0 (8 bits) (3 bits) (3 bits) (3 bits) F10 F9 F8 . . . (1 bit) (1 bit) (1 bit) Microinstruction Encoding 000: No transfer 001: PCout 010: MDRout 011: Zout 100: Rsrcout 101: Rdstout 000: No transfer 001: MARin 010: MDRin 011: TEMPin 100: Yin 000: No transfer 001: PCin 010: IRin 011: Zin 100: Rsrcin 101: Rdstin Address of next microinstruction F4 (4 bits) 0: NextAdrs 1: InstDec 0: No action 1: ORmode 0: No action 1: ORindsrc 0000: ADD 0001: SUB . . 1111: XOR
Content of μStore 000 001 002 003 121 122 170 171 172 173
“Macroinstruction” Interpretation User program plus Data this can change! Main Memory ADD SUB AND . . . one of these is mapped into one of these DATA execution unit AND microsequence e.g., Fetch Calc Operand Addr Fetch Operand(s) Calculate Save Answer(s) CPU control memory
Control: Hardware vs. Microprogrammed • Control may be designed using one of several initial representations. The choice of sequence control, and how logic is represented, can then be determined independently; the control can then be implemented with one of several methods using a structured logic technique. Initial Representation Finite State Diagram Microprogram Sequencing Control Explicit Next State Microprogram counter Function + Dispatch ROMs Logic Representation Logic Equations Truth Tables Implementation Technique PLA ROM “hardwired control” “microprogrammed control”