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Public Information Open House Revised Deconstruction Plan and Process June 20, 2005. 130 Liberty Street Deconstruction Project. 130 Liberty Street Deconstruction.
Public Information Open House Revised Deconstruction Plan and Process June 20, 2005 130 Liberty Street Deconstruction Project
130 Liberty Street Deconstruction • This presentation provides an overview of the 130 Liberty Deconstruction Project. Please record questions that may arise as you view the presentation and then join us in the main room to discuss your questions directly with project personnel. • The presentation includes: • Introduction • Overview of the Deconstruction Phases • Description of the Deconstruction Plan • Project Timeline
130 Liberty Street Deconstruction • The deconstruction of 130 Liberty Street will be conducted in an overlapping 3-Phase process. • The LMDC has prepared a Deconstruction Plan that outlines the protocols that will be used to safely clean and deconstruct 130 Liberty Street through all phases of the project.
Deconstruction Plan Process • The Deconstruction Plan has been revised based on comments received by the Regulatory Agencies in January, 2005. • The LMDC submitted the revised Deconstruction Plan to the Regulatory Agencies for final review on June 14, 2005. The revised Plan can be viewed on www.renewnyc.com/130Liberty and copies are available for reference in the main room. • No work on the deconstruction project will begin until LMDC receives approval from the Regulatory Agencies.
Deconstruction Phases • Preparation Phase Includes: • The erection of scaffolding on all four sides of the building; • The erection of a personnel hoist on the exterior of the building; and • The removal of the existing netting • Phase I Includes: • The cleaning and removal of all interior materials and non-structural elements; and • Will occur under negative pressure containment • Phase II Includes: • The deconstruction of the building structure including the removal of the exterior wall systems, structural steel, and metal decking; and • These deconstruction activities will occur from the top of the building down
Deconstruction Plan Section 1 - Waste Sampling and Management Plan • Developed to properly classify, manage, containerize, transport and dispose of (or recycle) waste streams that will be generated as part of the Deconstruction. • Anticipated waste streams include: dust; deconstruction waste such as carpeting, doors and frames, raised flooring, suspended ceiling tiles, etc; and other building-related regulated material such as fire extinguishers, light ballasts, lamps and batteries.
Deconstruction Plan Section 1 - Waste Sampling and Management Plan • Defines that all waste materials in Phase I will be disposed of as asbestos waste at a minimum or cleaned prior to disposal. • Defines that all dust will be sampled and further characterized for waste classification relative to other identified contaminants, including COPCs to determine if it must be handled as a hazardous waste in addition to being handled as asbestos waste.
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 1 - Waste Sampling and Management Plan • Also includes: • Transportation and Travel Routes will be determined in coordination with New York City Dept. of Transportation • Waste will be removed by New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation approved transporters. • Waste transportation routes are currently under review and will be appended to current plan. • Disposal Facilities will be selected based on waste characterization, facility acceptance criteria, etc. • A list of potential disposal facilities is located in Attachment 3 of the Waste Sampling Plan
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 2 – Ambient Air Monitoring Program • The Air Monitoring Program consists of 3 levels of monitoring: • Level 1: Air monitoring of on-site personnel. • Level 2: Air monitoring both inside and outside the active work areas. • Level 3: Exterior ambient air monitoring within site boundaries and at specific elevated locations adjacent to the site.
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 2 – Ambient Air Monitoring Program • The Plan outlines: • The extensive analytical list • The proposed monitoring locations: • Four (4) Street Level Stations at the four corners of the building • Three (3) Elevated Stations at rooftop locations on adjacent buildings • Two (2) Meteorological Monitoring Stations Ground and Rooftop • Trigger Levels: • Target Air Quality Levels • US EPA site specific trigger levels
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 3- Emergency Action Plan (EAP) • The EAP identifies: • That all on-site personnel upon discovering an emergency situation shall immediately call 911. • That the Contractor Emergency Coordinator will function as the on-site representative to the First Responders. • Response actions for specific emergency events including fire/explosion, power failure, structural failure, unplanned release of hazardous/regulated waste, medical emergency and rescue, and falling or dropped building components.
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 3- Emergency Action Plan (EAP) • The Community Notification Plan, which is appended to the EAP as Appendix F, outlines the community notification protocol, per type of incident, that LMDC will implement in the event of an emergency: • Incident Types Include: • On-site incident not affecting the community • City emergency, i.e. power failure, water main break, etc. • Neighborhood Impact Emergency • Air Monitoring Exceedance
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 4- Abatement and Removal of Asbestos and Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPCs). • Developed to prevent potential exposure of workers and the public to asbestos fibers and other contaminants in the building; • Safeguards workers and the public from construction debris and materials; and • Maintains a safe working and neighborhood environment.
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 4- Abatement and Removal of Asbestos and Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPCs). • Defines that the sequencing of Phase 1 work will be as follows: • work area preparation including the installation of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) ventilation equipment, pre-cleaning, and installation of isolation barriers; • establishment of waste and personal decontamination systems areas; • establishment of the negative pressure work area; • removal of ACBM materials, WTC dust and debris and all interior building equipment, components and materials by certified personnel; • packaging, transport, and disposal of waste materials; • on-going air monitoring; • detail cleaning of work areas; • and clearance air testing
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 5- Health and Safety Plan (HASP) • The HASP was developed to prevent occupational injuries and exposures to chemical, physical and biological hazards to workers at the site and defines: • Roles and Responsibilities • Project-Specific Task Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment • Identifies the Physical, Chemical, Biological Hazards • Engineering Controls • Administrative Controls • Personal Protective Controls • Personal Air Monitoring Requirements • Site Control and Work Zones
Deconstruction Plan Cont. Section 5-Health and Safety Plan (HASP) • The HASP includes, without being limited to, the following procedures: • Personnel: Participate in site orientation/training, follow designated safety and health procedures, and utilize specified personal protective equipment, such as respirators. • Contractors: A licensed New York City Site Safety Manager (NYCSSM) will be on-site throughout the project and will have the daily responsibility of ensuring implementation of the HASP. • Subcontractors: Each subcontractor must prepare a HASP for its project tasks; have a supervisor on-site who understands all potential health and safety issues associated with specific tasks; provide a subcontractor safety officer to ensure compliance with the provisions of both the LMDC HASP and the subcontractor HASP; ensure appropriate training; and provide daily health and safety briefings to personnel.
Next Steps • As LMDC awaits final approval of the Deconstruction Plan from the Regulatory Agencies, details of the Preparation Phase are being finalized. • The Preparation Phase will include: • Erection of a scaffolding system on all four sides of the building, that will be fully enclosed with protective netting. • Incorporation of sidewalk bridging to the scaffolding system and installation of additional sidewalk bridging along Albany Street. • Installation of a personnel hoist. • Removal of the existing netting.
Next Steps • Once the Preparation Phase is underway Phase I Cleaning and Abatement work will commence at the top of the building and work downward. • Once several floors have been cleaned, leaving a minimum of a 5 floor buffer zone, Phase II structural removal work will begin. • LMDC will continue to keep the public informed of the start and progress of each Phase in the deconstruction.
Timeline • Summer, 2005 • Finalization/Approval of Deconstruction Plan • Preparation Phase Activities begin • Erect scaffolding, install hoist, remove netting • Fall, 2005 • Phase I Abatement Activities begin • Scaffolding Completed • Phase II Deconstruction Activities Begin • Winter, 2006 • Deconstruction complete
Opportunities for Public Involvement • Sign up for E-Updates at www.renewnyc.com/130Liberty • to receive up-to-date information regarding the deconstruction, notice of future public meetings and incident alert notifications. • Submit questions and comments through the LMDC Website for inclusion in the regularly updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) • The LMDC provides monthly project updates at public Community Board One meetings. Visit www.cb1.org for meeting dates and agendas.