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Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) Citizen Evaluation of Teaching (CET). Overview of SET/CET Faculty Senate Advancement of Teaching Committee. Assessments are anxiety provoking…. …especially when the relationship to your work is not clear…. OBJECTIVES. 1. Identify changes in forms
Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)Citizen Evaluation of Teaching (CET) Overview of SET/CET Faculty Senate Advancement of Teaching Committee
…especially when the relationship to your work is not clear…
OBJECTIVES 1. Identify changes in forms 2. Recommend reporting practices 3. Evaluated SET/CET forms 4. Provide faculty feedback
All OSU instructors SET/CET forms and questions are parallel for faculty in ~ *Resident instruction *Extension activities *E-campus courses
OBJECTIVE 1Identify changes in form Changes in questions a. New questions focus on teaching behavior b. Questions address only a single behavior c. Questions were validated at OSU & elsewhere d. Space provided for class/discipline specific questions
OBJECTIVE 1Identify changes in form (cont.) Changes in scale a. Old scale was 0 – 4 with word anchors for 0 and 4 only; treated as interval data. b. New scale is 1 – 6 with words for all numbers; is ordinal data.
Objective 2Recommendreporting practices Questions 1 & 2 • These are the only “norm-referenced” (i.e., to compare with others) questions • Appropriate to use in comparing across disciplines • Most appropriate responses to report for P&T, awards, merit
Objective 2Recommend reporting practices (cont.) Questions 3 – 12 a. These are criterion referenced items (i.e., compare to a standard) b. Formative rather than summative information c. Designed to improve teaching practice d. Interpretation should be to compare faculty with similar expertise
Objective 2Recommend reporting practices (cont.) New forms provide response templates for instructor and/or department specified items a. To assess new teaching practice b. To assess course-specific information c. To provide evidence for accreditation
Objective 2Recommend reporting practices (cont.) Responses for all new items are: a. Descriptive, i.e., words with numbers assigned for analysis purposes b. Ordinal not interval data c. Medians, not means, are the appropriate statistic for central tendency with ordinal data
Objective 2Recommend reporting practices (cont.) Changes in reported results a. Previous form reported MEANS with frequencies and without a measure of variability/dispersion. b. Current form reports MEDIANS with frequencies and without a measure of variability/dispersion.
Objective 2Recommend reporting practices (cont.) 1. Report data prior to 2003 using mean of Question 12. 2. Report data for 2003 and after using median for Question 1 and 2. 3. Note that neither measure of central tendency has accompanying measure of variability. 4. Means and medians can be graphed in a similar manner. 5. Include a statement about the change in forms in candidate statement.
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation Change in reported results SET/CET data are ranked categories (ordinal) rather than continuous numerical (interval) data
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation For the next 12 slides, please answer each question indicating the utility of each question to help you improve your teaching.
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: The class as a whole was… CET: The educational event as a whole was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: The instructor’s contribution to the course was… CET: The instructor’s contribution to the educational event was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Clarity of course objectives or outcomes was… CET: The clarity of educational objectives was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Clarity of student responsibilities and requirements was… CET: The clarity of how you might use this education was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Course organization was… CET: The teaching organization was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Availability of extra help when needed was… CET: The instructor’s use of examples was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Instructor’s use of various instructional techniques to accommodate differences in learning styles among students was… CET: The instructor’s use of teaching aids (slides, overheads, charts, etc.) was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Instructor’s interest in my learning was… CET: The instructor’s ability to stimulate my thinking more deeply about the subject was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Instructor’s ability to stimulate my thinking more deeply about the subject was… CET: The instructor’s responsiveness to questions was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Instructor’s timely feedback to tests and other work was… CET: The instructor’s use of participant discussion to enhance my learning was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Instructor’s ability to develop a welcoming classroom environment for all participants was… CET: The instructor’s ability to develop a welcoming environment for all participants was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 3 SET/CET Evaluation SET: Instructor’s evaluation of student performance in accordance with course objectives was… CET: The instructor’s skill in making the information useful to me was… Not useful Moderately useful Very useful
Objective 4 Faculty Feedback 1. How often do you add questions specific to your teaching or accreditation needs to the back of the form? always sometimes never
Objective 4 Faculty Feedback 2. How are SET/CET results, i.e., medians of Questions 1 and 2 used: P&T Awards Merit Other
Objective 4 Faculty Feedback 3. Median for Questions 3 through 12 are: Interpreted within discipline for P&T, awards, merit. Used to improve my teaching. Indicators to improve and evaluate other aspects of my teaching. Other
Objective 4 Faculty Feedback 4. Student evaluation of teaching represents one of several ways to evaluate teaching. Which of the following do you also use to evaluate your teaching? Self-evaluation. Inviting peers from your discipline. Sending teaching packets to external peers in your discipline for evaluation. Trying new methods, approaches or content based on workshops, symposia, readings, suggestions
Objective 4 Faculty Feedback • After attending or viewing this presentation, are there still aspects of SET/CET use or interpretation that are not clear? YES NO • Please specify:
Dissemination • AOT committee will report results of this survey to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and post the report on the Advancement of Teaching Committee website. AoT Committee Margie Haak and Tina Bull, Co-Chairs Molly Engle Ken Winograd Lisa Sarasohn With special thanks to the following former members: Ray William,Paula McMillen, Brett Palama, Shane Brown