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Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator

Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator. Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng , Senior Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010 , 1890-1897. 學生 : 吳柏宗 授課老師 : 陳文山.

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Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator

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  1. Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010 , 1890-1897 學生:吳柏宗 授課老師:陳文山

  2. 1. Abstract 2. Antenna Configuration And Performance 3. The Equivalent Circuit Model 4. Measured Gain Response And Group Delay 5. Conclusion

  3. Abstract 一種新型的帶缺口平面單極超寬帶(UWB)的天線。帶一個缺口,位於在5 GHz WLAN頻段,是使用一個諧振器在中心的叉狀天線。該諧振器是由一個開放的環形諧振器和兩個抽頭線。隨著開放的環諧振器,天線具有良好的帶缺口的性能和帶阻濾波器樣反應的目標區間。一個參數研究缺口帶寬形容,探討了天線的運作機制。然後,一等效電路模型說明了帶缺口的行為更清晰。該天線輸入導納計算的等效電路模型與 HFSS的合理同意模擬結果。

  4. Antenna Configuration And Performance 寬工作帶寬的叉狀天線主要取決於三個參數,即L1,L2和W1的。最低頻率由(1)至(3)和錐形輪廓的天線結構的描述是(4)。 (1) (2) (3) (4)

  5. 該天線是製作於 35 mm × 30 mm ×0.769 mm RO4350基板介電常數εr= 3.48 和 損耗= 0.004 在10 GHz。 最終的設計參數 W1 = 8.15 mm, W2 = 2 mm, W3 = 1.65 mm, W4 = 4.5 mm, W5 = 4.5 mm, W6 = 5 mm, L1 = 12.7 mm, L2 = 3.3 mm, L3 = 18 mm, L4 = 0.4 mm, L5 = 3 mm, T1 = 0.4 mm, T2 = 2.2 mm, T3 = 1.5 mm, c = 0.3 mm, g = 0.4 mm, s = 1 mm and H = 0.769 mm. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  6. 此圖顯示了模擬和測量回波損耗。進行了仿真,同時利用Ansoft HFSS 9.2測量一直由安捷倫 E8362B網絡分析儀的性能。測量結果與模擬結果一致。模擬結果還顯示了天線沒有擬議諧振器,證明了帶缺口所需的屬性介紹了建議的諧振器。揭示了帶缺口窄帶寬和快速的滾降率由於高品質因子和相應位置的諧振器。 Measured and simulated return loss of proposed antenna. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  7. 顯示了模擬回波損耗的各種地面平面尺寸。觀測表明,帶寬的UWB低頻段明顯變得更廣泛的三級更改為 12mm至18mm,但無論是高帶寬的UWB頻段和回波損耗帶一級的缺口仍然沒有改變。根據這一現象,較大的地面大小成正比,帶寬的UWB低頻段。該天線的輻射模式是衡量一個 7.0m× 3.6m× 3.0m暗室用Agilent E8362B網絡分析儀一起NSI2000遠場測量軟件。 Simulated return loss of various ground plane sizes. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  8. 顯示了測量輻射格局yz- , xz-,和xy-飛機在4.5和8.5 GHz。量測模式模擬模式同意。參考圖。 (a),共同極化模式可能是全方位的圖形. 在交叉極化水平大幅上升隨著頻率的增加。交叉極化水平相媲美的合作水平極化在yz平面。在圖。(b)及(c),共同極化模式大致啞鈴狀的和交叉極化水平遠低於一般的合作兩極分化的水平。出現差異的交叉極化在xy平面和yz平面可以歸結為干擾的同軸電纜和吸收。 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  9. 圖顯示諧振器的各種各樣的被摺疊的長度被模仿的逆程損失。 使打開成環的諧振器的被摺疊的長度是在被刻凹痕的帶的被控制的元素。 同时,諧振器的諧振頻率主要地是通過調整平行的RLC電路的價值控制的。 當被摺疊的小條長度長期成為,相當数量平行的RLC電路的電容裝載相應地增加。 被刻凹痕的帶的中心頻率在對諧振器的被摺疊的長度的反向比例。 同時,帶寬和逆程損失水平保留他們的初始值。 Simulated return loss of various folded lengths of the resonator. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  10. 顯示了模擬回波損耗不同位置的螺紋線。其位置抽頭線,就是對輸入的諧振器。在這種情況下,位置的抽頭線垂直移動的位置,而整個開環諧振器在天線是固定的。在這種安排下,該中心缺口的頻率,從 5.24 GHz到6.46 GHz的分別為 T和T的變化,從 0.0和2.6 mm至2.4和0.2 mm的固定噸。頻移的缺口超過 1.2 GHz範圍內的抽頭線移動幾毫米。其結果是不同於一般濾波器的設計理念所在位置的抽頭線不能主宰的共振頻率。 Simulated return loss of various positions of the tapped-line. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  11. 顯示了模擬回波損耗根據不同的垂直位置的諧振器在天線,即不同的值時的T3為 T1,T2,W4和W5號是固定的。在這裡,建議諧振器移動沿x方向。中心頻率和損失程度的回報樂隊的缺口略有變化,T3的變化從 1.8 mm至7.8 mm,而帶寬的缺口明顯較大波段的諧振器放在接近尾聲的叉狀天線。 Simulated return loss ccording to various vertical position of resonator at the antenna. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  12. 顯示了模擬回波損耗按水平位置的諧振器在天線,即各值W4和W5號在固定的T1,T2和T3。當該天線成為非對稱的,帶缺口和移動越遠分裂成兩個單獨的帶缺口的峰值分貝值在5.56 GHz和6.48 GHz的分貝時,在mm和mm,並分貝在 5.4 GHz和6.08GHz,分別為。 Simulated return loss according to various horizontal positions of resonator at the antenna. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  13. The Equivalent Circuit Model • Exacting structure of the proposed resonator. • (b) One-port lump equivalent circuit network of the proposed resonator. • (c) Two-port lump equivalent circuit network of the proposed resonator. • (d) Simplified equivalent circuit model of the proposed antenna. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  14. TABLE I EXTRACTED VALUES OF THE RESONATOR PARAMETERS AND J INVERTER Here, we define two-port network elements, Qd , Ld , Cd and Rd , as

  15. Compared results between HFSS and the simplified equivalent circuit. • Simulated impedance of the resonator. • Simulated admittance of the proposed antenna. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  16. MEASURED GAIN RESPONSE AND GROUP DELAY • Measured gain response of the proposed antenna. • θ = 0°﹐θ = 90° ﹐θ = 180° ﹐θ = -90°. • θ = 45°﹐θ = 135° ﹐θ = -135° ﹐θ = -45°. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  17. Measured group delay of the proposed antenna. 參考資料:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION, VOL. 58, NO. 6, JUNE 2010, 1890-1897 Study of an Ultrawideband Monopole Antenna With a Band-Notched Open-Looped Resonator Sung-Jung Wu, Cheng-Hung Kang, Keng-Hsien Chen, and Jenn-Hwan Tarng, Senior Member, IEEE

  18. CONCLUSION 本文提出並分析了一種新的帶缺口單極超寬帶天線。通過採用開放式環諧振器,天線顯示了高回報的窄帶寬和損失程度,以及良好的增益抑制能力在需要的缺口波段。該參數研究了該天線提供簡短指引一個帶缺口的天線設計採用類似單極天線和諧振器。本研究探討在這些參數之間的關係方面的叉狀天線和開環諧振器。簡化的等效電路模型解釋了相當複雜的共振行為所提出的天線。計算天線輸入導納採用簡化等效電路模型同意HFSS軟件模擬結果。評價的回波損耗,輻射方向圖,增益響應和群延遲確認天線的性能。這些特徵表明該天線,該天線適合於超寬帶交際應用和防止干擾的WLAN系統。

  19. 心得 雖然不是研究天線方面的,所以在這文章中有很多專業東西還是有所不了解,在這天線顯示適合於超寬帶應用和防止干擾的WLAN系統。

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