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Hints for Freshmen 2014. Administrational Guide for Medical Students at the UPMS. Technical Background. ETR http s ://www.tr.pte.hu (native and web-based platforms) setting student status, booking courses, booking exam dates, checking status, payments, grades
Hints for Freshmen 2014 Administrational Guide for Medical Students at the UPMS
Technical Background ETR https://www.tr.pte.hu (native and web-based platforms) • setting student status, • booking courses, booking exam dates, • checking status, payments, grades • contacting fellow students and teachers CooSpace (Modulo) https://coospace.tr.pte.hu/ („Cooperation in virtual space” web-based community site with scenes) • Contacting teachers, fellow students, even consultation • Sharing educational materials (up- and downloading lecture materials, home works, mid-term test results, exam sheets, etc.) Faculty website http://aok.pte.hu • Downloadable publications (timetable, program booklet, forms, schedule, etc.) • Contact details for departments/clinics and for teachers username for ETR = university ID lost password → ask RO for a new one
General Medicine 2014 or General Medicine 2013? General Medicine 2013: -allthenecessarysubjectstransferredfrom Oslo AND -summercoursessuccessfullycompleted (Anatomy 1 and Histology 1) -GeneralMedicine 2013 tuitionfee: 1st semester: 8300 USD, 2nd semester: 7000 USD General Medicine 2014: -if a necessarysubject is missing and/or -failtocompletebothorone of thesummercourses -GeneralMedicine 2014 tuitionfee: 1st semester: 8300 USD, 2nd semester: 7000 USD
Checking Curriculum -3rd semestercoursesifrequirementsarecompleted (plus BehavioralSciences 1-2) -SummerPracticeinHospitalCareintheupcomingsummer -practiceacceptedonlyinaccrediteduniversityteachinghospitals
MATRICULATION • Between 18 August, 8 am and 30 August • Username and password is thesameasto ETR • Collectiveenrolment August 28th • ThroughModulo • Guidetomatriculationonthefirstpage • Checkyourpersonaldata! • Ifyouhave a problem → e-mail to Korinna (print screen) • korinna.kajtar@aok.pte.hu
Course registration • Obligatorycoursesbetween22 August and 30August • Elective/optionalcoursesbetween22 August and 5 September • Coursesbasedoneachother → seeprerequisites • criterionrequirements must be bookedvia ETR too • Don’t forgettocloseyourregistration • Ifyouhaveanyproblem → e-mail with a print screento Korinna (korinna.kajtar@aok.pte.hu)
Enrollment in the later semesters Later semesters: enrolling (decision on continuing / suspending studies): in ETR • Active semester: book subjects, attend classes, take exams, get grades and credit points – pay tuition fee • Passive semester: no classes, no exams, no grades, status suspended – no tuition fee
Credit System - „credit points’” for each educational component/subject RULES - 1 credit = 14 class hours (generally…) • Collect at least the minimum number of credits to get the degree (360 points) • 20/40 rule: Complete 20 (15 obligatory) inthefirst 2 activesemesters and 40 (20 obligatory) inthefirst 4 activeones (credit transfermayconfusethis → ifyouarenotsure, contact RO) • only 6 chances (in sum) topass a subject - Get 30 ± 3 credits in each semesters – requestedbyLånekassen • No years (first year, etc.). The total number of credit points shows your progression • Prerequisites: subjects are built on each other (max. 3 prerequisite subjects for each) • Recommended curriculum: containsthe obligatory components and criterionrequirementsforeachsemester
Recommended curriculum • Onlyobligatorysubjects and criterionrequirements! • http://aok.pte.hu→ English → Students → Registrar’s Office →Booklets and Curricula→ „Recommended curriculum 2013/2014” underyour major + „coursedescriptions” • General Medicine 2014 availableafter 20 August
Types of courses • Obligatorysubjects: a course-unitthecompletion of which is requiredfromeach and everystudent of theprogramme (80% of thetotalnumberofcredits) • Elective and Optional subjects: (15% + 5%= 34+18) • Criterionrequirement:a requirementto be fulfilledobligatorilytowhichno credit is allocated. (summerpractices, physicaleducation, languagerequirement) • Examcourses: • whengrantedthe end of semestersignature • can’t attendclasses, onlyexam • pre-scheduledexam (onlyinfallsemester): firstthreedays of theregistrationperiod; ifit”s successfullstudentcantakeupcourses, basedonthatcourse
The School Year School year (2014-2015) 10 months: September – July Exactdatesalwaysonthewebsite of the RO (Announcements) Fall Semester 14 weeks: September – January Spring Semester 14 weeks: February – July 1. Registration period: last week of previous exam period enrolling, booking courses 1. Registration period: 2 weeks enrolling/matriculation, booking courses 2. Instruction period: 14 weeks 1 week extra: Easter holiday classes, mid-term attendance, papers… 2. Instruction period: 14 weeks classes, mid-term attendance, papers… 3. Exam period: 7 weeks exams, exams, exams 3. Exam period: 7 weeks exams, exams, exams
Timetable • 1. Capital letter lectures • 2. Smallletter practices and seminars • * oddweek • **evenweek • Containsonlytheobligatorysubjects • Hungarianlanguage (finalexamatthe end of thesecondyear) • Groupssetbythe RO, appr. 25 people • attendingpractices and seminarsingroups • for changing group the departments’ permission is needed • Group leader / year representative
Completing a course • End of semester signature (testifying attendance in course) only electronic signature in ETR; if denied, you cannot take exam! • Absent • from less than 15% of the classes of the course-unit cannot be condemned for absence (unless the course director informed the students about stricter expectations in the course description or in writing at the beginning of the semester) • between 15 and 25%, course director shall decide on accepting the semester • reaches 25% (for any reason, with or without a certified excuse) you cannot be granted entry to examination. • The course director can refuse to give electronic signature for other reasonsannounced at the beginning of the semester– e.g. missing a mid-term task or assignment – and can allow the student to make up for it until the end of the second week of the examination period. - See conditions/expectations for acceptance of the semester.
Dismissing or Terminating studies Dismissal • Using 6 chances and notpassingthesubject • did not set semester active after2passive semesters in ETR • 20 (15 obligatory) / 40 (20 obligatory) credits Terminating (exmatriculation) • on request (write request)
Tuition fee 1 • To be paid for active semesters. (Activebut no courses→ 30%) • Pay by bank transfer (additionalcosts) • E-mail notification about payment details appr. 2-3 weeks before semester start • Deadline for payment: 08 September, 2014 • Proof to be submitted to the RO until 15September, 2014 • Tutionfeecontractlater.
Tuition fee 2 Delayed payment • For those, who paytheirfeefromloan and it’s notreceiveduntiltheenrolment. • Requestforms:http://aok.pte.hu→ English → Administration → Registrar’s Office →Downloads and Forms • Submittingtothe RO until 5 September 2014 • Delayedpaymentuntil 31 Octoberinfallsemester, until31Marchinspringsemester .
Reductions Reduction can be granted from the basic amount –by application! Reduction based on social needs: in special circumstances and onlywithwrittenproofin English Aftertwocompletedsemesters: Reductionbasedonnumber of credits (twiceduringthestudies) Reduction based on academic achievement (onlyforthefallsemester)
Service fees and penalties Paid at cashiers in HUF, cash • missing deadlines (pay tuition fee, submit proof about payment) • C chances (exam or final exam) – 4900HUF • unjustified exam absences – 4900HUF