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Year 6 Literacy Project! 2013. Biography. The Master-Piece. Creative Writing. Sofia Croft: Journey of a lifetime.
Year 6 Literacy Project! 2013
Biography The Master-Piece...
Sofia Croft: Journey of a lifetime That day something felt different. It wasn’t just the average mission Sofia was used too; she had to go find her brother. As she into the mini-sub, a small salty tear slid down her face, she knew she wouldn’t have protection. Not from her kind and willing Godparents, not from butler ( a ten ton beast of a man who, when angered or protecting Sofia, was capable of picking up a fully grown man and hurling him 50 meters through the air ), she would be alone.
Crawling down to the deepest depths of the Pacific Ocean, Sofia tried contacting Leo one more time, no luck. Her ocean blue eyes flooded with tears, but she forced herself to hold them back. Deeper and deeper she delved into her thoughts and the watery depths… Suddenly a thud, as loud a the roar of a lion shook the sub; instantly shutting all power off, water started to rush into the sub, she had to escape… Grabbing scuba-gear, Sofia rushed to the exit, frantically pulling on the gear. The water continued to flood in, finally she was able to open the door and let herself out, she made it to the surface. Alive.
Her energy was depleting, only a few meters stood between life and death. At last, she made it. "Now,” she gasped “I need shelter.” Delving through the pack, she found many helpful things; a knife- as sharp as a sharks tooth, rope- about three meters long, a sleeping bag, a bow and several arrows. “Good thing I know how to shoot.” she smirked. An hour later, a sleeping bag, three meters of rope, four bamboo sticks and seven leaves created a dream-like shelter, all she needed now, was light.
Wandering into the jungle, Sofia collected a heap of wood and a pot full of tree sap. She began to drag herself back ‘home’. After an hour of sight-less walking, Sofia stumbled upon a large, clawed print in the mud and footprints behind it. Hope awoke her as if she had been pinched in a dream. She shot thought the jungle, with her bow in the hand… Night began to fall across the island, but Sofia staggered on; her eye lids drooping as if they weighed ten tons. “I’ll search tomorrow,” she thought and settled down in a small cave. The fluttering of wings disturbed her sound but troubled dreams.
“I’d better get started.” She yawned. As she gathered her belongings, a small blur shuffled around in the corner of the cave. Sofia froze. Yet again the blur shuffled and let out an almost silent grown. As she turned she placed a arrow in her bow and noticed a small boy, about the same age as her, gathering some items. “Leo?” she whispered, lowering her bow. The boy span around. “Leo, is that you?”
“Softie?” he called; Softie was the nickname Leo had given Sofia when he was a baby because he couldn’t pronounce her name. "Softie!” he sang as her limbed towards her and opened his arms to hug her. “What happened to you?!” she yelped. “At the beginning of my mission my mini-sub malfunctioned and powered down, so I had to swim, unaided, to the island. As I started to set up camp I was attacked by a strange creature and dragged into the jungle, then I escaped and a hid in this cave. That’s when you found me.” "It's ok Leo, I’ll find some leaves, purify that cut then bandage it up,” she said staring at the festering, putrid slice across Leo’s thigh “Then we’ll be out of her and on our way home.” She insisted with a twinkle in her eye.
Eight days passed, with Sofia having to heave Leo back to the shelter. Finally they made and began to rest as darkness fell across the island, but in the darkest hour of the night a beast of flaming evil destroyed their shelter in a blink of an eye, making no sound in the process. It began to crawl towards its newest prey, Sofia and Leo. It was deadly its fangs were dripping with blood, it was… about the size of a toaster. A baby dragon, how cute is that?! Dawn filled the sky as the dragon welded, sawed and forged a raft of great proportion, perfect for sailing home.
Nudging Sofia awake, the dragon patiently sat there, waiting to show her the master-piece. She woke up, blinking sleepily and let out a great scream as she struggled for her bow. Leo covered her mouth with his hand. “Shhhhhhh, it’s ok, he’s harmless!” “He?!” she stuttered “Yes, my pet dragon Rory,” Leo replied “You have a pet dragon?!” she streaked “Yes, and he’s called Rory.”
Sofia stared; blink less at the miniscule creature she had known to be fake. “And look what he’s built us!” She looked at the seaworthy ship and almost fainted. “But why did he destroy our shelter?” “I guess he knew we wouldn’t need it anymore.” Leo grinned, Sofia grinned back. They gathered their belongings and climbed onto the vassal as the wind caught the palm leave sails. They began to sail home, with a new friend coming too.
ENJOY? But did you get the catch?
Letter.. Dear Butler...
Blackrock Island Camp Cave Jungle Mini-sub crash
Thanks For Watching! By Jessie May Legg, Year 6 Leaver 2013