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Supplemental Foliar Potassium (K) Fertilization of Muskmelon: Effects of K Source on Fruit Yield and Quality John Jifon 1* , and Gene Lester 2 ;
Supplemental Foliar Potassium (K) Fertilization of Muskmelon: Effects of K Source on Fruit Yield and Quality John Jifon1*, and Gene Lester2; 1Texas AgriLife Research Station, Weslaco, TX; Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center-Texas A&M University, and 2USDA-ARS Subtropical Research Center, Weslaco, TX. B A C D Abstract Sugar content, aroma and texture are key quality traits that influence consumer preference of many fruits and vegetables such as muskmelon [Cucumis melo L. (Reticulatus Group)]. These quality traits are directly related to potassium (K)-mediated processes. However, soil-derived K alone is seldom adequate to satisfy these fruit quality processes. Controlled environment studies have shown that supplemental foliar K applications can overcome this apparent deficiency. However, the suitability of potential K salts as foliar sources is still uncertain. We evaluated six foliar K sources (potassium chloride - KCl, potassium nitrate - KNO3, monopotassium phosphate – MKP, potassium sulfate - K2SO4, potassium thiosulfate - KTS , and a glycine amino acid-complexed K- Potassium Metalosate, KM) for effects on fruit quality parameters of field-grown muskmelon ‘Cruiser’ over two growing seasons, 2006 and 2007 in Weslaco, south Texas. Weekly foliar K applications were initiated at fruit set and continued to fruit maturity. Although soil K concentrations were very high, supplemental foliar K treatments resulted in higher K concentrations in plant tissues, suggesting that plant K uptake from the soil solution was not sufficient to saturate tissue K accumulation. In 2006, fruit yields were not affected by supplemental foliar K spray but in 2007, yields differed significantly among the foliar K sources with treated plots generally having higher yields than the control plots. Fruit from plots receiving supplemental foliar K had higher external and internal fruit tissue firmness than control fruit and this was associated with generally higher soluble solids concentrations (SSC) in both years. All the foliar K sources studied had positive effects on fruit quality parameters except for KNO3 which tended to result in less firm fruit with lower SSC values. These results demonstrate that the apparent K deficiency caused by inadequate uptake can be alleviated by supplemental foliar K applications and that the effectiveness of foliar K fertilization will depend not only on the source of fertilizer K, but also on environmental conditions affecting soil K availability and overall plant growth and development. • Results • Even though pre-plant soil K concentrations were very high (>550 mg·kg-1), supplemental foliar K treatments resulted in higher tissue K concentrations (Table 1), suggesting that soil-derived K was not sufficient to meet plant K requirements. • Supplemental foliar K generally increased fruit soluble solids and sugars (glucose, sucrose and fructose) and fruit mesocarp tissue firmness except for KNO3 which tended to result in lower sugars and less firm fruit (Table 2, 3); there were no consistent trends among the K sources. • Total ascorbic acid and beta-carotene concentrations were also generally increased as a result of supplemental foliar K applications however, the trends were also not consistent among the K sources (Table 3). • Fruit yields averaged 6,000 lb/ac in 2006 (based on a once-over harvest during peak fruit maturity), and were not significantly affected by K treatments. In 2007, yields were increased by supplemental K (range: 17000-22000 lbs/ac) and this effect differed among K sources (Table 2). Table 1: Influence of foliar potassium (K) source (potassium chloride – KCl, potassium nitrate - KNO3, Monopotassium phosphate – MKP, potassium sulfate - K2SO4, potassium thiosulfate - KTS, and Potassium Metalosate - KM) on tissue K concentrations of field-grown muskmelon (‘Cruiser’). Figure 1. A commercial muskmelon field in S. Texas (A); mature field-grown fruit (B, C) from plots receiving supplemental foliar K (D). Table 3: Influence of foliar potassium (K) source (potassium chloride – KCl, potassium nitrate - KNO3, Monopotassium phosphate – MKP, potassium sulfate - K2SO4, potassium thiosulfate - KTS, and Potassium Metalosate - KM) on fruit mesocarp tissue K concentrations, soluble solids content (SSC), total sugar, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene concentrations of field-grown muskmelon (‘Cruiser’). • Conclusions • The current data support earlier findings that supplementing soil K supply with foliar K applications during fruit development and maturation can improve muskmelon fruit quality parameters such as SSC, sugar, ascorbic acid and beta-carotene. • The current data also provide additional evidence of differences among potential foliar K sources, with KNO3 consistently emerging as a less desirable K source during fruit development. • These positive trends, as well as the variability among treatments underscore the need to further characterize the mechanisms of soil K uptake limitations and to define conditions for optimizing the benefits of supplemental foliar K nutrition. Acknowledgements: This research was supported in part by a CSREES Grant 2006-34402-17121, “Designing Foods for Health” through the Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center, Texas A&M Univ., and by the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation, The Potash & Phosphate Institute, Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc, and Rotem BKG LLC. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this presentation does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the authors and/or their affiliations. Table 2. Influence of foliar potassium source (potassium chloride – KCl, potassium nitrate - KNO3, monopotassium phosphate – MKP, potassium sulfate - K2SO4, potassium thiosulfate - KTS, and Potassium Metalosate - KM) on the yield and firmness of field-grown muskmelon (‘Cruiser’) fruits. Materials and Methods The orange-flesh, netted muskmelon vareity ‘Cruiser’ (Cucumis melo L.; Reticulatus) was grown in Weslaco - TX, following typical commercial melon growing practices. Starting at fruit set and continuing to fruit maturity plots seven K treatments (control, potassium chloride - KCl, potassium nitrate - KNO3, monopotassium phosphate – MKP, potassium sulfate - K2SO4, potassium thiosulfate - KTS , and a glycine amino acid-complexed K, Potassium Metalosate, KM) were applied weekly (~3.7kgK·ha-1 per application). At maturity, ten uniform fruit were harvested from each plot and analyzed for fruit sugars, fruit firmness, K concentration, soluble solids concentration, ascorbic acid, and β-carotene.