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Seaquam Secondary. Grade 11 in to 12 Course Planning. Overview. Final Overview of Graduation Requirements Post-Secondary Entrance Requirement Guidelines (general) Last word about Math levels and Second Languages Grade 12 Course Options Other (US schools, Scholarship heads up etc.)
Seaquam Secondary Grade 11 in to 12 Course Planning
Overview • Final Overview of Graduation Requirements • Post-Secondary Entrance Requirement Guidelines (general) • Last word about Math levels and Second Languages • Grade 12 Course Options • Other (US schools, Scholarship heads up etc.) • Questions
Credits, Requirements & Pre-requisites Each course taken and PASSED will be assigned 2 numerical values: A) % (final grade) B) 4 credits CREDITS are accumulated in order to meet the required number for graduation : minimum 80 (with specific courses being required within this) • GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: refers to those core courses (and number of credits) that ALL BC STUDENTS must take in order to meet criteria for Graduation (i.e. English/Comm. 12, a Ma 11 etc.) • ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: refers to courses required by a post secondary institution applied to. Each Institution has their own set of admission requirements • PROGRAM SPECIFC REQUIREMENTS: within the Post Secondary Institution of choice- note that each PROGRAM will have its OWN set of requirements – ie. Engineering will require Physics 12, Ma 12, Chem. 12 etc. • PRE-REQUISITES are courses that are required before you can apply to the ‘next’ level. i.e.. Pre-Calc. 11 is a pre-req. for Pre-Calc. 12
Students Currently in Gr. 11 will fall under the new 2018 Graduation Program • NOTE – the new program is very similar the previous program (2004) and there subtle changes only for current grade 11 students as the new curriculum is phased in
How does the new curriculum impact my selections? • Write the Numeracy Assessment before graduation (the Numeracy Assessment is being introduced in 2017/18) • Take a Language Arts 12 course and write the associated provincial exam (as per old program)
2018 Graduation Requirements Language Arts 10 4 Credits Language Arts 11 (English or Communication) 4 Credits Language Arts 12 4 Credits ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 10 4 Credits Social Studies 11 or Civics 11 or SS 12 4 Credits SCIENCE Science 10 4 Credits A Science 11 or 12 4 Credits Math 10 4 Credits Math 11or 12 4 Credits MATH P.E. Physical Education 10 4 Credits Fine Arts or Applied Skills 10, 11 or 12 4 Credits • NOTE: SOME BAA COURSES (i.e. Library Sci., Baking/Crafts, Photo 12 – may NOT meet the fine arts/applied skill requirement; please see list following F.A. & A.S. Planning 10 4 Credits Graduation Transitions 12 4 Credits OTHER ELECTIVES Elective Courses (min. 3 courses in addition to English 12, 28 Credits and not including CapStone must be Gr. 12 level) 80 Credits
BAA (board authorized) and other electives that do NOT meet the Fine Arts or Applied Skill Requirement • Graphics 10 no - -- but Graphics 11 YES -meets • Photo 10 -12 • Wood Carving 10-12 • Jewellery Making 10-12 (but we can re-code if possible on this one) • Baking and Crafts 11/12 • Film Studies 12 • Other Courses that do not cover the Fine Arts/Applied REQUIREMENT: Any PE or Sports Academy, Farm Roots Academy, Library Sci. 11/12, Peer Tutoring and Peer Mentoring 11/12
Updated info. . .as it continues to roll in . . . • NEW: SFU has moved their requirements . . • Was English 12 + 3 APPROVED gr. 12 courses • NOW English 12 + 4 APPROVED gr. 12 courses
Required Courses in the Gr. 12 Year (to meet GraduationRequirements) • Completion of English12 • Completion of CapStone 12 • Completion of 3 grade 12 level electives (academic or other) • LIST THESE AS YOUR 5 REQ. COURSES WHEN SIGNING UP ONLINE
Students should also take note of what is outstanding & what must still be completed: • Completion of a Social Studies 11 OR 12 *see update following • Completion of a Mathematics 11 (Pre-Calc. 11, Foundations of Math 11 or Workplace Math 11 • Completion of a Science 11 (one) • Completion of Plan 10 and PE 10 • Completion of MIN 4 Electives (gr. 10-11) ONE of which must be a fine arts or applied skill at the 10, 11 (or 12 level if not yet acquired)
Changes – Social Studies Requirement • The following current elective Ministry Grade 12 Social Studies courses will NOW meet the SS 11 requirement on the 2018 Graduation Program. • Law 12, Social Justice 12, History 12 (offered at SE), Geography 12, IB History • Comparative Civilizations 12, First Nation Studies 12 (online) • NOTE: some Post Sec. may NOT allow you to use this as BOTH your SS 11 credit AND an Approved gr. 12 courses for admissions – check the school you are applying to • Any of the new Ministry Social Studies 11 or 12 courses (i.e., those that will be used in all BC schools in 2019/20) will meet the requirement on the 2018 Graduation Program (not yet offered at Seaquam)
NEW Ministry Assessment- MathJUNE 2018 Will it be tied to a course? The Numeracy Assessment will not be tied to any course but will measure student proficiency in numeracy All current grade 11 students will write this, regardless of math course they are enrolled in. It will NOT be part of the student’s grade 11 math final grade. What assessment indicators will be used? • A number from 1-4 (representing the four proficiency categories: emerging-developing proficient-extending) will appear as a standalone item on a student’s transcript as a 2018 Graduation Program Requirement. • Students can improve their proficiency by rewriting as needed in gr. 12
Language Arts 12 Assessment • Students graduating next school year (2018/19) will take a Language Arts 12 course and associated provincial exam to satisfy graduation requirements for the 2018 Graduation Program.
As always, we implore you to choose wisely as elective spaces are at a premium (including academic electives) and space is limited. Requests for changes after the selections have been made will be on a case by case basis and following consultation with you counsellor.
What courses should I be taking if I want to apply to an academic program of study at a post secondary institution?
This will depend largely on WHERE you choose to apply and to WHICH PROGRAM you choose to apply (the following are very general suggestions and not specific to any given program of study) For Sciences, Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, Engineering, Applied Sciences (most programs) – also some trades consider Pre-Calc. 11 &12, and possibly Calculus 12, Chem. 11, Physics 11, and 2 or more program related/recommended Sci. 12’s (Physics, Chem., Bio.) For Business, Computing Sciences – consider Pre-Calc. 11 & 12 And possibly Calc. 12 (depending on program/school) For all other programs (Arts etc.) there is far more flex - Foundations Math 11 or 12 or Pre-Calc. will do it (but Apprenticeship and Workplace Math only at some institutions)
On average looking at a mid 80% range for admission in many faculties at larger universities but it varies by institution and by the program you are applying to (i.e.. Some programs are far more competitive – Business, Engineering, Nursing) • Individual program requirements will apply in addition to general entrance requirements Become familiar with those in your grade 11 year to ensure you select the needed courses in gr. 12. REMINDER: UBC is now considering breadth and depth and all your gr. 11 & 12 courses for admission – see changes to admissions likely posted online (UBC admissions page) after Feb. 2018. • Be sure to check what the Second Lang. Requirements are for the schools/programs you may be interested in For specific admissions requirements in the programs of study you may be interested in, go to ADMISSIONS INFORMAION PAGES (HIGH SCHOOL) online for each school you are interested in. If you need further guidance , contact your counsellor or Ms. Gehiere(our Career Advisor) to book an appt. You may also contact an Admissions Advisor directly at a Post Secondary Institution.
How many academic courses do I need to apply to an academic program? • Again – this varies widely by institution and by province or country • Many larger Canadian universities base admissions on English 12 and 3 other approved academic grade 12 courses • HOT OF THE PRESS : SFU- En. 12 & 4 other approved gr. 12 courses UBC – Broad Based – all gr. 11 /12 courses count • ONTARIO and ALBERTA and some other provinces base admissions on English 12 and 4 other approved academic grade 12 courses • U.S. schools look at courses from gr. 9 – 12 in all areas; SAT’s (Standard Achievement Tests) are required
Open Enrollment Post Sec. institutions/technical schools and smaller universities are a good place to start • i.e. Kwantlen, Langara, Capilano, Douglas, BCIT, University of the Fraser Valley • In addition to academic programs, these schools offer Diploma, Certificate, Career and Trades Programs • Entrance requirements are not as strict (varies by institution and by program – KPU and BCIT do have some highly academic tech and trades programs) – may not need as many academic courses or as high an admissions average • Open admissions means you can upgrade AT the institution if you are missing program requirements • No second language required for admission • Many offer academic transfer programs to major universities • Smaller classes • More affordable
Considerations: • Any Math 11 course (Pre-Calculus 11, Foundations of Math11 or Apprenticeship and Workplace 11 ) will meet graduation requirements from a B.C. high school • For Sciences/Business Programs at Post Sec: Pre-Calc. 11 and 12 – Calculus 12 may be a recommended course • For Arts Programs: Pre Calc. 11 or Foundations 11 and for UBC only (check UBC OK – may be different) Foundations Math 12 also required – the Prerequisite for these courses is Pre-calc. 10 note: SFU requires min. 60% in your math 11 course • Workplace 11 may NOT meet some post-secondary requirements for academic programs ; having said that, some open-enrollment schools such as KPU do not have math as an admissions requirement (but it may be part of a program specific requirement)
Should I take a Math 12? • Most Post Secondary Programs in the areas of Business and Sciences and some highly technical trades programs may require Pre-Calculus Math 12 - do your research • Do some checking – if there is Calculus in your first year of study at Post Sec., consider taking Calculus 12 to prepare • Yes – you can take Pre-Calc. 12 and Calculus 12 concurrently • Ensure you have the necessary skills – students below a C+ in Pre-Calc. 11 should consult with their math teacher re. Suitability for Pre Calc. 12
a second language is an elective – it is not required for graduation from high school • a second language MAY be an admissions requirements for some post secondary institutions
Final Check: • UBC Vancouver: Lang. 11 is required for admission • UBC Okanagan: Lang. 11 is NOT required for admission (do check website as there may be changes – in progress ) • SFU: Intro. Lang. 11 or Lang. 11 required • KPU: Lang. 11 NOT required for general admission (but see note below) • UVIC: Lang 11 is NOT required for admission • UNBC: Lang. 11 is NOT required for admission • NOTE: you may find that your program of study includes a second language elective as part of the degree, so be sure to do your research (i.e. – some B. Arts KPU – if you have a lang. 11/12 you may get an exemption for this requirement)
Language Challenge Exams For those students with a background in Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese, Punjabi, Korean, German - may apply to write a challenge exam to earn language 11 and 12 credits. The next opportunity to write these will be Jan. of 2019; Registration takes place in early Nov. of 2018 – NOTE: Lang. Challenge Marks for the 2018/19 year may not be able to be considered for post secondary admissions as marks do not become available until after admissions close
2 types of ELECTIVES • ACADEMIC (Languages, Sciences, Psychology), IB courses • NON ACADEMIC (fine arts, tech, PE, etc.)
Elective Options Non Academic APPLIED SKILLS: • Cafeteria Training 11/12 • Baking Arts & Crafts 11 (does not cover Applied Skill) • Textile Studies 11/12 • Foods 11/12 • Family Studies 12 • Tourism 12 • Carpentry & Joinery 11/12 (see book for details/variations) • Wood Carving 12 • Drafting & Design 11/12 • Auto Technology 11/12 (see book for details/variations) • Metal Fabrication & Machining 11/12 • Technology 11 • Jewellery Art Metal 12 • *Engineering and Robotics 12 • Business Info. Management 11 • Entrepreneurship 12 • *Accounting 11/12 • Digital Literacy 11 • *Economics 12 • *Computer Tech 12 - Coding • PE • Active Living 12 (formerly Physical and Health • Education 12) • Many others - • Peer Tutoring 12 (LAC/ESL/Music/PE/Life Skills/Core/Art/Technology) • Peer Mentoring (by application only) ARTS: • Concert Band 11/12 • ** Music 11/12: Jazz Band (X Block) • Music 11/12: Concert Choir • Theatre Production 11/12 (see book for details/variations) • Theatre Performance – Acting 11/12 • Theatre Performance – Directing and Scriptwriting 12 • Musical Theatre 11/12 • Film and Television/Video 11/12 • Film Sudies (does not meet fine arts credit requirement, but is 4 credits) • Studio Arts 11/12 • Drawing and Painting 11/12 • Con temporary Art Studies 12 • Graphics 12 • Photo 11/12 (see MRS C if you do not have another FINE ARTS course to cover this requirement) • Yearbook Production 11/12 • SUPPORT PROGRAMS: • ELL (second language learners) • Strategies for Learning /Learning Support (LAC; GQ)
Elective Options - Academic • LANGUAGES: • French Language 11 • Intro. Span. 11, Spanish 11 • Intro. Jap 11, Jap 11 • SCIENCES: • Anatomy and Physiology 12 • Chem. 11/12 • Physics 11/12 • Earth Sc. 11 • Coding 11/12 • Accounting 11,12, Marketing 11 • Entrepreneurship 12 • Economics 12 • Psychology 11/12 • Library Sciences 11 • SOCIAL STUDIES • Geography 12 • History 12 • Social Justice 12 • Civic Studies 11 • Comparative Cultures/World Religions 12 • Current Events and World Issues 12 • 20thCentury World History 12(formerly History 12) • Genocide Studies 12 • Law Studies 12 (formerly Law 12) • Philosophy 12 • Political Studies 12 • Psychology 12 (BAA) • Social Justice12 Electives that do not meet SS 11 grad requirement or post sec. Admissions requirement - Library Sciences 11 - - Current Events and World Issues 12
Delta Academies (8 credits/2 courses) • Dance - Delta Secondary • Film Acting - The Studio at Delta Manor • Opera /Perf. Delta Secondary • Film Production- The Studio at Delta Manor Visual Effects The Studio at Delta Manor • Soccer - South Delta, Sands • Softball - Seaquam • Baseball - Sands • Lacrosse - Delta Secondary • Golf - Seaquam • Farm Roots- South Delta Secondary • Applications are online. Brochures are at the front office.
Career Programs Options Include: • Youth Train in Trades : ACE-IT Auto Technician 11 or Cook Training (apply through School Board – see District website for deadlines) • Youth Work in Trades: Apprenticeship/ITA supported; see District website for details • Work Experience 12 - see course selection guide for details School Contact : Ms. Deol in 1425 (adeol@deltasd.bc.ca)
Youth Work In Trades – Apprenticeship Program The Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) program is a partnership between the ITA and the B.C. Ministry of Education. SSA lets students begin the work-based training component of an apprenticeship program while still in high school. Students ‘earn while they learn’ getting dual credits toward both their high school diploma and apprenticeship on-the-job training hours. SSA provides a smoother transition from school to work and a quicker route to trade certification, a paycheck, and starting your career up to 3 years early. SSA students may also apply to add ACE IT technical training, or start with ACE IT and add SSA. • How does it work? • How do I get started? • There are over 100 apprentice trades in BC ~ see itabc.ca for a complete list • You will need an employer who will hire you and sponsor you • They need to have a credentialed Journeyperson for your trade • Contact your school Career staff for an SSA appointment (Ms. Deol) • If all conditions are met you will be registered as a Youth Apprentice through Delta
Youth TRAIN IN TRADES (ACE IT) • ACE IT is an industry training program for high school students. ACE IT stands for “Accelerated Credit Enrollment in Industry Training”. Students take dual credit courses that will give them credit towards both secondary graduation and completion of an apprenticeship or industry training program. ACE IT programs are offered as partnerships between school districts and training providers, as well as our own Designated Trainer facilities. • Upon successful completion they will receive credit for ‘level one’ of the technical training (in-class) component of an Industry Training Program. That means they have a significant head start on post-secondary education by the time they graduate from high school – as well as gaining practical and in-demand skills. Students who complete their Level 1 technical training often have very good success in finding employment. Work experience placements are often part of the program and ACE IT students also receive apprenticeship registration with the ITA. • The District generally pays for the tuition costs with students being responsible for all other costs such as materials, personal safety equipment, textbooks, learning modules, and any other costs required by the training facility besides tuition. • SEAQUAM offers ACE IT programs in Cook Training and Auto Mechanics ; see district website for other programs hosted at other Delta schools.
2ndSTUDIES – Criteria • must be carrying a minimum of ENGLISH 12 and 3 academic courses • must provide a separate letter describing how this study time will support your learning (attach to application) • must have signed parental support (application) • must have exemplary attendance and no history of discipline concerns • A student must receive approval from the Administration before the Study is assigned. Applications are on the Seaquam/ for students / counselling website Please submit by Spring Break to Mr. Rickey. Select a full course load and be sure to indicate on your application which course you will want to drop if your study is approved. Note that all efforts will be made to block both studies against one another.
Peer Tutoring/Peer Mentoring • PEER TUTORING • May request particular placement but placement is done by admin; preferences cannot be guaranteed • Should have good work and study habits and good attendance • Will be working directly with younger students to support their learning • APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY APRIL 3 TO Mr. Rickey - download from school website • PEER MENTORING • Must speak directly with Ms. Hardman • Ms. Hardman will determine if you are a fit for the program • Application must be completed and submitted to Ms. Hardman/Mr. Rickey download from school website
Summer School – registration is online through the school district website /Spring 2018 5 Weeks – for students who wish to repeat or take a NEW course; academic subjects only • 3 hour class • Morning or Afternoon • You will cover a FULL course so expect several hours of homework per eve. in addition to class time
Online Courses • Some students may opt to take senior academic or non academic electives online. NOTE – these courses are fully credited and accepted by post secondary institutions. They appear on the Ministry Transcript in the same way that Seaquam courses appear. • Important: all online courses you wish to have considered for ADMISSIONS to post sec. must be completed by late Dec./early Jan. of the gr. 12 year. • Students may or may not be offered a support block (2nd study block) in which to work on these courses during their regular school day. As with studies, this must be approved by admin/counselling. Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to work independently and must have a clear attendance and behaviour record. • Students must sign up for a full 8 classes - decisions to remove and add online classes for the 2018/2019 will be done in Sept. upon completion of a meeting with the counsellor and proof of registration with an online school. • Online courses done in the SUMMER of 2018 should be discussed prior to registration with the counsellor to ensure that the class is not duplicated in the student’s 2018/19 school schedule
NOTE: ONLINE COMPLETION DEADLINES ARE DIFFERENT IN GR. 12 (if using for admissions to post sec.) • Some of the PSIs in BC changed how they accept courses completed for distance learning (online) schools in the last few years. The policy requires any student applying to UBC, SFU and UVic and wanting to use a distributed learning, online course as part of their competitive admission average, must be 100% complete in the course by dates earlier than the traditional June deadlines. • For UBC – courses used for the student competitive average must be fully completed/graded before Jan 30 (aim for finish in late Dec.); all other DL courses used for the application completed by June 30 • For SFU – courses used for the student competitive average must be completed/graded before Jan 30 courses completed after this date can be used to meet prerequisites • For UVic– courses used for the student competitive average must be fully completed/graded before May 31 (aim for finish by Easter)
CapStone • This is a required course – all grade 12 students must complete this • You will be given a CapStone block in your timetable; you work independently on an online set of tasks directed by the CapStoneTeacher - once that work is complete this block is essentially a ‘study’ • The typical timeline for completion is from Sept – Dec.
Volunteer HoursCareer Life Connections/Capstone (formerly Graduation Transitions12) • 30 volunteer hours (or work hours)
External CreditsStudents may earn credits toward graduation through training programs outside of school: • Dance (Royal Academy of Dance) • Music (Royal Conservatory of Music) • Sports (Provincial or National team level) • Lifesaving (Bronze Cross, NLS, Instructor) • Cadets (National Defense Cadet Certification) • Coaching (Level 1-2, First Aid, 75-150 hours) • Official (Theory, evaluation, 75-125 hours) • Driver Ed. (ICBC accredited program) • First Aid (WCB level II and III) students are asked to bring any existing documentation to their counsellor as soon as possible.
US SCHOOLS For the U.S., ALL grade 9 and 10 marks ‘count’ – breadth and depth Gr. 11 – write the SAT (last date for this year early March – should be registering ASAP, space permitting) ; can still be written early in gr. 12 - could write PSAT (pre SAT) in OCT 2019 to prepare - see Ms. Gehiere - and the SAT in Jan. 2020 - see College Board for list of dates/locations /prep material etc. This coming APRIL (gr. 11) if you require guidance in preparing your personal essay /ideas/how to submit – you may wish to consult with Ms. G (April – June 2018) This coming SUMMER you may begin to draft your essay; you will open and start your COMMON APP and narrow the list of schools you will be applying to; ESSAY PROMTS are available now – contact Ms. G or Mr. Rickey Deadlines for Common App are late NOV of gr. 12 HOWEVER Any material/letters etc. you need from Mr. Rickey and other teachers are to be requested no later than OCT 1.
Thinking ahead? • Volunteering – Scholarships Info - (contact Ms. Gehiere in the Career Centre) • Major Entrance Scholarships to post sec. are done in early Dec. of gr. 12; local scholarships/bursaries based on service/achievement and merit are done in the Spring of Gr. 12 • At this point, you want to be building your service and volunteer hours if you are wanting to apply for community scholarships/bursaries (but academic marks for many are also taken into consideration) as is merit and financial need.