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Johnny Tremain

Johnny Tremain. Chapters 6-7 Wordsmyth.com. Part of Speech: noun Definition: a two- masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails Synonym: none Antonym: none Sentence: The sailors swapped the brig until it shined. b rig ( brIg ). me·sa

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Johnny Tremain

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  1. Johnny Tremain Chapters 6-7 Wordsmyth.com

  2. Part of Speech: noun • Definition: a two-masted sailing vessel with square-rigged sails • Synonym: none • Antonym: none • Sentence: The sailors swapped the brig until it shined. brig (brIg)

  3. me·sa • /ˈmeɪsə/ Show Spelled [mey-suh] Show IPA • noun a land formation, less extensive than a plateau, having steep walls and a relatively flat top and common in arid and semiarid parts of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico. mesa

  4. Part of Speech: noun • Definition: the way one conducts oneself • Synonym: behavior • Antonym: none • Sentence: His demeanor was positive and joyful. demeanor (dihminər)

  5. par·ley • /ˈpɑrli/ Show Spelled [pahr-lee] Show IPA noun, plural par·leys, verb, par·leyed, par·ley·ing. • noun 1. a discussion or conference. • 2. an informal conference between enemies under a truce, especially to discuss terms, conditions of surrender, etc. • verb (used without object) 3. to hold an informal conference with an enemy under a truce, as between active hostilities. • 4. to speak, talk, or confer. • Origin: 1400–50; late Middle English parlai  < Middle French parlee,  noun use of feminine of parle,  past participle of parler  to parle parley

  6. Part of Speech: verb • Definition: to tell a secret • Synonym: disclose • Antonym: conceal • Sentence: Do not divulge the secrets of the garden. divulge (dihvuhlj)

  7. prof·it • /ˈprɒfɪt/ Show Spelled [prof-it] Show IPA • noun 1. Often, profits. a. pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital in any transaction. Compare gross profit, net profit. • b. the ratio of such pecuniary gain to the amount of capital invested. • c. returns, proceeds, or revenue, as from property or investments. • 2. the monetary surplus left to a producer or employer after deducting wages, rent, cost of raw materials, etc.: The company works on a small margin of profit. • 3. advantage; benefit; gain. • verb (used without object) 4. to gain an advantage or benefit: He profited greatly from his schooling. • 5. to make a profit. • 6. to take advantage: to profit from the weaknesses of others. • 7. to be of service or benefit. • 8. to make progress. profit

  8. Part of Speech: verb • Definition: to make hand movements to express while speaking • Synonym: motion • Antonym: still • Sentence: The speaker would gesticulate while speaking to make his points. gesticulate (jəstIkyəleIt)

  9. stalk • 2 /stɔk/ Show Spelled [stawk] Show IPA • verb (used without object) 1. to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily. • 2. to walk with measured, stiff, or haughty strides: He was so angry he stalked away without saying goodbye. • 3. to proceed in a steady, deliberate, or sinister manner: Famine stalked through the nation. • 4. Obsolete . to walk or go stealthily along. • verb (used with object) 5. to pursue (game, a person, etc.) stealthily. • 6. to proceed through (an area) in search of prey or quarry: to stalk the woods for game. • 7. to proceed or spread through in a steady or sinister manner: Disease stalked the land. • noun 8. an act or course of stalking quarry, prey, or the like: We shot the mountain goat after a five-hour stalk. • 9. a slow, stiff stride or gait. • Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English stalken  (v.), representing the base of Old English bestealcian  to move stealthily, stealcung  stalking (gerund); akin to steal stalked

  10. Part of Speech: adjective • Definition: tend to arouse and excite with emotion Synonym: provocative • Antonym: humble • Sentence: The inflammatory remarks ruined his chances to win. inflammatory (ihnflaemətori)

  11. cease • /sis/ Show Spelled [sees] Show IPA verb, ceased, ceas·ing, noun • verb (used without object) 1. to stop; discontinue: Not all medieval beliefs have ceased to exist. • 2. to come to an end: At last the war has ceased. • 3. Obsolete . to pass away; die out. • verb (used with object) 4. to put a stop or end to; discontinue: He begged them to cease their quarreling. • noun 5. cessation: The noise of the drilling went on for hours without cease. • Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English ces ( s ) en  < Old French cesser  < Latin cessāre  to leave off, equivalent to cess ( us ) (past participle of cēdere  to withdraw, go; ced-  go + -tus  past participle suffix) + -ā-  thematic vowel + -re  infinitive ending; see cede ceased

  12. Part of Speech: verb • Definition: to cover or overspread with water • Synonym: flood • Antonym: drought • Sentence: She inundated the garden in the spring. inundated (InəndeIt)

  13. cease • /sis/ Show Spelled [sees] Show IPA verb, ceased, ceas·ing, noun • verb (used without object) 1. to stop; discontinue: Not all medieval beliefs have ceased to exist. • 2. to come to an end: At last the war has ceased. • 3. Obsolete . to pass away; die out. • verb (used with object) 4. to put a stop or end to; discontinue: He begged them to cease their quarreling. • noun 5. cessation: The noise of the drilling went on for hours without cease. • Origin: 1250–1300; Middle English ces ( s ) en  < Old French cesser  < Latin cessāre  to leave off, equivalent to cess ( us ) (past participle of cēdere  to withdraw, go; ced-  go + -tus  past participle suffix) + -ā-  thematic vowel + -re  infinitive ending; see cede ceased

  14. Part of Speech: noun • Definition: government with a single ruler • Synonym: dictatorship • Antonym: democracy • Sentence: Hitler’s rule was a tyranny. tyranny (tirəni)

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